Russian House in Dar es Salaam
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22 июня в День памяти и скорби на урок к слушателям курсов русского языка пришел новый директор Русского Дома в Дар эс Саламе Алексей Степанович Бондарук. Гость рассказал слушателям о начале и ходе Великой Отечественной Войны, напомнил о миллионах погибших на полях сражений, замученных в лагерях и умерших от голода. Танзанийцы узнали много нового о войне и о мероприятиях, которые проводятся в России в День памяти и скорби.
В продолжение темы о Великой Отечественной Войне, учащимся предложили прочитать рассказ Михаила Шолохова “Судьба человека” переведённый на язык суахили.
Во время завязавшейся беседы слушатели курсов задали Алексею Степановичу много вопросов о его профессии, о первых впечатлениях о Танзании, о форуме Россия – Африка и о перспективах сотрудничества Танзании и России.
On 22th June, on the Day of Sorrow and Remembrance of Victims of second World War, the new director of the Russian House in Dar es Salaam, Mr. Aleksey Bondaruk delivered a lecture to the students of the Russian Language. The distinguished guest told the students about the beginning and the course of the Great Patriotic War, reminded of the millions who died on the battlefields, tortured in camps and died of hunger. Tanzanians have learned a lot about the war and about the events that are held in Russia on the Day of Sorrow and Remembrance of Victims of Second World War In continuation of the theme of the Great Patriotic War, students were invited to read a story of Mikhail Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man" translated into Swahili. During the conversation, the students asked Mr. Bondaruk a lot of questions about his profession, about his first impressions in Tanzania, about the Russia – Africa Summit which is due to take place in St. Petersburgh on27th – 28th July and about the prospects of cooperation between Tanzania and Russia.
#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #РусскийДомвДарЭсСалам #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania #курсыРКИ #RussianLanguageCourse #TanzaniansStudyRussian #RussianLanguageDarEsSalaam
Event announcement:
- Arranger (faculty, institute, academy) – The Department of the Vice-Rector for International Affairs of the RUDN
- Direction (career, science, education, life in the RUDN, international cooperation, etc.) – International cooperation, education
- Sub-direction (employers, sports, law, linguistics, medicine, engineering, etc.) - Admission campaign 2023/2024
- Format (conference, round table, seminar, master class, etc.) - Webinar
- Type (international, All-Russian, regional, university, etc.) – International
- Title (the name of the event) – Webinar «Admission rules for international applicants from African countries to partner universities ofState Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM»
- Date and time of the event - 29 of June 2023, 10 a.m. (Moscow time)
- Location: MS Teams platform
- Contact person (full name is indicated, e-mail is working) -GurovaAnastasiyaVladimirovna, [email protected]
- Brief information (purpose, objectives, participants, program, other).

RUDN University and State Atomic Energy Corporation “ROSATOM” conduct educational events (lectures, lessons) at schools and universities of African countries to promote and popularize Russian nuclear education on the African continent.
Guided by these goalsRUDN University initiates a webinar created to inform international applicants from African countries aboutrulesof admission rulesstudying.
RUDN supported by ROSATOM State Corporation is holding a remote webinar «Admission rules for international applicants from African countries to partner universities of State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM» on June 29th, 2023 at 10.00 a.m. Moscow time. Among the participants there will be representatives of the partner universities of Rosatom State Corporation, heads of associations of graduates from African countries and interested international applicants who are planning to study in Russia. The language of the event is English.
During the webinar, representatives of the partner universities of “ROSATOM” will hold an online presentation the programs that are offered to international applicants from African countries interested in studying at Russian universities in nuclear and engineering-related areas of training.
The webinar will be attended by RUDNUniversityas well as the representatives of the partner universities of ROSATON State Corporation. A section for open dialogue will also be provided after the speakers' presentations. During this section applicants will be able to get the answers for their questions and cover all their doubts.
Tunawaalika kusikiliza kipindi cha dakika 30 "Tuikumbukie Urusi" kinachorushwa kwenye redio "Tumaini" (96.5 FM Dar es Salaam) kila Siku ya Jumamosi, kuanzia saa kumi na robo hadi saa kumi na moja kasoro robo jioni. Kipindi hiki kinaandaliwa na kituo cha utamaduni cha Urusi (Jumba la Urusi) kwa lugha ya Kiswahili na mada ya wiki hii itahusu ''Jukwaa la 26 la Kimataifa la Uchumi la St. Petersburgh - lililofanyika tarehe 14 - 17 Juni 2023 nchini Urusi" Jukwaa hili limekuwa likifanyika tangu 1997, na tangu 2006, Rais wa Shirikisho la Urusi, mekuwa akihudhuria. Mwaka huu wa 2023, Mtanzania pekee aliyehudhuria katika Jukwaa hili la Kimataifa ni Dr. Anzibert Andrew Rugakingira ambaye ni Mchumi, lakini pia ni daktari, mwandamizi na mtaalamu wa magonjwa yasiyo ya kuambukiza katika Wizara ya Afya ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania. Tutakuwa naye leo studioni

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