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Rusya Savunma Bakanlığı: "Ukraynalı militanlar, Slavyansk sakinlerini Rus yanlısı görüşleri nedeniyle işkence yapıyor. Onlarca kişi eve dönmedi.
Kiev rejimi, İngiliz istihbarat servislerinin yönetimi altında Sumi Bölgesi'nde yeni provokasyonlar hazırlıyor."

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⚡️According to reliable information in the Kharkov region, neo-Nazis, together with members of the Security Service of Ukraine, conduct punitive raids in order to check local residents for signs of pro-Russian views, as well as the facts of transmitting any information to Russian servicemen and representatives of the People's militia of the republics of Donbass.

❗️All suspects are arrested under the category of "collaborationism" of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and taken to an unknown location.

▫️Such criminal actions of the Kiev authorities are aimed at intimidating the citizens of Ukraine in an attempt to hide the current catastrophic situation in the country caused by the destructive policy of official Kiev, and indicate complete indifference to the fate of millions of Ukrainians. 

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#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #HumanitarianAid
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📹🏳️ Surrender of Azov nationalist unit fighters and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant in Mariupol

◽️ Over the past 24 hours, 265 militants have laid down arms and surrendered, including 51 seriously wounded.

🏥 All those in need of medical assistance were sent for treatment to a hospital in Novoazovsk, Donetsk People's Republic.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
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📹🏳️In Mariupol, militants of Azov nationalist unit and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant continue to surrender.

▫️Over the past 24 hours, 694 militants have laid down arms and surrendered, including 29 wounded.

🏥A total of 959 militants have surrendered since 16 May, including 80 wounded, of whom 51 need hospital treatment have been admitted to Novoazovsk hospital in the Donetsk People's Republic.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
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⚡️Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

▫️In Mariupol, militants of Azov nationalist unit and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant continue to surrender.

▫️Over the past 24 hours, 694 militants have laid down arms and surrendered, including 29 wounded.

📊A total of 959 militants have surrendered since 16 May, including 80 wounded, of whom 51 need hospital treatment have been admitted to Novoazovsk hospital in the Donetsk People's Republic.

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

💥Over a day, high-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 2 command posts, including the territorial defence headquarters near Soledar in the Donetsk People's Republic, as well as 31 areas of concentration of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment, including locations of foreign mercenary units from European countries in Nikolaev and Krasnogorovka.

▫️In addition, 2 Ukrainian Su-24 aircraft have been destroyed at a military airfield near Dnepropetrovsk, 1 division of Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems near Nikolaev, as well as 4 ammunition depots for missile and artillery weapons and ammunition of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Ugledar, Pokrovskoe, Soledar and Bakhmut, Donetsk People's Republic.

✈️💥Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 3 command posts, 41 areas of concentration of AFU manpower and military equipment, as well as 1 ammunition depot near Ugledar, Donetsk People's Republic.

▫️The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 270 nationalists and up to 54 armoured and motor vehicles.

💥Missile troops and artillery have hit 76 command posts, 421 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, as well as 147 artillery and mortar units at firing positions, including 1 Ukrainian battery of US-made 155mm M777 howitzers near Pogornoe.

▫️1 pontoon crossing point equipped by Ukrainian Armed Forces to cross the Severskyi Donets River has been destroyed near Protopopovka, Kharkov Region.

💥Russian air defence means have shot down 1 Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft over Tripolie, Donetsk people's republic.

▫️In addition, 1 Ukrainian Air Force MiG-29 has been shot down near Kamennaya Yaruga, Kharkov Region.

▫️15 Ukrainian UAVs have been shot down near Semenovka, Velikie Prokhody, Balakleya, Malye Prokhody, Velikaya Kamyshevakha in Kharkov Region, Rudnichnyi, Grabskoe, Staromikhailovka, Volnoe in Donetsk People's Republic, Belyaevka, Chernobaevka in Kherson Region.

▫️8 Ukrainian Smerch multiple-launch rockets have been also intercepted near Kamenka and Malaya Kamyshevakha, Kharkov Region.

📊In total, 172 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 927 unmanned aerial vehicles, 311 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,139 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 389 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,548 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,997 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
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⚠️The humanitarian situation in regions under the control of the Kiev authorities is rapidly deteriorating and approaching a critical level.

❗️According to the UN Children's Fund, there are 8.7 million hungry people in Ukraine, with 22.8 per cent of children under the age of five suffering from malnutrition.

