Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Media is too big
A French national who has been in Ukraine with a humanitarian mission gives a first-hand account of what is really going on there: free-reigning Neo-Nazis everywhere, crimes against civilians and Russian PoWs.
The truth that the mainstream media and Western establishment continue to ignore.
#See4Yourself & #Think4Yourself
A French national who has been in Ukraine with a humanitarian mission gives a first-hand account of what is really going on there: free-reigning Neo-Nazis everywhere, crimes against civilians and Russian PoWs.
The truth that the mainstream media and Western establishment continue to ignore.
#See4Yourself & #Think4Yourself
🔹 Wolfgang Mostert, energiøkonom, cand.oecon. & phil: "EUs ledere i sammensætningen af energisanktionerne reagerede hurtigt i stedet for intelligent. Er sanktionerne langtidsholdbare? Næppe."
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🔹Читайте статью В.Мостерта, опубликованную в газете "Берлингске", на нашем сайте (на русском):
🔹 Wolfgang Mostert, energiøkonom, cand.oecon. & phil: "EUs ledere i sammensætningen af energisanktionerne reagerede hurtigt i stedet for intelligent. Er sanktionerne langtidsholdbare? Næppe."
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🔹Читайте статью В.Мостерта, опубликованную в газете "Берлингске", на нашем сайте (на русском):
EUs sanktioner mod Rusland er næppe langtidsholdbare
EUs ledere reagerede hurtigt i stedet for intelligent, da de indførte sanktionerne mod Rusland.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova
💬 The Danish authorities have adopted a despicable and illegal position on the explosions at Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines. The act of sabotage was perpetrated in Denmark’s exclusive economic zone near the island of Bornholm in the early hours of September 26.
First, Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod instructed his representatives in New York not to attend a UN Security Council special meeting convened by Russia on September 30, which was supposed to provide a venue to discuss this situation.
Second, in an interview with the media, Mr Kofod explained this move by saying that Russia was allegedly trying to “set the course” for discussing the act of sabotage ... and divert attention from the events in Ukraine. The Danish minister went as far as to accuse Russia of spreading false information about the West’s alleged involvement in blowing up the gas pipelines (!). In addition, he said the government was determined not to let Russia participate in the investigation of the act of sabotage and identifying the culprits.
Well, Mr Kofod, let's get something straight.
1. Russia cited nothing but facts and direct quotes from statements at the top and high levels, indicating that a number of foreign states, primarily the United States, had a motive to destroy the gas pipelines. Nothing but direct speech, quotes and dates.
2. Russia got involved in the discussion of this incident only after member of the European Parliament from Poland and former Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski publicly thanked the United States for what happened to Russian gas pipelines on social media shortly after news of the explosions had become public.
3. Like Denmark, Poland is a NATO member, and NATO forces fully control the maritime zone with the gas pipelines. NATO naval exercises are regularly held there as well. Just a few days after the act of sabotage on the gas pipelines, Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin praised US underwater drones’ disruptive capabilities.
4. Analysts and representatives of the establishment in the United States have suggested that US special services may have been involved in this act of sabotage. For example, former Senator Richard Black bluntly stated: “[German Chancellor Olaf Scholz] seems to show very little allegiance or affection for the German people, or concerned for the threat to fiscal stability that they face. Under his leadership, they have cut off natural gas supplies, and I honestly cannot imagine that he would permit the CIA or go along with the CIA destroying the German gas pipelines. I don't think the US would have done it without his concurrence.”
By the way, may I ask Denmark “what kind of course” has Copenhagen set in finding out the truth about the so-called Skripal case? What about Britain, the United States, and the other NATO members, who, in the very first week after the incident, named Russia as the culprit and expelled Russian diplomats as punishment? Did you say anything at the time about Theresa May's groundless statements in the parliament on this matter?
No, all your country did was go along with it.
What about other issues, when accusations against Russia and other countries were pouring like rain, without any evidence? Remind me, what did the West say about the provocation in Douma, Syria, and who did it blame?
