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Studio @mega9pixel - I.T. projects / Gamedev / Marketing / Outsourcing.

Издаём движок для лайт новелл: Mimi Engine

Ссылки: linktr.ee/mega9pixel

Интерактивный город SakhAR - Южно-Сахалинск: linktr.ee/SakhAR
Lords of Ravage отобрали для 10 юбилейного The MIX SHOWCASE😃

Дата старта сегодня 22 марта в 21:00 по МСК будет показан новый материальчик по игре.))))

Движ: mediaindieexchange.com/event/mix-10th-anniversary-showcase/

Трансляции шоу: www.twitch.tv/mediaindieexchange

А буквально через час в Steam будет показан первый видео дневник разработчиков, где покажем как будут выглядеть боёвка нашего будущего проекта. Трансляция будет цикличная до 23 марта)))

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One week left until the first #turnbased games festival #TurnBasedFest! You can also show what's new on December 8 from our future changes in the gameplay, We hope you enjoy it. go, guys @TurnBasedThurs

Happy new year 2023 everyone. We are in total shock.😅
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So if you've been wondering if Lords of Ravage is still alive, then let me get this out of the way right now - it is! With that being said, we're actively looking for a publisher right now. That means we're not going for early access (if we find a publisher). We'll make the official announcement once we'll find a publisher.

We also weren't exactly idle all that time, and I do have some new stuff to share about the game. Thanks to your feedback, we've decided to make some important changes to the game. One common critique was enemies having too much health and player units being nearly useless. So, I've decided to address both of these issues in one simple rework:

- Player units' health persist between the battles.

This one change allows player units to be much more powerful. Before that there was a mandatory amount of units that a player had to lose in a battle. That made sense since the result was binary: either your unit dies, or don't. Having 1 health means you still get your unit back. With this rework, it is fine that enemies will eat 1/4 of your unit's health pool, providing more granular results of your actions.

This also means that roughly half of all abilities had to be rebalanced or reworked for the new system, but I think that's for the better. And this is far from the only change we've made to this game.
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It've been 3 years!

Hi all, long time no write, already forgot your turn-based green evenings with a good synthwave soundtrack? You can go back and play again, or better yet, a couple more times. Unfortunately there are no updates since we're completely consumed by Lords of Ravage and can't get distracted (we're looking for a publisher). In the meantime, you can buy the game for the lowest price possible with a great 24/7 streaming soundtrack (we can't sell the soundtrack due to legal reasons).🎹🎸🎶🎵

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We came out to #GOG this year and you could say the summer sale started with them.👀

> http://surl.li/hyfwz
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#TurnBasedCarnival Start!

Thanks to evil Lord Berold, we now have a discount on Mainfrmae Defenders -86%)))))

Our games at festival:
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Participating in the first gaming arena at @comicconstuttgart geek culture festival. There will be no discount on the game, but so... boast. Good luck to the organizers.

See you at the „Be A Hero“ Steam Event! https://store.steampowered.com/developer/SyntheticDomain
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„Be A Hero“ Steam Event start! Thanks @comicconstuttgart and the organizers.


Start: Saturday, December 9 at 10:00 AM
End: Tuesday, December 19 at 10:00 AM

#LordsOfRavage #MainframeDefenders
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Hi everyone! It is time for another Dev/Diary #4. This time, as I've promised, we'll talk about the adventure map!

Dev/Diary #4 > https://cutt.ly/7wSQAbyz

I will update the information that the game will be released on PC+Steam Deck for the time being, as for consoles the porting is still under negotiation. And we noticed that they often mention in videos and media that we will be released on consoles... that's still being worked out.
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Thanks @Dreamhack for #DHBGameAwards

We participated in the DreamHack Beyond Game Awards 2023 event, unfortunately, we didn't win in any category. But next year we will win for sure!)))

Steam event: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/dreamhackbeyondgameawards2023
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Happy Holidays! Everything is still ahead of you, so don't relax too much.🌥️⛅️🌤️☀️
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We are celebrating the 4th anniversary of Mainframe Defenders!

Many of you are here thanks to it and of course, it is thanks to it that you got to know our work. We are glad that our little game was able to gather such an audience and we hope that the game will have a sequel...

We have prepared a small gift for all our players, a small vision of the game in Japanese style, two wallpapers for the desktop. Maybe the next part will be closer to Japan than we could imagine, but who knows...

It just so happens that our anniversary fell on the start date of the Dinosaurs vs. Robots festival and the game is -85% off.

News: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1184810/view/4195736292002267942

4K 3840x2160 > https://ibb.co/yX6kQtY

4K 3840x2160 > https://ibb.co/VW3TwML
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Our games were taken at "WOMEN'S DAY SALE 2024" Women in our team hold very important responsible positions and we thank them for their diligence and creativity in our games.

We're actually surprised to have been taken to this fest, with these games still quite niche and specific. I guess women like robots and bad guys.)))

Sale > https://store.steampowered.com/sale/womenday24