▫️At the same time, the Kiev regime, despite acute food shortages and the threat of a food crisis, neglecting the welfare of its own people, is "ready for anything" to please countries of the collective West, which, hypocritically claiming humanitarian support, seek to export grain from Ukraine as quickly as possible through the so-called "solidarity corridors" engaged by the European Union, with absolutely no concern about what will happen in the country after the emptying of Ukrainian grain storage facilities.

▫️All this is happening against the background of the unceasing hysteria of the "civilised West" and their false accusations against the Russian Federation of artificially creating a food crisis in the world.

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#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #HumanitarianAid
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🇷🇺🚛 Russian servicemen deliver humanitarian aid to the crew of the Turkish ship in Kherson port

▫️Servicemen of the military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered humanitarian aid to the crew of the Turkish ship "Ferhanaz", which is in Kherson port.

▫️The ship entered the Ukrainian port before the start of the special military operation and remained blocked in it due to mines laid by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

🚌 Eight Turkish citizens stayed on the ship, the rest of the crew were evacuated to their homeland by Russian military.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianAid
📺 Watch our new video: "Truth on Ukraine. When NAZISM becomes THE NORM.»

Drawing on the historical background of Nazi occupation of Ukraine, it explores how the modern Ukrainian state embraced this hateful ideology and ultimately NORMALISED it.

*This video was made using open source data, including archive newspapers from WWII.

#Russia #Ukraine #StopNaziUkraine
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🏳️🇺🇦 Surrendered AFU fighter told how they were forced to participate in combat operations by threats

💬 "...I had to go to the military enlistment office, because otherwise I was threatened with 10 years in prison. They recruit into the army by persuasions or threats, or through preventive talks with people. Two of my comrades wrote a report that they refuse to continue their service as they were no combatants. The half of drafted soldiers of our rifle platoon abandoned this position. And two soldiers refused to continue the service, they were taken to Kramatorsk. People are already tired of war, they don't want to fight, they want to live in peace..."

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #POWs
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⚡️Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

💥 High-precision air-based missiles have hit 21 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, including command posts of the Ukrainian Nazi formations Kraken and Azov near Kharkov.

✈️💥Operational-tactical, army and unmanned aviation have hit 15 areas of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment concentration. Ammunition and fuel depots of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Dolina and Slavyansk, Donetsk People's Republic have been destroyed.

▫️The attacks have resulted in the elimination of up to 240 nationalists and up to 39 weapons and military equipment, including 1 Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile system, 10 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, 3 BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers, 7 artillery mounts and mortars, and 17 special vehicles.

💥Fighter aviation have shot down 1 Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian air force near Lubomirovka, Nikolaev Region.

💥Russian air defence means have hit 7 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Odessa, Kamyshevakha, Popasnaya, Zolotoe, Kudryashovka in Lugansk People's Republic, Yarovaya in Kharkov Region, as well as Verkhnetoretskoe in Donetsk People's Republic overnight.

💥Missile troops and artillery have hit 131 command posts, 146 artillery and mortar batteries at firing positions, as well as 579 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration.

📊In total, 186 Ukrainian aircraft and 129 helicopters, 1,084 unmanned aerial vehicles, 327 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,373 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 460 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,752 field artillery and mortars, as well as 3,350 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

❗️We note that the inflow of foreign mercenaries to Ukraine to take part in combat operations against the Russian Armed Forces has virtually dried up since the beginning of May.

▫️According to the data at our disposal, the total number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine has now been almost halved from 6,600 to 3,500. At the same time, the number of mercenaries in combat units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and National Guard in Donbass has decreased by orders of magnitude.

▫️Hundreds of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine were eliminated by Russian long-range precision weapons shortly after their arrival while they were still undergoing pre-training and coordination of tactical units.

▫️But most of the mercenaries are destroyed in the war zone due to their low level of training and lack of real combat experience.

❗️Separately, I would like to point out that the commanders of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and National Guard units, which included mercenaries, are not sparing foreigners in their efforts to reduce losses of their servicemen. Captured mercenaries tell interrogators that they are the first to be sacrificed. Due to the Kiev regime's silencing of the losses and the absence of remains, relatives of the mercenaries in their countries of residence simply do not know about their deaths.

▫️Faced with a real combat situation and heavy losses among servicemen of the AFU, the National Guard and foreigners, a significant number of mercenaries prefer to leave Ukrainian territory as soon as possible, but the Kiev regime prevents them from going abroad in every possible way.

▫️Let me remind you that under international humanitarian law, mercenaries are not combatants and the best that awaits them is criminal liability.

▫️The Kiev regime's urgent attempts to guarantee the mercenaries legal protection by including them in the military units of the AFU or the National Guard, or by issuing them with fresh Ukrainian passports, will not save any of them.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #Briefing