Fantasy art channel FAQ
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FAQ and info about Fantasy & sci-fi, art channel
Channel created
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This channel for FAQ and info about Fantasy & sci-fi, art channel
@fantasyart — Here you can dive to the world of magic and a break from the everyday hustle and bustle with amazing fantasy and sci-fi art

@fantasyart — На канале вы сможете погрузиться в мир магии и отдохнуть от повседневной суеты просматривая, завораживающий арт в жанрах фэнтези и фантастики.
Fantasy & sci-fi, art channel

@drewdru [Eng/Ru]

Our projects:
— Channel: @fantasyart - Here you can dive to the world of magic and a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, and see the amazing art in genres fantasy and science fiction
— Chat [Eng]: @fantasyShelter - Here we speak about fantasy and sci-fi art and books. Also, here you can share your art and stories
— Channel for text posts: @TreasureForDragon - Fantasy and everything around it. The treasure for dragon is a cozy corner where you can share your creativity.
— VK Group [Ru]:

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