By the way, leading Danish international lawyers criticised Kofod's position saying there were no norms of international law that would support removing Russia, as the owner of gas pipelines, from the investigation.
💬 The Danish authorities have adopted a despicable and illegal position on the explosions at Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines. The act of sabotage was perpetrated in Denmark’s exclusive economic zone near the island of Bornholm in the early hours of September 26.
First, Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod instructed his representatives in New York not to attend a UN Security Council special meeting convened by Russia on September 30, which was supposed to provide a venue to discuss this situation.
Second, in an interview with the media, Mr Kofod explained this move by saying that Russia was allegedly trying to “set the course” for discussing the act of sabotage ... and divert attention from the events in Ukraine. The Danish minister went as far as to accuse Russia of spreading false information about the West’s alleged involvement in blowing up the gas pipelines (!). In addition, he said the government was determined not to let Russia participate in the investigation of the act of sabotage and identifying the culprits.
Well, Mr Kofod, let's get something straight.
1. Russia cited nothing but facts and direct quotes from statements at the top and high levels, indicating that a number of foreign states, primarily the United States, had a motive to destroy the gas pipelines. Nothing but direct speech, quotes and dates.
2. Russia got involved in the discussion of this incident only after member of the European Parliament from Poland and former Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski publicly thanked the United States for what happened to Russian gas pipelines on social media shortly after news of the explosions had become public.
3. Like Denmark, Poland is a NATO member, and NATO forces fully control the maritime zone with the gas pipelines. NATO naval exercises are regularly held there as well. Just a few days after the act of sabotage on the gas pipelines, Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin praised US underwater drones’ disruptive capabilities.
4. Analysts and representatives of the establishment in the United States have suggested that US special services may have been involved in this act of sabotage. For example, former Senator Richard Black bluntly stated: “[German Chancellor Olaf Scholz] seems to show very little allegiance or affection for the German people, or concerned for the threat to fiscal stability that they face. Under his leadership, they have cut off natural gas supplies, and I honestly cannot imagine that he would permit the CIA or go along with the CIA destroying the German gas pipelines. I don't think the US would have done it without his concurrence.”
By the way, may I ask Denmark “what kind of course” has Copenhagen set in finding out the truth about the so-called Skripal case? What about Britain, the United States, and the other NATO members, who, in the very first week after the incident, named Russia as the culprit and expelled Russian diplomats as punishment? Did you say anything at the time about Theresa May's groundless statements in the parliament on this matter?
No, all your country did was go along with it.
What about other issues, when accusations against Russia and other countries were pouring like rain, without any evidence? Remind me, what did the West say about the provocation in Douma, Syria, and who did it blame?
By the way, leading Danish international lawyers criticised Kofod's position saying there were no norms of international law that would support removing Russia, as the owner of gas pipelines, from the investigation.
🖋 Thorkild Kjærgaard, der er historiker, dr.phil., om konflikten i Ukraine:
"Sagen er, at det ikke er Ruslands krig, men en krig, som USA, i et vist omfang støttet af Vesteuropa, gennem mange år har arbejdet på at fremlokke ved målbevidst at udfordre Rusland på dets mest vitale punkter. Det er USA’s og det imperialt opbyggede Nato’s krig."
"USA kunne frem til 23. februar have forhindret krigen så let som ingenting, og den russiske regering gav Vesten og dens ledere overordentlig god tid til at tænke sig om. Men det var umuligt at trænge igennem. Den rigide Joe Biden ville ikke give sig en tomme. Rusland skulle ophøre med at være Rusland, og hvis ikke Rusland ville det, så var USA parat til i demokratiets og frihedens navn at kæmpe til den sidste ukrainer og nedkalde frygt, ulykke, sult og – om nødvendigt – atomkrig over resten af verden."
