Eurasian Youth Union
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The Eurasian Youth Union is a movement founded by a Russian philosopher A.G. Dugin in 2005.

We promote the ideas of traditionalism, anti-globalism and a multipolar world.

Here you can find the main ideas and news from Eurasia.
🛠Beyond identity, or how the constructivists convinced a duck to believe it was an ostrich

The philosophy of modernity, as a triumph of utilitarianism, has always sought to sort out not only society as an object of study, but every single individual, while creating both imaginary and real levers of control. For example, it is known that identity determines not only the behavioral models of the subject in the economy and culture, but also forms its “political”: from requests to strategies and actions.

In their work, Bruebecker and Cooper explored the history of approaches to identity and tried to identify some fundamental points, as well as manipulated general concepts, building all definitions of "identity" in a gradient "strong/weak" definition. Undoubtedly, this is one of the strongest works of its time and subject, and its result lifted the veil of one of the most important conclusions of the modern era: is identity so critical? Is it possible to build something around it? Obviously, culture and identity are things, although interconnected, but independent of each other. Can there be a culture without identity? Maybe. Can identity exist without culture? Absolutely cannot.

And if it so happened that without the identity of the bearer, culture cannot develop, it is not able to redefine old concepts, renew traditions; then without culture, identity is not a subject at all: social-personal dualism does not work on it, because it is not able to make informed decisions, respectively, societies built around identity (far-right states), where culture is interpreted by the state, where, figuratively speaking, identity is not spectral, but clearly phrenologically defined - these states and social systems are extremely turbulent, unstable by nature, and this is regardless of electoral cycles. Roughly speaking, a fisherman always sees and feels a fisherman from afar, and if you write “FISHER” in capital letters on someone else, he will not become one, and if you write “IL-2” on a fisherman, he will not take off. The myth will live as long as it will be “nurtured” so that the system of mutual recognition works, otherwise it will not work.

Paracelsus on the meaning of death

«The word "death" has two meanings: 1) cessation of life activity; 2) disintegration of the form. Form is an illusion, it has no existence independent of life, but only the expression of life and does not cause it. The form cannot cease to live, because it never lived, and the death of the form is only the cessation of the activity of the eternal force of life in one manifestation, preceding its other manifestation. Life itself cannot die or disappear, for it is not born into a form. It is an eternal force that has always existed and will always exist.

The destruction of even a particle of life would be an irreparable loss for the Universe. Life is a manifestation of God, and it will always exist as long as God lives».

Forwarded from Alexander Dugin
Russians lived with a feeling of its implementation. Precisely for that reason they endured historical hardships and deprivations so lightly. Our ancestors clearly recognized that all of this is necessary for the sake of the triumph of the universal idea — saving the world, light, goodness and justice. These are not mere words — they are all paid for with rivers of blood, intolerable labors and great historical accomplishments. We warred not so much for acquisition of material goods, as for assertion of that which we saw as right, true, and good. For that reason, precisely the coming Eurasian empire may on all grounds be called an empire of goodness and light, summoned to act in the final and decisive battle with the American empire of lies, exploitation, moral decomposition, and inequality, “the empire of the spectacle.”

Illustration: Boris Paromov
We can think only when we desire what must be comprehended in ourselves.

In order for us to get into this thinking, we, for our part, must learn to think. What does it mean to "learn"?

A person learns when he brings his course of action in line with what is addressed to him at a given moment in his essence.

We learn to think when we subordinate our attention to what is given to us for comprehension.

©Martin Heidegger "What does it mean to think?"

Forwarded from Alexander Dugin
Locke's order

This is not all. Hobbes was followed by another important thinker, John Locke, who formulated a different school of political thought, liberalism. Locke held that man himself was not evil, but rather ethically neutral, a tabula rasa. If Leviathan is evil, its citizens will also be evil; but if Leviathan changes its character and orientation, it is able to transform the nature of people. People in themselves are nothing; they can be made into wolves and sheep. Everything revolves around the ruling elite.

