Yerevan Center for International Education (YCIE)
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The Yerevan Center for International Education (YCIE) was founded in 2022 in Armenia to support and develop intellectual exchange between scholars, researchers, and citizens.
Contact us: [email protected]
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We are seeking a dynamic and skilled Administrative Associate to oversee office operations, event management, digital tools optimization, and ensure effective communication with fund beneficiaries and partners. If you are a detail-oriented, tech-savvy professional passionate about streamlining processes, ensuring smooth office functions, and communication, we want to hear from you. Join our dynamic team to contribute to impactful public lectures, educational courses, and international events. Fluency in Armenian, English and Russian is reqiured.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and the position will remain open until filled. To apply, please send your CV and a short cover letter (maximum of 3 paragraphs) explaining why you are a strong fit for this role to [email protected] with “Administrative Associate” in the subject line.
In the fourth episode of the Now in Russian podcast, we spoke with philosopher Ekaterina Rozova. Her research focuses on the history of the first wave of Russian emigration and diaspora studies. Ekaterina currently works at Sorbonne University and is one of the organizers of the Independent Institute of Philosophy in Paris.

As a reminder, Now in Russian is a podcast series where scholars speak in Russian about their research, which they typically present in other languages. It’s also about their big dreams and small joys.

On February 11, 2025, at 17:00, Sergey Shtyrkov, YCIE Research fellow and Director of Anthropology Programs, will give a talk “‘The God Will Choose a Lamb’: The Choice of Sacrificial Animal in Modern Ritual and Narrative Tradition of the Ossetians” at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia.

The lecture will take place at 15 Charents Street. It will be delivered in Russian.

We invite you to join us for this academic event!
In the fifth episode of the Now in Russian podcast, we spoke with sociologist Andrei Kuznetsov. His research covers a wide range of topics, such as self-driving cars, technological innovations, the history of sociological theory, and the heritage of Bruno Latour. Andrei currently works at the Yerevan Centre for International Education. He is the author of the ViaText project, an online environment for advanced reading for research.
We invite you to the second meeting of the "Discussion on identity issues" facilitated by Anna Ter-Saakova at the YCIE.
This time we will read Hrant Dink's article "I want my Kurdish" and share our thoughts and emotions that it raises.

The link to the article:

🗓 Date: Monday, February 17, 18:30
📍 Location: YCIE, Charents str. 31/4
📍 Yandex Map:

Հրավիրում ենք մասնակցելու ինքնության խնդիրների վերաբերյալ երկրորդ քննարկմանը, որը կվարի Աննա Տեր-Սաակովան։
Այս անգամ մենք կկարդանք Հրանտ Դինքի «Ես ուզում եմ իմ քրդերենը» և կկիսվենք դրա պատճառած մտքերով ու հույզերով։

Հոդվածը կարող եք գտնել հետևյալ հղումով՝

🗓Փետրվարի 17, 18:30
📍 YCIE, Չարենցի փ․ 31/4
📍 Yandex Map:
eng | рус | հայ

The course is designed as a workshop for developing competencies in analytical reading and working with theoretical arguments.
Duration: 14 weeks
Lanuage: Russian
Start date: February 26, 2025.
Details of the course and the registration:

Курс задуман как мастерская компетенций аналитического чтения и обращения с теоретическими аргументами.
Длительность: 14 недель
Язык: Русский
Дата: 26 февраля, 2025

Կուրսը վերլուծական ընթերցանության և տեսական փաստարկների կիրառման հմտությունների զարգացման վարպետաց դաս է։
Տևողությունը՝ 14 շաբաթ
Լեզուն՝ ռուսերեն
Մեկնարկը՝ փետրվարի 26-ին
Ballet as a Form of Protest: The Protest Content of the (Post-)Folkloric Motif

