Eurasian Youth Union
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The Eurasian Youth Union is a movement founded by a Russian philosopher A.G. Dugin in 2005.

We promote the ideas of traditionalism, anti-globalism and a multipolar world.

Here you can find the main ideas and news from Eurasia.
Preparations for the main battle

This evening the Russian army has launched massive missile and artillery attacks on the positions of Ukrainian troops in Donbass, Kharkiv and Nikolaev.

Most likely, preparations are underway in a major offensive in Donbass, the purpose of which is to encircle a group of Ukrainian armed forces and to obtain a full control over the territories of the DPR and the LPR, whose independence Russia recognized in February this year.

#war #news

"Global hegemony is a modern Western capitalist society. In the last US election we clearly saw — half of it is from the hegemony of future, the other half is from the hegemony of past.

Half of the United States is in one historical hegemonic phase, the other half is in another. Two twins — one is an old twin grandfather in the form of Trump and the Republican Party, the other is in the form of Kamala Haris, BLM, Mad Max, who fearlessly destroys the window to pull out the washing machine.

The kingdom of chaos is the second half of America".

© A.G. Dugin

#duginview #hegemony #USA

The accession of the Crimea to Russia

On April 19th 1783 Empress of the Russian Empire, Catherine II, signed the highest Manifesto «On acceptance of the Crimean Peninsula, Taman Island and the whole Kuban side under the Russian Power».

In the Manifesto of Catherine it was told about «happy transformation from rebellion and instability to peace, silence and lawful order».

#history #news

5 differences between Catholic and Orthodox churches | Part 4

1. In the western rite, prolonged kneeling is customary, while in the eastern rite is bowing to the ground.

2. Orthodox clergy mostly wear beards. Catholic clergy are generally beardless.

3. In Orthodoxy, the deceased are especially commemorated on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day after death (the day of death itself is taken as a first day), in Catholicism - on the 3rd, 7th and 30th day.

4. One of the sides of sin in Catholicism is considered an insult to God. According to the Orthodox view, since God is impassive, simple and unchanging, it is impossible to offend God, by sinning we only harm ourselves.

5. Orthodox and Catholics recognize the rights of secular authorities. In Orthodoxy, there is a concept of a symphony of spiritual and secular authorities. In Catholicism there is a concept of the supremacy of church power over secular.


The Imperial Renaissance

What does it mean for Russia to “wake up” under such conditions? This means to fully restore its historical, geopolitical and civilizational scale. Become the pole of a new multipolar world.

Russia has never been “just a country”, much less “just one of the European countries”. With all the unity with Europe of our roots, which go back to Greco-Roman culture, Russia at all stages of its history followed its own special - path. This was also reflected in our firm and unshakable choice of Orthodoxy and Byzantium in general, which largely predetermined our detachment from Western Europe, which chose Catholicism, and later also Protestantism.

So Russia turned out to be the heir of two Empires at once, which collapsed at approximately same time, in the 15th century: the Byzantine and Mongolian. The empire has become our destiny. Our awakening is unthinkable without a return to the fulfillment of the imperial mission laid down in our historical destiny.

© A.G. Dugin

"Marx’s main work is not called «Communism» or «Socialism», he wrote a much more important thing — «Capital». Marx described the enemy and its structure, ontology. He, rejecting the enemy, built a positive model. This is the only right move. Marx showed one side of hegemony, a very deep and very important one.

Another thing is that later his teachings turned into scholastics, which do not work today, but they were right on its historical period".

© A.G. Dugin

#duginview #hegemony #communism

Today (22.04.2022) is Good Friday for Orthodox Christians

Good Friday is the day on which Christ was scourged, judged, sentenced to death, brought to the place of execution and crucified. Accordingly, this is the most important day of compassion for Orthodox Christians and the strictest day of the Great Lent.

"To every Slav: Czech, Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Slovak, Bulgar (I would have like to add Poles to this list) after God and His Church, the Slavic idea must be the supreme idea, even above freedom, above science, above education, above all earthly goods, because it is impossible without the spiritual, ethnical, and politically distinctive independent Slavism."

© N. Y. Danilevsky

#eurasianism #history

Aleksandr Dugin about historical events that led to the current situation in Ukraine. Brief historical and political reference. This video was shot a while ago but still relevant today.



Christ is Risen
„In principle, Eurasia and our space, the heartland Russia, remain the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution… The new Eurasian empire will be constructed on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us. This common civilizational impulse will be the basis of a political and strategic union.“

Aleksandr Dugin — The Basics of Geopolitics, 1997

#duginview #geopolitics

Eurasianism as a global trend

In the broad sense, the Eurasian Idea and even Eurasia as concept do not strictly correspond to the geographical boundaries of the Eurasian continent, The Eurasian Idea is a global-scale strategy that acknowledges the reality of globalization and the termination of "nation-states" (Etats-Nations), but at the same time offers a different scenario of globalization, which entails neither unipolar world nor united global government. Instead, it offers several global zones (poles). The Eurasian Idea is an alternative of multipolar version of globalization, but globalization is currently the major fundamental world process that decides the main vector of modern history.