If Hobbes thinks of the state before the state and predetermines its monstrous character (hence the Hobbesian chaos) and compares it to the state, Locke examines the already existing state and what might follow if the state itself were to stop being an evil monster and become a source of morality and education, and then disappear altogether, transferring the initiative to re-educated - enlightened - citizens. Hobbes thinks in terms of past/present. Locke thinks in present/future categories. In the present, the state is evil, selfish and cruel (hence the wars and chaos in international relations). In the future, however, it is destined to become good, so its citizens will cease to be wolves and wars will cease because mutual understanding will prevail in international relations. In other words, Hobbes proposes a dialectic of chaos and its relative removal in Leviathan (with a new invasion of inter-state relations), while Locke proposes to resolve the violent nature of the state by remaking (re-educating, enlightening) its citizens and abolishing war between nations; but the enmity inherent in Hobbes, Locke proposes to replace not with love and order, but with trade, exchange, speculation. The merchant (and not the prophet, priest or poet) replaces the warrior. At the same time, trade is called douce commerce, 'gentle commerce'. It is gentle compared to the brutal seizure of booty by the warrior after the conquest of the city. But how brutal it is is demonstrated by Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice.
Today is Daria Dugina's birthday.

The Russian heroine turned 30 years old. Dasha is no longer with us, her earthly life was cut short on August 20 near the village of Bolshie Vyazemy in the Moscow region.

Now a small steel warrior, a fragile girl with a burning heart and an open smile, Dasha Dugina is looking at us from the sky.

Dasha is always next to us now, with every Russian person, she is closer than ever. And each of us can fulfill her dreams and desires by making ourselves better, the way this fragile girl with a clear smile would like to see us.

The theogony of the Greeks was first expounded and developed systematically in the poem of Hesiod.

It tells of the origin of the gods from Chaos, and of the three successive kingdoms of Uranus, Kronos, and Zeus, a representation of which we find traces in other theogonies, and in some of the myths associated with the ancient cults.

Out of the primordial Chaos comes the Earth (Gaia) and Eros (love attraction), the first of the immortals, then Night and Erebus (darkness), which copulate and give birth to Day and Ether. The earth gives birth first to the Sky (Uranus), then, without his help, mountains and the barren abyss of the sea (άτρύγετον πέλαγος), from which the sea (πόντος) is formed.

Then the Earth copulates with the Sky and gives birth to the Ocean River and Tethys, its female half.

© S. N. Trubetskoy "Metaphysics in Ancient Greece"

Dear friends! Recently we have few posts - the authors are somehow involved in what is happening in Ukraine.

In the new year we will continue the development of the Eurasian idea, as Eurasia itself will continue its imperial path.

Today we would like to present a book published by our friends from the USA.

It is a very big work and we are grateful for the help in cultural struggle.
Supporting Russia means supporting traditional values around the globe

The charity project to collect humanitarian aid for the Russian army #МыФронту (#OurFront) welcomes donations from abroad.

Russia is subject to military offence today because this country considers it necessary to defend traditional values against the aggressive neoliberal hegemony that dominates Western countries.

Volunteers share specific requests from unit commanders. Vladislav Kustov, a war correspondent, helps them do this. And then they provide photo and video reports on all the donations and on the closing the fundraising for the needs of a particular unit.

Here are the safe ways to make a contribution to the project:

safe way to contribute:
Monero 496YHZQPjPYDWF3DMfncB4DviPgTV8ziFE8nS2UBchEaER7TAYJbtb3PcqdzNHkpFBTkkngpfK1z1SaXn8HNrNpd6uxWqU5
Forwarded from Alexander Dugin
Once again, Merry Christmas to all!

I sincerely thank you for the Christmas 'tree of good wishes'. I have never felt much affection for this day (except perhaps in my early childhood), it has become sadder over the years, and this time it is painted only in tones of unbearable black sorrow, as if reality has been cut from its core and sorrow gushes from the void... And there is no distraction, but Christmas itself shines with an eternal light, enveloping everything.

I also love the Magi. How they wait for centuries for a new star to appear in the sky and do not despair, do not give up; how they reach that seemingly impossible moment when it finally appears; how they load their gifts onto horses, camels and donkeys and set off. When they reach Herod. As they make their way to Bethlehem.

