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❄️Geopolitics, cyber security, multipolarity❄️ Russian journalist with PhD in political philosophy of neoplatonism
❗️ "Vorremmo attirare l'attenzione dei media sul fatto che il Servizio di Sicurezza dell'Ucraina sta preparando e sta già portando avanti delle provocazioni sulla nota linea dei Caschi Bianchi.

Nelle città ucraine sono state fatte delle registrazioni video inscenate, presumibilmente con "vittime di massa" tra la popolazione civile dell'Ucraina.

I video prodotti sono diffusi attraverso i canali controllati di telegramma e i social media.

Il loro scopo è quello di accusare la Russia di presunti scioperi non selettivi e sproporzionati per intimidire la popolazione civile e trasmettere sui canali televisivi occidentali.
Vorrei sottolineare in particolare: le forze armate russe non stanno colpendo le città ucraine. Non c'è nessuna minaccia per la popolazione civile.

Igor Konashenkov
#Russia #Ucraina #geopolitica
❗️"We would like to draw the attention of the media to the fact that the Security Service of Ukraine is preparing and already carrying out provocations along the well-known lines of the White Helmets.

Staged video recordings have been made in Ukrainian cities, allegedly involving "mass casualties" among the civilian population of Ukraine.

The produced videos are disseminated via controlled telegram channels and social media.

Their purpose is to accuse Russia of allegedly not selective and disproportionate strikes to intimidate the civilian population and broadcast on Western TV channels.
I would like to emphasize in particular: the Russian armed forces are not striking Ukrainian cities. There is no threat to the civilian population.

Igor Konashenkov, Russian Ministry of Defence

#Russia #Ukraine #geopolitics
Forwarded from Alexander Dugin
I suggested a few years ago in Amsterdam at the Debates of the Century to Bernard-Henri Levy to quietly discuss the end of the liberal Empire and the rise of the Five Kings, as his, by the way, not a stupid book is called. It convincingly describes how the global West and the US (the modern Empire) are losing and making way for the former Empires - Russian, Chinese, Persian, Ottoman and Caliphate - to rise from their lethargic slumber. In The Debate of the Century I spoke on behalf of all Five Kings. Levy defended the Western Empire. But he didn't take up the challenge, and kept shouting "Glory, Ukraine!" I guess he was counting on this (magical) way of refuting himself and postponing the imminent collapse of liberal globalism.

By the way, I also met Blinken there in Amsterdam, who was not yet the Blinken we now know, but simply Blinken. The dialogue did not work either. At the time Trump was the President and Blinken claimed that Trump was not the President. Do you recognise the degree of total disconnect from reality?

If we listen and listen to each other instead of shouting "Glory to Ukraine!" on every occasion, war can be avoided. Wars start when we stop listening and understanding each other. Even if we are opponents, antagonists and enemies. I have read Levy's book. Although he boasted that he had also read it, clearly he has not - if he had, he would have remembered that it is about Nikolai Trubetskoy, who was the founder of Eurasianism, though a great linguist at the same time, and not about the (also excellent, by the way) linguist Elmslev (who had nothing to do with Eurasianism).

Alexander Dugin


❗️❗️❗️Putin. Main

▪️Trying to "cancel" Russia, the West tore off all masks of decency

▪️The West's "empire of lies" is powerless against truth and justice, Russia will continue to make its case to the world

▪️We will fight for the right to be and remain Russia

▪️If Russian troops were to stop at the borders of the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics, it would not be the final solution, it would not remove the threat to Russia

▪️The people of Russia will be able to distinguish patriots from traitors, such a purification of society will only strengthen the country. The West is betting on a "fifth column" in Russia, trying to split society

▪️The new realities will require structural changes in the economy, they will not be easy, they will lead to higher inflation and unemployment

▪️It is clear that current events draw a line under the global dominance of Western countries both in politics and economics

#Putin #Russia #Antiglobalism
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Situation in Ukraine and Donbass to date:

🔷 Russian airborne troops drove Ukrainan Nazi battalions from a suburb of Kyiv.
🔷 DPR Ombudsman: Nazi forces tortured people in the Donbass, and UN stays silent.
🔷 Ammonia leak reported from a chemical facility in the Sumy region of Ukraine.
🔷 Residents of LPR told about street fighting in the city of Rubizhne.
🔷 DPR called on Ukraine to compensate for war damages.
🔷 Russian volunteers delivered over 150 tons of humanitarian aid to Mariupol.
🔷 Donbass awaits international organizations to react to the shelling by Tochka-U missiles.