"Der er mange, som tror, at verden bliver et bedre sted, hvis det ender med amerikansk sejr, og Ukraine bliver en del af EU. Det er højst tvivlsomt. Ukraine er et land med afgrundsdyb korruption og voldsomme mindretalsproblemer, som vi inden for EU allerede kender det fra Estland, Letland og Litauen, og som ikke uden videre lader sig løse. Dertil kommer et anstrengt forhold til en lang række fundamentale værdier som pressefrihed og retssikkerhed."
👉 Læs hele artiklen:
🖋 Thorkild Kjærgaard, der er historiker, dr.phil., om konflikten i Ukraine:
"Sagen er, at det ikke er Ruslands krig, men en krig, som USA, i et vist omfang støttet af Vesteuropa, gennem mange år har arbejdet på at fremlokke ved målbevidst at udfordre Rusland på dets mest vitale punkter. Det er USA’s og det imperialt opbyggede Nato’s krig."
"USA kunne frem til 23. februar have forhindret krigen så let som ingenting, og den russiske regering gav Vesten og dens ledere overordentlig god tid til at tænke sig om. Men det var umuligt at trænge igennem. Den rigide Joe Biden ville ikke give sig en tomme. Rusland skulle ophøre med at være Rusland, og hvis ikke Rusland ville det, så var USA parat til i demokratiets og frihedens navn at kæmpe til den sidste ukrainer og nedkalde frygt, ulykke, sult og – om nødvendigt – atomkrig over resten af verden."
"Der er mange, som tror, at verden bliver et bedre sted, hvis det ender med amerikansk sejr, og Ukraine bliver en del af EU. Det er højst tvivlsomt. Ukraine er et land med afgrundsdyb korruption og voldsomme mindretalsproblemer, som vi inden for EU allerede kender det fra Estland, Letland og Litauen, og som ikke uden videre lader sig løse. Dertil kommer et anstrengt forhold til en lang række fundamentale værdier som pressefrihed og retssikkerhed."
👉 Læs hele artiklen:
Historiker: Stop hetzen mod Putin. Han er ikke Hitler – og Ukraine-krigen er primært Joe Bidens skyld
Efter den kolde krigs ophør insisterede Vesten på at ydmyge og nedgøre Rusland. Helt til det sidste kunne USA sagtens have forhindret krigen i Ukraine.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova
💬 Dmitry Kuleba wrote the following in his Twitter-account: “Russia has launched a new publicity stunt focused on hunger. Moscow has promised to send 500,000 tonnes of free grain, which has most probably been stolen in Ukraine, to other countries within the next four months. However, by blocking the grain corridor Russia has stopped the delivery of 2 million (!) tonnes of grain to Algeria, Yemen, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and other countries RIGHT NOW.”
And now the truth:
1. Russia has long been offering to deliver ITS OWN fertilisers to the countries that need them. The offer has been made by the President (1, 2) and the Foreign Minister.
2. Russia is also ready to send up to 500,000 tonnes of ITS OWN grain to the poorest countries free of charge.
3. The Kiev regime, due to its own greed, is unwilling to give anything to anybody even when others are ready to help others for free.
4. The grain deal has been killed by Zelensky and his terrorists, controlled by British special forces, so as to complement nuclear blackmail with a grain ransom. The money and weapons they receive are no longer enough for them. They want more deaths. Money, weapons, and death are the devilish force behind the Kiev regime.
💬 Dmitry Kuleba wrote the following in his Twitter-account: “Russia has launched a new publicity stunt focused on hunger. Moscow has promised to send 500,000 tonnes of free grain, which has most probably been stolen in Ukraine, to other countries within the next four months. However, by blocking the grain corridor Russia has stopped the delivery of 2 million (!) tonnes of grain to Algeria, Yemen, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and other countries RIGHT NOW.”
And now the truth:
1. Russia has long been offering to deliver ITS OWN fertilisers to the countries that need them. The offer has been made by the President (1, 2) and the Foreign Minister.
2. Russia is also ready to send up to 500,000 tonnes of ITS OWN grain to the poorest countries free of charge.
3. The Kiev regime, due to its own greed, is unwilling to give anything to anybody even when others are ready to help others for free.
