Перед началом работы конференции «Москва-Иерусалим. Межконфессиональный диалог», о которой мы еще расскажем, на Сергиевском подворье открылась выставка известного фотохудожника Владимира Толкачёва. Созданный под впечатлениями автора от посещений монастырей регионов России проект «Пространство. Время судьбы» символично задавал тон примирения и созидания предстоящей межконфессиональной конференции. Мероприятия проходили при поддержке Правительства Москвы.
Before the start of the Moscow-Jerusalem conference. Interfaith dialogue”, which we will talk about later, an exhibition of the famous photographer Vladimir Tolkachev opened at the Sergievsky Palace. Created under the author’s impressions from visits to monasteries in Russian regions, the project “Space. Time of Destiny” symbolically set the tone for reconciliation and creation of the upcoming interfaith conference. The events were held with the support of the Moscow Government.
Before the start of the Moscow-Jerusalem conference. Interfaith dialogue”, which we will talk about later, an exhibition of the famous photographer Vladimir Tolkachev opened at the Sergievsky Palace. Created under the author’s impressions from visits to monasteries in Russian regions, the project “Space. Time of Destiny” symbolically set the tone for reconciliation and creation of the upcoming interfaith conference. The events were held with the support of the Moscow Government.
April 19, 2024