This is the kind of faith people must have.... Star worshippers, not Jews. Ministers of the unquenchable fire, the active intellect.

The fire is almost extinguished, but someone in the deepest night remains faithful to it, and when all is lost, a magical dancing star finally lights up in the sky. And they obediently pack up and follow it, as if nothing had ever happened. After millennia of black despair, none of them says: "It must be a simulacrum, just fatuous lights, we are imagining things". They know how to distinguish truth from falsehood. Melchior, get ready... I'm coming, Balthasar.

To reach the grotto, the nest and the Mother of God, barely in her motherly care - and barely - able to realise what a great event had taken place because she had answered the Archangel: "Yes, let it happen for me according to your word". Fiat.

Their miserable gifts stand before the infant God who created the universe. The widow's mite is greater, but even this does not embarrass them. They place gold, Lebanon and Smyrna before the Virgin, bow and set out again. Like Simeon the God-bearer - but only before him - they could say: 'Now we depart. We have come to this day. We have done what we had to do. We are now free. Our duty is done.

How beautiful these wise men are, and our festive tropes remind us of them, just as they reminded themselves that the meaning of life is the appearance of a star. Which leads to the cave. Where God is.

Alexander Dugin
Postmodern is a natural disaster sent down with only one purpose, to alienate a person from his ontological status, spiritual formation, integrity and Tradition.

The postmodernist arsenal contains exclusively non-conventional weapons, the main of which is the formation of simulacra.

Platonic shadows of objects are passed through the kaleidoscope of market omnipotence, replacing matter with the goods of liberal dictates.

The postmodern offers the essential substitution of the beginning for the post-beginning, ideas for utilitarian gain, faith in salvation at the service of an endless race.

Forwarded from Alexander Dugin
An absolute war

For the first time in history, Russia is fighting an absolute war. All previous wars were relative and prototypes, prefigurations of this one, which is the main one. Only this war is the final one, the last and irreversibly significant. It is clear that we do not yet understand it. What is happening is beyond the comprehension of even those involved in it, even those who started it. For the first time at the other end is absolute evil - not partial, not relative; it is not even the West, much less the ephemeral transient entity of so called "Ukraine", however hellish it may seem: it is something much deeper. This is humanity's last war. Only Russia, with a few others, has decisively taken the side of Truth, but has not understood how. It is for this historical moment that we, Russians, have been created. Regardless of how it ends, preparations for the Last Judgement are in full swing. The watershed is cutting across the planet: on this side or on the other. Humanity is torn apart. History is a movement from one to two. In the beginning there was only one Adam. In the end there are two: Adam and his black double.

Alexander Dugin
Russian identity consists of two different poles — the state and the people.

The peculiarity of the Russians is that these poles are arranged in accordance with two completely different paradigms — connected with logos of Apollo and logos of Dionysus.

In the Russian state until the beginning of the era of modernization and westernization in the 18th century, the Apollo Logos undoubtedly prevailed. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of the Russian peasant population was a carrier of an alternative culture built on the principle of Logos of Dionysus.

The Russian dream was to unite these two Logos in the paradoxical project of the Kingdom of Earth, combining both — the immanent and transcendental horizons in the Russian union of Apollo and Dionysus.

©Aleksandr Dugin

Forwarded from Alexander Dugin
🥀 Natalia Melentyeva, mother of Daria Dugina (Platonova):

Daria Dugina's father dedicated his 24-volume series of works, Noomachia, to the study of the Logos of civilisations, the paradigms of human history. And Daria grew up with it, assimilating from an early age a taste for Tradition and vertical ontologies. Daria was born and raised in a family of philosophers of which she was and still is an organic and integral part. She is an eternal rising star of Russian thought. All the sharpest questions thrown up by toxic modernity and the post-modernity of the western twilight are answered by the great traditionalists of the 20th century: René Guénon, Julius Evola, Mircea Eliade, Ernst Jünger, Lucian Blaga, Emile Cioran, Louis Dumont, Georges Dumezil, Alain de Benoit and dozens of other refined thinkers.