4. The grain deal has been killed by Zelensky and his terrorists, controlled by British special forces, so as to complement nuclear blackmail with a grain ransom. The money and weapons they receive are no longer enough for them. They want more deaths. Money, weapons, and death are the devilish force behind the Kiev regime.
#Opinion "Nyhedsudsendelsen – 21 søndag (23/4-2023) – omhandlende Russiske Fiskekuttere, der er spionskibe på Færøerne, der falder nyhedsudsendelsen hult igennem – ved et faktatjek!"
👉Læs mere her "Nyhedsudsendelsen – 21 søndag (23/4-2023) – omhandlende Russiske Fiskekuttere, der er spionskibe på Færøerne, der falder nyhedsudsendelsen hult igennem – ved et faktatjek!"
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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova
“The Russians are dying... it’s the best money we’ve ever spent,” US Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said with a pleased smirk during his meeting with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.
💬 During the Nuremberg trials, Reichsminister of Economics Hjalmar Schacht claimed that the Third Reich was sponsored, among others, from abroad, naming two major American corporations – Ford and General Motors. An unspoken deal was made with Schacht: freedom in exchange for keeping silent. Despite Soviet representatives’ protests, he was released and lived to the age of 93.
Just to remind: the man who embodied the American dream, the legendary Henry Ford, was a recipient of the Grand Cross of the Order of the German Eagle. His plants operating in Germany not only produced up to 70,000 lorries per year for the Wehrmacht, but also used prison labour to this end, including in Auschwitz.
Opel, the icon of the German automotive industry, was owned by General Motors. Researcher Bradford Snell described the corporation’s role as follows: “General Motors was far more important to the Nazi war machine than Switzerland. Switzerland was just a repository of looted funds. GM was an integral part of the German war effort. The Nazis could have invaded Poland and Russia without Switzerland. They could not have done so without GM.”
At its Germany-based plant, the Kodak company manufactured fuses for aerial bombs, without shunning the use of POW labour.
The Coca-Cola plant in Cologne, even before it was nationalised by the German government, regularly supplied German soldiers with drinks, while the famous Fanta was invented by the Nazis.
The oil giant Standard Oil, through its subsidiaries, supplied Hitler with petroleum products amid shortages, and was involved in the development of synthetic rubber and synthetic fuels. IBM, a company popular with IT specialists across the globe, manufactured accounting and monitoring devices for the Nazis, including those for oil production. The company's equipment was used, among other things, to monitor schedules for trains destined to extermination camps.
And, of course, how can we not mention banks: JPMorgan Chase & Co – Chase National Bank back then – was also involved, performing multibillion dollar transactions, while Berlin had the opportunity to purchase dollars and carry out transactions overseas. Chase National Bank even cooperated with the German bank Allianz in providing insurance for facilities and workers at concentration camps during the time of the Third Reich.
So, Senator Graham has something to make comparisons with. One of the US investments led to World War II and the Holocaust.
Now, billions of US dollars are pouring down the insatiable throat of the neo-Nazi Kiev regime. In this regard, I would like to remind the senators and all US beneficiaries how the previous venture ended.
“The Russians are dying... it’s the best money we’ve ever spent,” US Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said with a pleased smirk during his meeting with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.
💬 During the Nuremberg trials, Reichsminister of Economics Hjalmar Schacht claimed that the Third Reich was sponsored, among others, from abroad, naming two major American corporations – Ford and General Motors. An unspoken deal was made with Schacht: freedom in exchange for keeping silent. Despite Soviet representatives’ protests, he was released and lived to the age of 93.
Just to remind: the man who embodied the American dream, the legendary Henry Ford, was a recipient of the Grand Cross of the Order of the German Eagle. His plants operating in Germany not only produced up to 70,000 lorries per year for the Wehrmacht, but also used prison labour to this end, including in Auschwitz.
Opel, the icon of the German automotive industry, was owned by General Motors. Researcher Bradford Snell described the corporation’s role as follows: “General Motors was far more important to the Nazi war machine than Switzerland. Switzerland was just a repository of looted funds. GM was an integral part of the German war effort. The Nazis could have invaded Poland and Russia without Switzerland. They could not have done so without GM.”