#Russia #Rusia #Ukraine #Ucrania #Donbass

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Situation in Ukraine and Donbass to date:

🔷 Kyiv and Kyiv oblast under 35 hour long curfew;
🔷 Nearly 50 000 refugees from Donbass arrived in Russia during weekend;
🔷 Kyiv confirmed eight humanitarian corridors;
🔷 DPR crews restore communications in Mariupol;
🔷 Russian MOD says Ukrainian nationalists are responsible for ammonia leak around Sumy;
🔷 Russian forces established control of Sladkoye village;
🔷 Ukrainian nationalist forces use Swedish AT4 grenade launchers.

Previous events.

#Russia #Russia #Ukraine #Ucrania #Donbass #RuSO

The Russian Defense Ministry denied reports that the Russian military carried out an air strike on the Mariupol Drama Theater, which, according to the ministry, was carried out by Azov fighters. The agency said that the Russian Armed Forces had no tasks to carry out air strikes on ground targets in the city limits of Mariupol, and the explosion was carried out by fighters of the Azov national battalion, who mined the building for a bloody provocation.

"According to reliable information, fighters of the Azov nationalist battalion committed a new bloody provocation by blowing up a theater building they had booby-trapped. Earlier, it was known from refugees who escaped from Mariupol that Nazis of the Azov battalion could hold civilians hostage in the theater building, using the upper floors as firing points. Given the potential danger to the lives of civilians and the provocation with Hospital No. 3 in Mariupol, which was already carried out by the nationalists on March 9, the theater building in the city center was never considered as a target," the Russian Defense Ministry said.

#Ukraine #Russia
Imporant to note:
✔️ Russia cannot make a decision about the start of World War III ! The beginning can be decided by the United States. If NATO gets involved in the conflict the WWIII will start

#Ukraine #Russia #US #NATO
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Demilitarization of Ukraine — in numbers.

#Russia #Rusia #Ukraine #Ucrania #RuSO

Forwarded from MoD Russia
☣️ The Russian Defence Ministry continues to study documents received from employees of Ukrainian laboratories about secret military biological activities of the United States in Ukraine.

▫️A study of the new material by Russian experts of the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops identified specific officials who had been involved in the creation of the biological weapons components.

▫️These are the heads of units and staff of the US Department of Defense, as well as its main contracting companies. As the ongoing journalistic investigations in the Western press show, these campaigns were directly linked to the son of the current US president, Hunter Biden.

▫️As a result of the special military operation, research in a number of Ukrainian bio-laboratories, where work with strains of particularly dangerous pathogens was being carried out on behalf of the Pentagon, has been stopped.

▫️A number of documents obtained from these laboratories, however, reveal the concealment of the test subjects' identities and the serious risk to their lives.

▫️Of particular interest are documents indicating the Kiev regime's plans to use drones capable of carrying and dispersing lethal substances.

▫️The revealed facts prove that the Kiev regime was seriously considering the use of biological weapons against the population of Donbass, and the Russian Federation.

❗️We will provide more details on the results of the analysis of the documents received and the facts revealed at a special briefing in the near future.

➡️ Part 1

#Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Progress of Russian special military operation in Ukraine — on map and in numbers.

#Russia #Rusia #Ukraine #Ucrania #RuSO

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Russian special military operation in Ukraine, on map and in numbers.

#Russia #Rusia #Ukraine #Ucrania #mapa #RuSO