#eurasianism #multipolarworld

There are three main political ideologies of the Modern: liberalism (of all kinds), communism (of all kinds) and fascism (of all kinds).

They fought each other in the twentieth century to the death. At some point, they all existed based on powerful socio-political and geopolitical blocs. Then they were REAL. But... After 1945 fascism disappeared as something REAL. What remains is his simulacrum, fascism (fascism stroke), pseudo-fascism. This pseudo-fascism or neo-fascism (which is the same thing) was used by liberals to fight communism (back then quite REAL). 1945-1991 there were only two REAL political ideologies - liberalism (West) and communism (Eastern bloc). And there were so many poles. Fascism has become a simulacrum. There is no more fascism after 1945, there is only pseudo-fascism.

© A.G. Dugin


“The historical people until it has gathered together all its parts, all its organs, must be considered a political cripple. Such were the Italians in recent times; such are still the Greeks, Serbs, and even Russians, from whom three or four million more of their Galician and Ugric compatriots are separated. And how many dormant peoples are still under a bushel, looking forward to their resurrection!"

N.Y. Danilevsky "Russia and Europe" 1869

Edgar Allan Poe has a curious story called "The Man of the Crowd". It is about an old man who wanders around the city from morning to night, adjoining groups of people.

It would probably have been easy for Edgar Allan Poe to come up with a romantic and picturesque story, but it would inevitably draw the old man into conflict with the crowd. In this story a person cannot live without the presence of people and he does not come into contact with them. Out of disgust? No. Out of contempt? No. He is not an observer of people's lives, like the hero of Hoffmann's Corner Window. He is the original. There are many originals in the world, but one cannot make up a crowd of them. "A hundred smart people put together form one big idiot," said C. G. Jung.

Evgeniy Golovin "The myth of the crowd"


„It is contradictory to say that the same person can be at the same time ruler and ruled. The great ability of those who are in control in the modern world lies in making the people believe that they are governing themselves; and the people are the more inclined to believe this as they are flattered by it, as they are in any case incapable of sufficient reflection to see its impossibility. It was to create this illusion that “universal suffrage” was invented: the law is supposed to be made by the opinion of the majority, but what is overlooked is that this opinion is something that can very easily be guided and modified; it is always possible, by means of suitable suggestions, to arouse in it currents moving in this or that direction as desired. We cannot recall who it was that first spoke of “manufacturing opinion,” but this expression is very apt.“

René Guénon "The Crisis of the Modern World" 1927

Ukraine: between nationalism and historical revisionism

Ukraine has always been a crossroads in Europe between Western Europe, Central Europe, the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Many regions and cities have been disputed between different state entities, from the Polish-Lithuanian Confederation to Austria-Hungary. During the various dominations of the key territories of Ukrainian national identity, Transcarpathia and Galicia, tensions with the local population were never lacking, especially in the face of various attempts at cultural and linguistic imposition.


Source and full text:
Today’s sunset in Tiraspol, Transnistria, where Ukraine with NATO is going to launch an offensive against the Russian army.

The US, France, Germany are already evacuating their citizens.

Lovecraft - explorer of the outside

To experience horror in front of someone or something is characteristic of everyone, to experience causeless horror is a feature of subtle, sensitive subjects, but few are capable of recognizing horror as the main and defining constant of being, and Lovecraft is one of those few. The mental constitution, character, specific life experience can, of course, contribute to a tragic worldview, but to universalize the concept of "horror" a deep metaphysical foundation is needed, which Lovecraft found in the modern scientific picture of the universe.
We all know that the earth is a speck of dust in an infinite space, that human life is less than nothing, and yet this does not prevent anyone from building houses and plans, raising children, making a career or constantly thinking about a better future. According to Lovecraft, fear closes our eyes and ears with a saving veil of illusion. And so we do not hear the howling of cosmic chaos.

©E.V. Golovin


"The system of the Soviet Union, especially under Stalin and Mao Zedong in China, was half of the world that was truly outside of the hegemony. On the border between the East and West camps was the necessary barrier.

Now, of course, they say: “What cruel KGB officers, how did they treat people who brought with them goods necessary for human life: porn, perfume, tights from the “free world”, and they treated them cruelly". But in fact it was hygiene, it was a sanitary removal of mold. The Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist State tried to protect themselves. China is still trying to protect itself from hegemony.

Today, left-liberal Marxism acts as the same ants that carry mold spores. We cannot continue to seriously rely on Marxism as a counter-hegemony, because today's Marxism is not the Marxism of the 1950s and 1960s. Until a certain moment, Marxists were a real bulwark against hegemony."

#marxism #hegemony #duginview