At its Germany-based plant, the Kodak company manufactured fuses for aerial bombs, without shunning the use of POW labour.
The Coca-Cola plant in Cologne, even before it was nationalised by the German government, regularly supplied German soldiers with drinks, while the famous Fanta was invented by the Nazis.
The oil giant Standard Oil, through its subsidiaries, supplied Hitler with petroleum products amid shortages, and was involved in the development of synthetic rubber and synthetic fuels. IBM, a company popular with IT specialists across the globe, manufactured accounting and monitoring devices for the Nazis, including those for oil production. The company's equipment was used, among other things, to monitor schedules for trains destined to extermination camps.
And, of course, how can we not mention banks: JPMorgan Chase & Co – Chase National Bank back then – was also involved, performing multibillion dollar transactions, while Berlin had the opportunity to purchase dollars and carry out transactions overseas. Chase National Bank even cooperated with the German bank Allianz in providing insurance for facilities and workers at concentration camps during the time of the Third Reich.
So, Senator Graham has something to make comparisons with. One of the US investments led to World War II and the Holocaust.
Now, billions of US dollars are pouring down the insatiable throat of the neo-Nazi Kiev regime. In this regard, I would like to remind the senators and all US beneficiaries how the previous venture ended.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova:
💬 Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Brodsky, who is by the way a native of Leningrad, the city which survived a siege during the Great Patriotic War, told ITON-TV, an Israeli website, in pure Russian:
“The way we view people like Bandera, Shukhevich, Melnik and the like is different compared to the way most Ukrainians view them. In fact, these people supported Nazi ideology. While fighting for Ukraine’s independence, they wanted Ukraine without Jews, or Poles, or communists, and probably many others. <…> And Ukraine, of course, is searching for its identity and its heroes. Of course, we do not like these heroes, but most Ukrainians view them as independence fighters. <…> However, in all objectivity, there is no stopping this process today. <…> It would be wrong to demand that Ukraine stop renaming streets or calling Bandera or Melnik heroes as a condition for our support for Ukraine or our assistance to Ukraine because, if you look at things the way they do, this is not going to happen.”
Not a single organisation for protecting the memory of Holocaust survivors raised an eyebrow. Hey! You receive billions in funding to keep this topic in the public space! Haven’t you missed something? The Holocaust must be remembered not only because it happened in the past, but also to make sure that it never happens again, and not just against a single ethnic group or religion, but against any of them.
Since there is no one else to defend the victims of the Holocaust but us, let me remind Mr Brodsky about the ethnic policy of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists, with Stepan Bandera at its helm. Here is a quote from the second resolution of OUN B’s General Assembly in April 1941: “The Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists combats Jews as supporters of the Russian Bolshevik regime.” And here is a quote by Yaroslav Stetsko, a Bandera and Melnik accomplice: “I therefore support the destruction of the Jews and the expedience of bringing German methods of exterminating Jewry to Ukraine, barring their assimilation and the like.”
In fact, there was a massive effort to exterminate, burn and bury, without any burials or markers, Jews in Nazi-occupied Ukraine, and these inhumanheroes were proactive in assisting this effort. About 1.4 million people perished this way.
What kind of heroes was Mikhail Brodsky referring to?
German society of the late 1920s and early 1930s was also searching for its identity and heroes. Instead of humanism, a great tradition in German culture, it chose two words: blood and soil (Blut und Boden). And the heroes lived up to this slogan by initiating the Holocaust, creating concentration camps, and killing women, infants and the elderly. For the next 90 years, Germany tried to wash itself clean of this identity. But this is something that leaves a permanent stain.
If Mikhail Brodsky believes that Kiev has the right to these heroes and identity, this is the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s business.
No one has the right to have such heroes. These were not heroes, but demons, and this was not an identity, but a disgrace for the people of Ukraine. This is an act of glorifying Nazism.
