Russian House in Dar es Salaam
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Government Organization
📰 Article about the premiere of a play based on the story by a great russian poet Alexander Pushkin "The Queen of Spades" in Swahili that was held with a great success on the stage of the Russian House in Dar es Salaam.

Daily News - 18.07.2024
📰Статья о премьере спектакля по мотивам повести Александра Сергеевича Пушкина "Пиковая дама" на суахили, которая с большим успехом прошла на сцене Русского дома в Дар-эс-Саламе.

Дейли ньюс - 18.07.2024

#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #РусскийДомвДарЭсСалам #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #dailynews #dailynewsfeed