Milk is Gold: An Environmental and Animal History of Livestock Herding in Socialist Mongolia.
Диссертация Kenneth E Linden
"In this dissertation, I show how leaders in the Mongolian People’s Republic used the collectivization campaign from 1956-1960 to change the way in which Mongolians interacted with animals and the environment. Collectivization, which followed the Soviet model, was the confiscation of private livestock to create collectively owned and worked livestock herds, and was seen as one of the building blocks of a modern socialist state. Mongolia had, and still has, a nomadic pastoralist economy, but this was subject to change over time, rather than being a romanticized and timeless way of life, and one of the largest changes occurred during the socialist era".
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#диссертация #скотоводство #МНР #кочеваяэкономика #номадизм #пасторализм #кенни
Диссертация Kenneth E Linden
"In this dissertation, I show how leaders in the Mongolian People’s Republic used the collectivization campaign from 1956-1960 to change the way in which Mongolians interacted with animals and the environment. Collectivization, which followed the Soviet model, was the confiscation of private livestock to create collectively owned and worked livestock herds, and was seen as one of the building blocks of a modern socialist state. Mongolia had, and still has, a nomadic pastoralist economy, but this was subject to change over time, rather than being a romanticized and timeless way of life, and one of the largest changes occurred during the socialist era".
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#диссертация #скотоводство #МНР #кочеваяэкономика #номадизм #пасторализм #кенни
Milk is Gold: An Environmental and Animal History of Livestock Herding in Socialist Mongolia
In this dissertation, I show how leaders in the Mongolian People’s Republic used the collectivization campaign from 1956-1960 to change the way in which Mongolians interacted with animals and the environment. Collectivization, which followed the
Mongolia’s Neoliberal Turn Has Been an Ecological Disaster.
#экономика #номадизм #неолиберализм #дзуд
#экономика #номадизм #неолиберализм #дзуд
Mongolia’s Neoliberal Turn Has Been an Ecological Disaster
Mongolia is experiencing a disastrous winter with alarming consequences for its agricultural output. Reports have highlighted the negative impact of climate change, but the country’s neoliberal transformation since the 1990s is the biggest factor.