As for the idea that there is nothing anyone can do about it, how blasphemous of him to say that! This was the logic of those who sponsored Hitler in the 1930s. Most of them were Anglo-Saxons, by the way.
If this was the logic of Soviet soldiers, Brodsky would not have existed today, and there would be no memory of the Holocaust to preserve either.
In one of his songs, Vladimir Vysotsky wrote: “But our squadron commander corrected its course, as his boots sent the Urals spinning.” This meant the Soviet soldiers changed the course of history and enabled humankind to recover its true face. But this did not last, as it turns out. Here we go, all over again.
💬 Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Brodsky, who is by the way a native of Leningrad, the city which survived a siege during the Great Patriotic War, told ITON-TV, an Israeli website, in pure Russian:
“The way we view people like Bandera, Shukhevich, Melnik and the like is different compared to the way most Ukrainians view them. In fact, these people supported Nazi ideology. While fighting for Ukraine’s independence, they wanted Ukraine without Jews, or Poles, or communists, and probably many others. <…> And Ukraine, of course, is searching for its identity and its heroes. Of course, we do not like these heroes, but most Ukrainians view them as independence fighters. <…> However, in all objectivity, there is no stopping this process today. <…> It would be wrong to demand that Ukraine stop renaming streets or calling Bandera or Melnik heroes as a condition for our support for Ukraine or our assistance to Ukraine because, if you look at things the way they do, this is not going to happen.”
Not a single organisation for protecting the memory of Holocaust survivors raised an eyebrow. Hey! You receive billions in funding to keep this topic in the public space! Haven’t you missed something? The Holocaust must be remembered not only because it happened in the past, but also to make sure that it never happens again, and not just against a single ethnic group or religion, but against any of them.
Since there is no one else to defend the victims of the Holocaust but us, let me remind Mr Brodsky about the ethnic policy of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists, with Stepan Bandera at its helm. Here is a quote from the second resolution of OUN B’s General Assembly in April 1941: “The Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists combats Jews as supporters of the Russian Bolshevik regime.” And here is a quote by Yaroslav Stetsko, a Bandera and Melnik accomplice: “I therefore support the destruction of the Jews and the expedience of bringing German methods of exterminating Jewry to Ukraine, barring their assimilation and the like.”
In fact, there was a massive effort to exterminate, burn and bury, without any burials or markers, Jews in Nazi-occupied Ukraine, and these inhuman
What kind of heroes was Mikhail Brodsky referring to?
German society of the late 1920s and early 1930s was also searching for its identity and heroes. Instead of humanism, a great tradition in German culture, it chose two words: blood and soil (Blut und Boden). And the heroes lived up to this slogan by initiating the Holocaust, creating concentration camps, and killing women, infants and the elderly. For the next 90 years, Germany tried to wash itself clean of this identity. But this is something that leaves a permanent stain.
If Mikhail Brodsky believes that Kiev has the right to these heroes and identity, this is the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s business.
No one has the right to have such heroes. These were not heroes, but demons, and this was not an identity, but a disgrace for the people of Ukraine. This is an act of glorifying Nazism.
As for the idea that there is nothing anyone can do about it, how blasphemous of him to say that! This was the logic of those who sponsored Hitler in the 1930s. Most of them were Anglo-Saxons, by the way.
If this was the logic of Soviet soldiers, Brodsky would not have existed today, and there would be no memory of the Holocaust to preserve either.
In one of his songs, Vladimir Vysotsky wrote: “But our squadron commander corrected its course, as his boots sent the Urals spinning.” This meant the Soviet soldiers changed the course of history and enabled humankind to recover its true face. But this did not last, as it turns out. Here we go, all over again.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova
💬 The Kiev regime's attempt to attack an area where civilian infrastructure is located, including an airport, which, incidentally, also serves international flights, is yet another act of terrorism.
Considering that Zelensky carries out these attacks with weapons supplied by the West or purchased with Western funds, this is international terrorism.
