M e g a 9 p i x e l
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221 links
Studio @mega9pixel - I.T. projects / Gamedev / Marketing / Outsourcing.

Издаём движок для лайт новелл: Mimi Engine

Ссылки: linktr.ee/mega9pixel

Интерактивный город SakhAR - Южно-Сахалинск: linktr.ee/SakhAR
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#DigitalTabletopFest - Start!

Thanks! @AurochDigital

Mainframe Defenders has joined the Digital Tabletop Fest: Roll of the Dice, which started today on Steam and will run through March 11! The festival is all about tabletop games!

Dust off your die and let's celebrate the genre together! > https://store.steampowered.com/sale/tabletopfest
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You know who to congratulate today!
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Oh... what's with the cuteness... March 8th through evil eyes!
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Over 350+ games of pearls! Hidden gems at up to 90% off! And we're there! #TurnBasedThursdayFest

> https://store.steampowered.com/sale/turnbasedthursdayfest <

Thanks to the organizers for running the turn-based games festival @TurnBasedThurs for 3 years running. It's time to think big!
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Someone to look up to! Lords Berold Edition.)))
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On April 25, just for 24 hours, we participate in the Steam event from @TheDevPlay thanks to the hosting/organizers.

Mainframe Defenders -85% off.

We'll publish a developer diary soon!
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1. Lords of Ravage can be seen at Women-Led Games Showcase and BIG Summer Showcase 2024 on Steam. Thanks to the organizers for their work! @clemmygames @womenledgames

2. On June 10 at Steam Next Fest you can play a demo version of our game!

3. Buy Mainframe Defenders at 85% off + GOG
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We want to share with you a small report on the changes in the game since 2022. As many remember (or maybe not), this is our second demo. It will help you understand how much work has been done on the game.

> store.steampowered.com/news

Also, we would be grateful for your (villainous) feedback on the game.)))

This week, we will post more developer diaries. Let's catch up.
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UP! Сalendar of upcoming events:

0. We did a short playtest of Lords of Ravage with Steam members, it was an interesting experience.

Lords of Ravage

1. #PixElatedFestival - Pixelated beautiful games festival, check out all the candidates including us at this link: http://pixelatedfest.com (Organizer @BraveAtNight)

2. @BIC_Festival - Game festival in Busan city, we participate online, you can play the game on the website: https://bicfest.org/exhibition/1 (Like)

3. #ChinaJoy2024 - China's popular and largest gaming expo! This year they're launching a stime festival with good select games. Both of our games were included.

Mainframe Defenders

3. #TimeMasters - A festival of time-related games. Where you can buy Mainframe Defenders for 86% off. (Organizer @bright_gambit)
> https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44968775/sale/TimeMasters
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One day left to buy Mainframe Defenders at a discount of -86 possibly. #TimeMasters

Lords of Ravage was selected and nominated at the #chinajoy2024 festival as an RPG. Our game can be added to the wishlist in the "RPG RECOMMENDATIONS" and "RPG NOMINEES" categories.

@bright_gambit >https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44968775/sale/TimeMasters

@ChinaJoy10 >https://store.steampowered.com/sale/chinajoyxgameconnectiongameplay2024
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The #PixElatedFestival has launched! It contains the most popular and beautiful pixel games.

You can play the demo version or add us to your Lords of Ravage Wishlist, and of course, find yourself a great pixel game for the night.)))

Created by @BraveAtNight.

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UP! Calendar of upcoming events with us:

[ Lords of Ravage ]

1. #Boomstock2024 - [Booooomer fest! Lots of action and a lot of retro styles] > https://goo.su/fLzareb {Created by. fulqrumpublishing.com}

2. #TGS2024 | #東京ゲームショウ - [One of Asia's largest game expos! Lots of discounts and new games] > https://goo.su/cdJBz {Created by. https://tgs.nikkeibp.co.jp/tgs/2024/en/ }

[ Mainframe Defenders - 85% off ]

3. #TurnbasedRPGFest [An official Steam event where many turn-based games will be brought together] {Created by. @Steam}

4. #ProgrammersSale2024 [Every second day of October is Ada Lovelace Day - in honor of the famous 19th-century English scientist and the world's first female programmer] > https://goo.su/TkrV9s (2023) {Created by. luden.io}

5. #RoguelikeCelebration [Roguelike games have been part of gaming culture for over 30 years and thy have a deep and special place in our hearts] > https://goo.su/0FIPyJJ (2023) {Organizer roguelike.club}

#LordsOfRavage #MainframeDefenders
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Additional discount in the new “Adrenaline and Tactics” bundle!

Try to combine driving emotions with cold strategy with the “Adrenaline and Tactics” bundle! Embark on an exciting futuristic journey with BlazeRush and Mainframe Defenders in one package and at a bargain price of 30% off.

Discount increased due to participation in the festival Programmers Sale 2024 - until October 14.

Thanks for hosting @luden_io
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We are happy to announce that Lords of Ravage is participating in DevGAMM Awards 2024 and would be incredibly grateful if you cast your vote for us!

Voting will be held until October 27, so follow the link below and enter your email address to access the search bar, where you can then find Lords of Ravage. Please note that you will only can onlybe able to vote for one game using the same address!

Link: http://form.fillout.com/t/hZWP7Kgy7Aus

Thank you very much for your support!
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We're excited to announce that our games are participating in the Women-Led Games #TheGameAwards Edition Steam event from @womenledgames!

Check out our game in the event here: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/43765559-Women-led-Games/sale/women-ledgamesshowcase
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Here we are at the end of the year and Lords of Ravage still hasn't come out. We are not going on vacation for we are a small studio and we will work hard!

Thank you to everyone who has been or become part of our community this year and we look forward to completing our projects and I assure you 2025 will be full of releases!🥹

Have a great holiday break and see you in the new year!

#LordsOfRavage #MainframeDefenders #SyntheticDomain
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We're happy to announce the release of our game's prologue — Lords of Ravage: Dread Knights! 🔥

Embark on a grand adventure as the mighty and villainous Berold, a Lord of Ravage, and bend the world to your will by commanding an army of followers and crushing heroes in spectacular turn-based battles. ⚔️

