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❄️Geopolitics, cyber security, multipolarity❄️ Russian journalist with PhD in political philosophy of neoplatonism
🙅Pecresse "condemns with the greatest firmness the war unleashed by Russia"

She stated: "Full solidarity with the Ukrainian people. The French and European response must be vigorous, coordinated and tough," she added in a post posted on social media.

So much for revealing her essence. Note that Le Pen has not yet made any statement, and Zemmour has made a discreet statement without expressing "solidarity" with the Ukrainian people. It is important to watch their reactions. We are talking about a new narrative in the French electoral space.

And it is quite obvious now that partners in the EU for russia - NOT MACRON AND DRAGES, NOT SCHOLZ.


#EU #globalism #geopolitics
👩Russia risks "unprecedented isolation", EU says

The European Union on Thursday condemned Russia's "unacceptable" behaviour and warned that Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime would face "unprecedented isolation" following its military intervention in Ukraine.

"The Russian leaders will face unprecedented isolation," EU diplomatic chief Josep Borrell told reporters in Brussels, stressing that the EU-27 was preparing a new package of sanctions that was "the toughest ever". An emergency EU summit is scheduled for Thursday evening in Brussels.

#EU #globalism #geopolitics
Threatening to isolate Russia is like scaring away protection from a deadly toxic virus. They would be grateful. All the more so, humanity minus the West is far from nothing, but humanity as such. The West is simply a misunderstanding, a product of the rapid degeneration of a once rather vibrant culture. But it is not all so deplorable either. It is only the infernal satanic globalist elites who have seized power over the peoples and societies of the West. It is with them that we are engaged in an existential ontological battle today. Not even with the West as such, and especially not with Ukraine. It is with them. The Gospel calls the collective "son of perdition" the World Government. And open society and liberal democracy is clay added to the feet of the colossus in Nebuchadnezzar's vision. We, on the other hand, are the KATEHON, the Empire, we are Rome. Only Russia keeps the world from ending@

What to expect from Macron? An end to formal empty phrases about cooperation and dialogue. It will be tough, Macron will take a globalist stance, which he generally is despite the "pas" to the right or the populist left. France's rhetoric will be tough.

This will also affect the tone of the pre-election campaign = Zemmour and Le Pen will be forced to be critical of Russia's actions in speeches. The Overton window is shifting backwards. There will be increased anti-Russian rhetoric in the French media.
❗️La confrontation entre la Russie et l'Occident n'est pas seulement une confrontation entre deux modèles géopolitiques. C'est un choc des civilisations. Et @agdchan caractérise à juste titre la situation actuelle comme une situation de "choc des civilisations". L'Occident s'est approché des lignes rouges non seulement géopolitiques mais aussi civilisationnelles. L'imposition de "droits de l'homme" mythiques (qui est cet homme dont l'Occident défend les droits avec tant de véhémence ? Est-il humain ??), le totalitarisme des minorités, l'oppression des défenseurs des "valeurs traditionnelles" - tout cela est une guerre de civilisation, une guerre de paradigmes. Ce matin, notre président a dit NON non seulement à l'expansion militaire occidentale en Eurasie, mais non à l'hégémonie culturelle occidentale. C'est maintenant à nous de donner un sens à tout cela et de chercher la sagesse dans l'héritage russe. Le mot de passe est Empire. Le code est "Counter-hegemonie”.

#Imperia #Russie #Contrhegemony.
❗️"Nous souhaitons attirer l'attention des médias sur le fait que le Service de sécurité de l'Ukraine prépare et réalise déjà des provocations sur le modèle bien connu des Casques blancs.

Des enregistrements vidéo mis en scène ont été réalisés dans des villes ukrainiennes, impliquant prétendument des "pertes massives" parmi la population civile de l'Ukraine.

Les vidéos produites sont diffusées via les canaux télégraphiques contrôlés et les médias sociaux.

Leur but est d'accuser la Russie de ne pas avoir effectué des frappes sélectives et disproportionnées pour intimider la population civile et de les diffuser sur les chaînes de télévision occidentales.
Je tiens à le souligner en particulier : les forces armées russes ne frappent pas les villes ukrainiennes. Il n'y a pas de menace pour la population civile.

Igor Konashenkov le represantant du ministère russe de la défense

#Russie #Ukraine #géopolitique
❗️ "Vorremmo attirare l'attenzione dei media sul fatto che il Servizio di Sicurezza dell'Ucraina sta preparando e sta già portando avanti delle provocazioni sulla nota linea dei Caschi Bianchi.

Nelle città ucraine sono state fatte delle registrazioni video inscenate, presumibilmente con "vittime di massa" tra la popolazione civile dell'Ucraina.

I video prodotti sono diffusi attraverso i canali controllati di telegramma e i social media.

Il loro scopo è quello di accusare la Russia di presunti scioperi non selettivi e sproporzionati per intimidire la popolazione civile e trasmettere sui canali televisivi occidentali.
Vorrei sottolineare in particolare: le forze armate russe non stanno colpendo le città ucraine. Non c'è nessuna minaccia per la popolazione civile.

Igor Konashenkov
#Russia #Ucraina #geopolitica
❗️"We would like to draw the attention of the media to the fact that the Security Service of Ukraine is preparing and already carrying out provocations along the well-known lines of the White Helmets.

Staged video recordings have been made in Ukrainian cities, allegedly involving "mass casualties" among the civilian population of Ukraine.