The international community must understand that the United States, the UK and France, all permanent members of the UN Security Council, are financing a terrorist regime.
💬 The Kiev regime's attempt to attack an area where civilian infrastructure is located, including an airport, which, incidentally, also serves international flights, is yet another act of terrorism.
Considering that Zelensky carries out these attacks with weapons supplied by the West or purchased with Western funds, this is international terrorism.
The international community must understand that the United States, the UK and France, all permanent members of the UN Security Council, are financing a terrorist regime.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
💬 The Kiev regime has decorated the Motherland Monument (iconic Soviet monument, unveiled in 1981, marking the Victory over Nazism in #WWII) in the colours of the US flag on July 4.
Apparently, this is a visualization of a concept by a local "historian" Alexander Dubina that Christopher Columbus was... Ukrainian 🤡
💬 The Kiev regime has decorated the Motherland Monument (iconic Soviet monument, unveiled in 1981, marking the Victory over Nazism in #WWII) in the colours of the US flag on July 4.
Apparently, this is a visualization of a concept by a local "historian" Alexander Dubina that Christopher Columbus was... Ukrainian 🤡
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova
💬 On Western hypocrisy
President of the European Council Charles Michel went on record as saying that “Over 250 million people face acute food insecurity worldwide, and by deliberately attacking Ukraine’s seaports, the Kremlin is depriving them of the food they desperately need.”
First, when the EU countries participated in attacks on Syria, Libya, and Yugoslavia, they didn’t spare a thought for starving people in Africa. Nor were they concerned that the colour revolutions and regime change they engineered would cause the suffering of millions of people, who died or were forced to wander the world not knowing which way to turn. They never paid damages to anyone, let alone apologised.
Second, nothing prevents the EU from discontinuing their purchases of cheap grain (or rather from gobbling it up with their greedy mouths), while ruining their own farmers in the process. You bought Ukrainian grain – now send it to the starving people. Better yet, send it free of charge and pay the transportation costs, as Russia does.
Third, I forgot, when did Michel urge his underlings to release Russian fertiliser impounded in the seaports of Latvia, Estonia, Belgium and the Netherlands? Fertiliser, after all, is vital for producing food in the countries that need it. Oh, excuse my forgetfulness. There were no statements of this sort at all.
Fourth, will the EC head calculate the damage done to the world by the illegitimate Western sanctions against Russia? Or is he so busy spreading misinformation that he has forgotten how to add real figures?
Fifth, we have provided facts and figures on the food security situation after the grain deal was discontinued. We also have demonstrated how Russia is addressing the problem of hunger in the world, while the EU provides for its own needs and profits.
But the main evidence that the EU freak show never stops performing came on the same day from High Representative Borrel, who said: “We very much regret the [Georgian] government’s decision to allow the resumption of flights with Russia.” Everyone should comply with the EU policy of sanctions against Russia, he added. Is this how Brussels is thinking about people in need of food, transport, and legal protection? If the EU bureaucrats were really concerned about people’s interests, they would be happy with an improvement in the transport situation. But no, the EU bogeys are opposed again.
All the West thinks about is how to make a killing from the war it has unleashed against Russia and extend its self-aggrandisement.
💬 On Western hypocrisy
President of the European Council Charles Michel went on record as saying that “Over 250 million people face acute food insecurity worldwide, and by deliberately attacking Ukraine’s seaports, the Kremlin is depriving them of the food they desperately need.”
First, when the EU countries participated in attacks on Syria, Libya, and Yugoslavia, they didn’t spare a thought for starving people in Africa. Nor were they concerned that the colour revolutions and regime change they engineered would cause the suffering of millions of people, who died or were forced to wander the world not knowing which way to turn. They never paid damages to anyone, let alone apologised.
Second, nothing prevents the EU from discontinuing their purchases of cheap grain (or rather from gobbling it up with their greedy mouths), while ruining their own farmers in the process. You bought Ukrainian grain – now send it to the starving people. Better yet, send it free of charge and pay the transportation costs, as Russia does.
