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1979 г. Первый визит Далай-ламы 14 в МНР для участия в сессии Азиатской буддийской конференции за мир. Также на видео присутствуют хамбо-лама С. Гомбожав и Бакула Ринпоче. #dalailama #video #buddhism
"Chinggis Khan has now become the fantasy structure, the scenario, through which each of the nations involved here perceives or defines itself as a meaningful entity."
#ChinggisKhan #bulag #video #lecture
#ChinggisKhan #bulag #video #lecture
Hunting Chinggis Khan's Skull & Soul: Frontiers of Historical Ideology & Racial Imaginations
Speaker: Uradyn Bulag
Since the early 20th century, Chinggis Khan has become an object of desire and repulsion to many nations and individuals in the world. He has been identified by the Japanese as the 13th-century tragic hero Minamoto Yoshitsune, and recognized…
Since the early 20th century, Chinggis Khan has become an object of desire and repulsion to many nations and individuals in the world. He has been identified by the Japanese as the 13th-century tragic hero Minamoto Yoshitsune, and recognized…
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"Дундговь аймгийн Адаацаг сумаасаа зүүн урд зүгт 35 км-т байдаг 62 настай рок малчин М.Баярцогт". #video