The produced videos are disseminated via controlled telegram channels and social media.

Their purpose is to accuse Russia of allegedly not selective and disproportionate strikes to intimidate the civilian population and broadcast on Western TV channels.
I would like to emphasize in particular: the Russian armed forces are not striking Ukrainian cities. There is no threat to the civilian population.

Igor Konashenkov, Russian Ministry of Defence

#Russia #Ukraine #geopolitics
Forwarded from Alexander Dugin
I suggested a few years ago in Amsterdam at the Debates of the Century to Bernard-Henri Levy to quietly discuss the end of the liberal Empire and the rise of the Five Kings, as his, by the way, not a stupid book is called. It convincingly describes how the global West and the US (the modern Empire) are losing and making way for the former Empires - Russian, Chinese, Persian, Ottoman and Caliphate - to rise from their lethargic slumber. In The Debate of the Century I spoke on behalf of all Five Kings. Levy defended the Western Empire. But he didn't take up the challenge, and kept shouting "Glory, Ukraine!" I guess he was counting on this (magical) way of refuting himself and postponing the imminent collapse of liberal globalism.

By the way, I also met Blinken there in Amsterdam, who was not yet the Blinken we now know, but simply Blinken. The dialogue did not work either. At the time Trump was the President and Blinken claimed that Trump was not the President. Do you recognise the degree of total disconnect from reality?

If we listen and listen to each other instead of shouting "Glory to Ukraine!" on every occasion, war can be avoided. Wars start when we stop listening and understanding each other. Even if we are opponents, antagonists and enemies. I have read Levy's book. Although he boasted that he had also read it, clearly he has not - if he had, he would have remembered that it is about Nikolai Trubetskoy, who was the founder of Eurasianism, though a great linguist at the same time, and not about the (also excellent, by the way) linguist Elmslev (who had nothing to do with Eurasianism).

Alexander Dugin


Putin: everything that is happening is a forced measure. We were simply left with no chance to do otherwise
🗣Si Fillon commence à faire l'objet de sanctions également - alors l'Europe va connaître des moments difficiles. Toute position de bon sens sera critiquée, sanctionnée et punie. Le régime de "surveillance et de punition" en Europe a été activé.

Il est clair que des mesures punitives peuvent être appliquées à la fois à Zemmour et à Le Pen. Pour toute hypothèse selon laquelle l'Occident a tort, il pourrait y avoir des représailles de l'hégémonie mondialiste. Espérons néanmoins que les peuples d'Europe sauront se libérer des diktats d'un atlantisme dur. Et le bon sens prévaudra. Et si non... ?

En tout cas, la sociologue française Emmaunel Todd prédit que la France sera à 5-10 ans d'une révolution. Le temps passe plus vite de nos jours, peut-être cela arrivera-t-il plus tôt. Le pouvoir aux peuples d'Europe ! Force, courage et persévérance !
🗣If Fillon will be under sanctions too - then Europe is in for some tough times. Any positions of common sense will be criticised, sanctioned and punished. The "Surveillance and Punishment" regime in Europe has been activated.

It is clear that punitive measures can be applied to both Zemmour and Le Pen. For any assumption that the West is wrong, there could be retaliation by globalist hegemony. Hopefully, nevertheless, the peoples of Europe will be able to get out from under the dictates of harsh Atlanticism. And common sense will prevail. And if not...?

In any case, French sociologist Emmaunel Todd predicts that France will be 5-10 years away from a revolution. Time is moving faster nowadays, maybe it will happen sooner. Power to the people of Europe! Strength, courage!
⚡️⚡️⚡️ LAVROV

❗️La Russie souhaite que le peuple ukrainien soit indépendant et que le gouvernement soit représentatif.

⚡️Quelle sera l'issue de ce qui se passe en Ukraine - nous allons examiner la situation.

⚡️Personne ne va occuper l'Ukraine

⚡️ Le blocus commercial du Donbass est derrière nous.

⚡️ Nous ne voyons aucune possibilité de reconnaître le gouvernement ukrainien actuel comme démocratique.

⚡️Zelensky lui-même a manqué des occasions de pourparlers sur la sécurité, il ne faut pas déplacer le blâme de mauvais à mauvais maintenant.

⚡️ Il n'y a aucune obligation dans le Mémorandum de Budapest sur l'Ukraine de soutenir un régime qui a déclaré un génocide contre son peuple.

Zelensky a menti lorsqu'il a dit que la Russie n'acceptait pas de négocier et qu'il avait besoin du dialogue du format Normandie pour remplacer la mise en œuvre de Minsk-2

❗️ Zelensky ment quand il dit qu'il est prêt à discuter du statut de neutralité de l'Ukraine.
⚡️⚡️⚡️ LAVROV
❗️Russia is interested in making the people of Ukraine independent and the government representative
⚡️What will be the outcome of what is happening in Ukraine - we will look at the situation
⚡️No one is going to occupy Ukraine
⚡️ The trade blockade of Donbass is behind us
⚡️We see no possibility of recognising the current Ukrainian government as democratic
⚡️Zelensky himself has missed opportunities for security talks, don't be shifting the blame from bad to worse now
⚡️ There is no obligation in the Budapest Memorandum on Ukraine to support a regime that has declared genocide of its people
❗️ Zelensky lied when he said that Russia did not agree to talks, he needed the Normandy format dialogue to replace the implementation of Minsk-2
❗️ Zelensky lies when he says he is ready to discuss Ukraine's neutral status