Third, I forgot, when did Michel urge his underlings to release Russian fertiliser impounded in the seaports of Latvia, Estonia, Belgium and the Netherlands? Fertiliser, after all, is vital for producing food in the countries that need it. Oh, excuse my forgetfulness. There were no statements of this sort at all.
Fourth, will the EC head calculate the damage done to the world by the illegitimate Western sanctions against Russia? Or is he so busy spreading misinformation that he has forgotten how to add real figures?
Fifth, we have provided facts and figures on the food security situation after the grain deal was discontinued. We also have demonstrated how Russia is addressing the problem of hunger in the world, while the EU provides for its own needs and profits.
But the main evidence that the EU freak show never stops performing came on the same day from High Representative Borrel, who said: “We very much regret the [Georgian] government’s decision to allow the resumption of flights with Russia.” Everyone should comply with the EU policy of sanctions against Russia, he added. Is this how Brussels is thinking about people in need of food, transport, and legal protection? If the EU bureaucrats were really concerned about people’s interests, they would be happy with an improvement in the transport situation. But no, the EU bogeys are opposed again.
All the West thinks about is how to make a killing from the war it has unleashed against Russia and extend its self-aggrandisement.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
✍️ Article by Mikhail Rostovsky, MK media-group columnist under the Editor-In-Chief
Putin in the Labyrinth: how Moscow can avoid losing in the Middle East
🔹 Each new Middle East crisis is one of a kind, similar to the previous ones - both in the sense of its impact on the region itself and on outside world.
🔹 It is in Moscow's best interest to pursue a balanced line in the Middle East because any tilt in one direction or another will seriously jeopardize its national interests.
🔹 Big politics in the Middle East has consisted, and continues to consist, of such nuances hidden from prying eyes, secret layers. Ignoring this fact in an attempt to pursue a policy in the region based on binary logic, where there are those who are for us and those who are against us, dooms even a great power to the role of an object that is manipulated by everyone.
🔹 When choosing between the conflicting sides in the Middle East, Moscow must invariably choose itself, no matter how this might hurt the feelings of its partners in the region and beyond.
🔹 The view that what happened on October 7 was a colossal failure by Israel’s intelligence services is just a banality now. Lying behind this failure is an even bigger catastrophe - a failure of political strategy, erroneous long-term calculations by the top Israeli leadership.
🔹 Israel has no idea how to strategically solve the problem of the Gaza Strip. The military action it has taken is just a strategic improvisation.
🔹 Based on its status as an influential global and regional player, Russia must contribute to the establishment of peace in the Middle East, and at the same time prevent itself from becoming another "Middle East."
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✍️ Article by Mikhail Rostovsky, MK media-group columnist under the Editor-In-Chief
Putin in the Labyrinth: how Moscow can avoid losing in the Middle East
🔹 Each new Middle East crisis is one of a kind, similar to the previous ones - both in the sense of its impact on the region itself and on outside world.
🔹 It is in Moscow's best interest to pursue a balanced line in the Middle East because any tilt in one direction or another will seriously jeopardize its national interests.
🔹 Big politics in the Middle East has consisted, and continues to consist, of such nuances hidden from prying eyes, secret layers. Ignoring this fact in an attempt to pursue a policy in the region based on binary logic, where there are those who are for us and those who are against us, dooms even a great power to the role of an object that is manipulated by everyone.
🔹 When choosing between the conflicting sides in the Middle East, Moscow must invariably choose itself, no matter how this might hurt the feelings of its partners in the region and beyond.
🔹 The view that what happened on October 7 was a colossal failure by Israel’s intelligence services is just a banality now. Lying behind this failure is an even bigger catastrophe - a failure of political strategy, erroneous long-term calculations by the top Israeli leadership.
🔹 Israel has no idea how to strategically solve the problem of the Gaza Strip. The military action it has taken is just a strategic improvisation.
🔹 Based on its status as an influential global and regional player, Russia must contribute to the establishment of peace in the Middle East, and at the same time prevent itself from becoming another "Middle East."
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