Lee Hsien Loong
17.8K subscribers
360 photos
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Official Telegram channel of Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Senior Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Member of Parliament for Ang Mo Kio GRC.
“Together, As One United People” — #NDP2024! I hope everyone will continue to look out for one another, care for the vulnerable, and uplift our society with our kampung spirit. We are not alone. Let’s stay united; the more we’re together, the further we’ll go. 🇸🇬 go.gov.sg/n2mi1v
MCCY released two new videos of our National Anthem earlier this month — Onward (Majulah) and Unite (Bersatu). Thoughtfully and beautifully produced, the videos celebrate our shared values and unique Singaporean identity. 🇸🇬Which do you like better?

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 花好月圆人团圆,祝大家中秋节快乐,事事圆满!🏮🥮🌕🐇 The colourful light displays add to the festive mood. The second supermoon of the year will also appear tomorrow. Look out for the “Harvest Moon” from after 7pm tomorrow night! go.gov.sg/7vawho
Scams come in many forms. We now have the SMS Sender ID Registry (SSIR), and messages from all government agencies are using gov.sg as the sender ID. However, scam messages from online messaging applications such as iMessage or Rich Communication Services (RCS) are not covered by SSIR, and can be mistaken to be from legitimate senders. We must continue to stay vigilant. go.gov.sg/w2jncc
Wishing all our young ones a happy Children’s Day! Children are the future of Singapore. Each of you has a bright and exciting journey ahead. One day, you will take on responsibilities and contribute to Singapore in your own ways. But for now, enjoy being children – play, laugh, and remember to have fun! go.gov.sg/ot1e2r
Channel photo updated
Channel photo updated
இனிய தீபாவளி வாழ்த்துகள்! 
Happy Deepavali to all who celebrate! Wishing you warmth, joy, and peace as you enjoy the festivities with your loved ones. https://go.gov.sg/zt095w
Highlights of my working visit to the US last week. Delivered the Edwin L. Godkin Lecture at the Harvard Kennedy School, then headed to New York to attend GIC Insights and meet with some US-based strategic thinkers and corporate leaders. https://youtu.be/shzf-oaq7XU 

I have also started my YouTube channel and you can watch this video here: www.youtube.com/@leehsienloong
Am back home! Here are some highlights of my official visit to Suzhou (Jiangsu Province), Beijing, and Shanghai. I did several events to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), and met business and government officials, including President Xi Jinping. I also met overseas Singaporeans based in the Yangtze River Delta region. https://youtu.be/-7BeYHswmyU
Made an official visit to China last week, my first as Senior Minister. Just as in previous visits, I had productive meetings and discussions with Chinese political and business leaders. I also spoke with Singaporeans who were based in China, for work or other reasons. Between engagements, I went #jalanjalan to get a sense of the city I was in. You can watch the recap of my visits to the three cities I visited on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@leehsienloong/shorts 
May this joyful season be filled with love, warmth, and cherished memories with your loved ones. Wishing all a blessed Christmas and joyous celebrations. :) go.gov.sg/viiiam
2024 has been a year of transition. In May, I passed the baton to Lawrence Wong. We cannot tell what 2025 will bring, but I am confident that SG will endure and grow from strength to strength. Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy New Year! go.gov.sg/xme0pf
பொங்கலோ பொங்கல்! Happy Pongal! During Pongal, our Tamil community give thanks for a bountiful harvest and express gratitude for the abundance in lives. Wishing all celebrating the best of health, joy and prosperity! go.gov.sg/lrtc0o
蛇舞新春,福气满门!🐍🧧祝大家蛇年大吉、健康快乐、财运亨通、万事顺利!Today, we usher in the Year of the Snake. May the new year bring us prosperity, good health, and happiness! Happy Chinese New Year! go.gov.sg/ougs53
Today, Hindus celebrate Thaipusam. This annual festival celebrates the virtues of piety, penance, and devotion in honour of Lord Murugan. To all devotees, I wish you a blessed and meaningful Thaipusam! go.gov.sg/5jcwlg
Selamat Berpuasa! Our Muslim friends welcomed the holy month of Ramadan this evening. Wishing all Muslim friends the many blessings of the month! May Ramadan bring you good health, fulfillment, and joy. Looking forward to joining a buka puasa soon! :) go.gov.sg/izjerz