Russian House in Dar es Salaam
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В день Победы 9 мая Русский дом в Дар-эс-Саламе поздравляет всех с великим праздником
🌹 Мы вспоминаем наших родных, Отцов, Дедов и Матерей... всех, кто принёс нам победу над фашистской чумой.
🖤🧡 Мы все как один с георгиевской лентой стоим у портретов наших близких, вспоминаем их подвиг и чтим память о них.
🎞📺 Сегодня 9 мая в русском доме мы все вместе с нашими танзанийскими друзьями смотрим парад на Красной Площади столицы страны - победителя Москвы. Помните, храните и берегите мир, подаренный нам поколением героев.
🌹🌹🌹 Вечная память нашим предкам!
С Днём Великой Победы!!!
#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania #ДеньПобеды #Победа78 #Victory78 #VDay78 #May9 #Май9 #VictoryDay #LestWeForget #WeWereAllies #георгиевскаялента #георгиевскаяленточка #георгиевскаялента2024 #акциягеоргиевскаялента #СадПамяти #акциясадпамяти
On Victory Day on May 9, the Russian House in Dar es Salaam congratulates everyone on the great holiday
🌹 We remember our relatives, Fathers, Grandfathers and Mothers... all those who brought us victory over the fascist plague.
🖤 🧡 As one, we stand with the St. George ribbon at the portraits of our loved ones, remember their feat and honor their memory.
Today, on May 9, at the Russian house, we are all watching the parade with our Tanzanian friends on the Red Square of the capital of the victorious country, Moscow. Remember, keep and cherish the world given to us by the generation of heroes.
🌹 🌹 🌹 Eternal memory to our ancestors!
Happy Great Victory Day!!!
#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania #ДеньПобеды #Победа78 #Victory78 #VDay78 #May9 #Май9 #VictoryDay #LestWeForget #WeWereAllies #георгиевскаялента #георгиевскаяленточка #георгиевскаялента2024 #акциягеоргиевскаялента #СадПамяти #акциясадпамяти
Tanzania among the spectators of the Parade on Red Square!
📺 In the morning of Victory Day, all the friends of the Russian House in Dar es Salaam gathered to watch the Parade in Moscow together.
The guests of honor of the event are the Ambassador of Russia to Tanzania A.L. Avetisyan, the Head of the Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Tanzania L.V.Sukhanov and our many friends from both Russia and friendly countries.
🖼🖤🧡 At the entrance to the Russian House, visitors were able to receive a St. George ribbon and get acquainted with the exhibition dedicated to Victory Day.
We listened with great attention to the address of Russian President Vladimir Putin, congratulated each other, our loved ones and relatives, and wished each other a happy and peaceful sky above our heads. It is now more important than ever to rally in the face of a new threat," the guests of the event said. We, the children and grandchildren of those who gave their lives for freedom and the liberation of the world from fascism, will never forget the feat of the Soviet people.
🌹 Your feat is great, your memory is eternal!🎉
#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania #ДеньПобеды #Победа78 #Victory78 #VDay78 #May9 #Май9 #VictoryDay #LestWeForget #WeWereAllies #георгиевскаялента #георгиевскаяленточка #георгиевскаялента2024 #акциягеоргиевскаялента #СадПамяти #акциясадпамяти