He saw the traditionalists as those pioneers of Mind in 20th century history, who tried to understand the sinking of the ship of humanity as a transition from the spiritual paradigm of Tradition (Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance) to the materialistic, individualistic and anti-hierarchical paradigm of the Modern Age, and then to the eroding paradigm of the Modern Age that is the Postmodern Age.

My daughter, Daria Platonova Dugina, was deeply interested in all these topics. She dedicated articles, reports, texts, fragments of her unfinished dissertation to them. In the near future, I hope to publish a book with her philosophical and historical-philosophical texts (reports, articles, excerpts)....

Daria Dugina was in the vanguard of the war of wits, on the intellectual 'frontier', as she liked to say, in the space of the battles of paradigms, ideas, civilisations; she was a true knight of the intellectual front, a true 'philosopher-guardian', as Plato called philosophers, because they guarded the highest thing man has: his intellectual dignity, his right to freedom, to thought, to the protection of the highest human values, to access, by climbing the ladder of contemplation of the highest principles, the entire volume of what in Platonism is called Truth, Good, Justice, Beauty, Goodness.
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
“Multipolarity, a force to be reckoned with, an alliance that doth bring an end to war. A vision of tranquility and peace, a world where conflict is no more. Gone are the days of domination, where one power doth reign supreme. For multipolarity hath risen, to fulfill the world’s greatest dream. No longer shall one nation hold sway, with the power to bring about destruction and decay. Instead, balance is established, where multiple powers do maintain their sway.”
France and Germany from the Middle Ages appeared to be two main poles of the dialectical becoming of European civilization, predetermining historical, political and cultural semantics of the most important processes in the history of Western Europe over the past one and a half thousand years. Studing the structure of French logos the author concludes that its main components are two basic figures (gestalt) - Singer-initiate Orpheus and semi-women semi-dragon fairy Melusine.

By gestalt of Melusine, according to the author, a paradigm of Modernity is totally described in its mythological and cultural roots. The book continues the series of works of the project «Noomahiya»>, studing the three Logoi (Apollo, Dionysus, Cybele) and their manifestations in the history of civilizations. This book developes themes of «Logos of Europes.

Summary of Noomakhia: The French Logos
Eriugena distinguishes four naturae, "nature", corresponding to the four fundamental points of his original metaphysics:

• natura creans et non creata (the creative uncreated beginning),

• natura creans et creata (creative creative principle),

• natura non creans et creata (non-creative created principle),

• natura non creans et non creata (non-creative, non-created beginning).
Roger Bacon is considered one of the first thinkers in the West to take the path of experimental science and to systematically substantiate its methodology.

Bacon identified three types of knowledge:

• sensual, based on direct bodily experience;

• rational, connected with mathematical and logical procedures;

• mystical, resulting from inner illumination.

All three types of knowledge are achieved in different ways: the first - by the accumulation of life experience, observations and comparisons;
the second - mastering the skills of mathematical and logical operations;  the third is how the exception comes spontaneously and cannot be artificially provoked. In this he fully follows the Neoplatonic tradition. However, according to Bacon, the main form of English theology of knowledge is the observation of the external world and experiment, during which we obtain the maximum volume about the world, which we later systematize with the help of rational operations.

From Noomakhia.
«English liberalism is based on the following basic principles:

• Individualism;

• Empiricism;

• Civil Liberty;
• Sacred private property;

• Free trade;

• Representative (parliamentary) democracy;

• Transnational scale of the socio-political model;

• A minimal understanding of the State as a temporary institution, designed at a certain historical stage to ensure the security of citizens and compliance with established norms, as well as the dissemination of the principles of the Enlightenment to the widest possible masses;

• Education as Enlightenment, ie.  transformation of society and societies in a liberal way through a system of dissemination of knowledge organized according to the patterns of the liberal ideology itself;

• Progress;

• The West and specifically England are conceived as the vanguard of humanity, going ahead of other peoples and cultures in strictly one and the same universal direction.»

From Noomakhia.