The protest semantics of humorous expressions persist over time, regardless of genre or historical context. During the lecture Sergei Troitskiy (Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu) will focus on a specific set of motifs related to ballet, their transformations, and mutual influences. The Soviet ideological myth of the USSR's supremacy in ballet and the active promotion of ballet among the Soviet public led to Swan Lake being broadcasted on television during critical moments of late Soviet history, which resulted in its association with the death of communist leaders. This semantic connection became the basis of late Soviet jokes and could have remained there. This meaning was evident and has been repeatedly mentioned in the interpretation of specific humorous folkloric works. However, this motif gained popularity in the late 2000s and became particularly relevant in the 2010s and early 2020s as an allegorical expression of the desire for change (the death of a dictator). The full-scale invasion and the resistance of Russians to Putin and the war in Ukraine have turned this motif into an element of protest pop culture. In turn, protest pop culture has stimulated the development of new forms of this folkloric motif. All of them thematize ballet in the context of protest expression, making it a tool of resistance.
On Books Giving Day, we invite our academic friends and colleagues to our Books’n’Chill evening!

We look forward to a thoughtful and enjoyable evening with tea, wine, and a presentation about our projects and plans, as well as a discussion of our shared aspirations.

In the spirit of Books Giving Day, we would be grateful for any book donations to help build our small academic library. Above all, we’re eager to create a warm, welcoming atmosphere and connect with fellow social scientists and humanitarians at YCIE!
On Books Giving Day, YCIE hosted its first Books'n'Chill evening. Colleagues and friends, specialists in the social sciences and humanities from various research centers, projects, and universities across Yerevan, gathered to share insights into their research and future plans. It was fun!
In the sixth episode of the Now in Russian podcast, we spoke with anthropologist Dmitry Oparin. Dmitry currently works at the Laboratory for social sciences and humanities Passages in Bordeaux, France. His academic interests include the anthropology of migration, the anthropology of religion, and the anthropology of heritage. His regional specialization primarily focuses on Chukotka and Moscow.

As a reminder, Now in Russian is a podcast series where scholars speak in Russian about their research, which they usually present in other languages. It’s also about their big dreams and small joys.
Sergei Shtyrkov, director of anthropological programs at YCIE, published a review of the book by Richard Foltz “The Ossetes: Modern-Day Scythians of the Caucasus”, London: Bloomsbury Publishing (2023) in the journal «Iran and the Caucasus». The review can be read here:
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Введение в количественный анализ текстов в R

YCIE запускает третий курс в рамках трека по программированию и анализу данных. Курс предназначен для исследователей, студентов социальных и гуманитарных наук, журналистов, аналитиков в сфере публичной политики и всех, кто интересуется количественным анализом текстов.
Курс охватывает основы QTA, включая теоретические подходы, очистку и подготовку текстов, визуализацию и классификацию текстов.

Старт курса – 24 марта 2025 года. Содержание курса, отзывы студентов и дополнительная информация доступны по ссылке.
Регистрация обязательна. Кнопка для регистрации доступна на странице курса.
Внимание! Для студентов бакалавриата и магистратуры доступно ограниченное количество стипендий. Чтобы принять участие в конкурсе, необходимо загрузить мотивационное письмо при регистрации.

Язык обучения: английский или русский. Язык преподавания будет окончательно определен после набора слушателей в зависимости от состава группы.
И снова наш подкаст «А теперь по-русски». В этом выпуске мы поговорили с лингвистом Валентином Выдриным. Валентин - профессор Института восточных языков и цивилизаций в Париже (INALCO). Сфера его научных интересов - языки семьи манде (Западная Африка), сравнительно-историческое языкознание, лексикография, тонология. Наслаждайтесь!
Юрий Агафонов, научный сотрудник YCIE, выступил соавтором публикации и разработчиком веб-приложения о детских садах Еревана. Публикация "Тысячи детей в очереди: в детские сады Еревана могут попасть только половина новорожденных", подготовленная, исследует проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются родители в Ереване, где спрос на дошкольное образовательные учреждения превышает количество мест, оставляя многих детей стоять в длинных очередях. С помощью открытых данных и экспертных оценок статья подробно рассматривает текущее состояние детских садов, их вместимость и возможные решения для улучшения доступа к дошкольному образованию. Веб-приложение позволяет пользователям отслеживать загрузку и вместимость детских садов в Ереване, его районах и отдельных учреждениях.
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