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❄️Geopolitics, cyber security, multipolarity❄️ Russian journalist with PhD in political philosophy of neoplatonism
Channel name was changed to «| PLATONOVA ANALYSIS | Z»
Forwarded from Alexander Dugin
🇫🇷 S'attendre à une victoire rapide et fulgurante n'est pas très réaliste. La Russie a lancé une opération militaire et la mène avec succès. Mais une opération militaire est toujours une perte, et pas seulement pour l'ennemi.
En outre, les troupes russes ont exclu les attaques aériennes préventives contre des cibles civiles, auxquelles les États-Unis et l'OTAN ont eu recours dans leurs guerres contre la Yougoslavie, l'Irak, l'Afghanistan, etc.
Donc les choses vont dans leur sens. Mais c'est un virage difficile et sacrificiel de la guerre. Et il faut s'y préparer. Surtout parce que notre peuple est de l'autre côté. Et leurs pertes sont nos pertes. C'est un peuple perdu, mais c'est le nôtre. D'où le style de nos actions. Aucun provocateur ne peut nous faire haïr les Ukrainiens. Pas maintenant, et pas après une victoire inévitable et rapide.
❗️ Ukraine's tragedy is a result of Western patrons' connivance with the criminal regime there – Lavrov

EU countries try to avoid honest face-to-face dialogue by choosing the path of sanctions – Lavrov

⚡️ It is unacceptable for Russia that US nuclear weapons are in Europe, it is time to bring them home – Lavrov

⚡️The West should give up setting up military facilities in the former Soviet Union, Lavrov
Ukraine: the attack

was launched by NATO eight years ago

Manlio Dinucci

Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen announced that the EU is banning the Russian news agency Sputnik and the Russia Today channel so that "they can no longer spread their lies to justify Putin's war with their toxic disinformation in Europe". The EU thus officially establishes the Orwellian Ministry of Truth, which by erasing memory rewrites history. Anyone who does not repeat the Truth transmitted by the Voice of America, the official agency of the U.S. government, which accuses Russia of "horrible, completely unprovoked and unprovoked attack against Ukraine" is outlawed. Outlawing myself, I report here in extreme synthesis the history of the last thirty years erased from memory.

In 1991, as the Cold War ended with the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union itself, the United States unleashed the first post-Cold War war in the Gulf, announcing to the world that "there is no substitute for the leadership of the United States, which remains the only state with global strength and influence".

Three years later, in 1994, NATO under U.S. command carried out in Bosnia its first direct action of war and in 1999 attacked Yugoslavia: for 78 days, taking off mainly from Italian bases, 1,100 aircraft carried out 38,000 sorties, dropping 23,000 bombs and missiles that destroyed bridges and industries in Serbia, causing victims especially among civilians.

While demolishing Yugoslavia with the war, NATO, betraying the promise made to Russia "not to enlarge an inch to the East", began its expansion to the East more and more close to Russia, which would lead in twenty years to expand from 16 to 30 members, incorporating countries of the former Warsaw Pact, the former USSR and the former Yugoslavia, preparing to officially include Ukraine, Georgia and Bosnia Herzegovina, which were already part of NATO (Il Manifesto, Che cos'è e perché è perico-loso l'ampliamento a Est della NATO, 22 February 2022),

Passing from war to war, the US and NATO attacked and invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003, demolished the Libyan State with war in 2011 and began the same operation in Syria through Isis, partly blocked four years later by Russian intervention. In Iraq alone, the two wars and the embargo directly killed about 2 million people, including half a million children.

In February 2014, NATO, which had seized key positions in Ukraine since 1991, carried out through specially trained and armed neo-Nazi-steal formations the coup d'état that overthrew the duly elected president of Ukraine. It was orchestrated according to a precise strategy: to attack the Russian populations of Ukraine in order to provoke a response from Russia and thus open a deep rift in Europe. When the Crimean Russians decided in a referendum to rejoin Russia, of which they had previously been a part, and the Russians in the Donbass (bombed by Kiev with white phosphorus) entrenched themselves in the two republics, NATO's escalation of the war against Russia began. It was supported by the EU, in which 21 of the 27 member countries belong to NATO under US command.

In these eight years, US-NATO forces and bases with nuclear attack capabilities have been deployed in Europe closer and closer to Russia, ignoring Moscow's repeated warnings. On December 15, 2021 the Russian Federation handed over to the United States of America an articulated draft treaty to defuse this explosive situation (The Manifesto, Russian "Aggressive Move": Moscow Proposes Peace, December 21, 2021). Not only was it rejected but, at the same time, the deployment of Ukrainian forces began, under US-NATO command, for a large-scale attack on the Russians in the Donbass.

Hence Moscow's decision to put a stop to the aggressive US-NATO escalation with the military operation in Ukraine.
Demonstrating against the war by erasing history, means to contribute consciously or not to the frantic US-NATO-EU campaign that brands Russia as a dangerous enemy, that splits Europe for imperial designs of power, dragging us to catastrophe.

(the manifesto, March 1, 2022)
⚡️ Instead of a dialogue with Russia, the EU has chosen the path of illegitimate sanctions Lavrov
EU countries try to avoid honest face-to-face dialogue by choosing the path of sanctions – Lavrov
SHOUGU (minister of defence)During clashes, the Ukrainian side does not hesitate to use civilians as human shields. Multiple rocket launchers, cannons, large-calibre mortars are placed in the yards of residential buildings, near schools and kindergartens," Shoigu said. He thanked the personnel "for their courage and heroism, conscientious and professional execution of their tasks
The process of organizing negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in Pripyat, which took place on February 28, can be compared to a thriller, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at a meeting with members of the Security Council and the leadership of the Council of Ministers.
⚡️There is a struggle between good and evil, and Ukraine is being liberated from Nazi ideology, - Pushylin
⚡️According to Zelensky, 16,000 foreign mercenaries are expected to arrive in Ukraine to make up for the crushing military failures of the Ukrainian security forces. Visa-free regime officially introduced for them - Russian Ministry of Defense

⚡️In the past week alone, some 200 mercenaries from Croatia arrived via Poland and joined one of the nationalist battalions in southeastern Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry
Forwarded from Fil à retordre
⚡️Zelensky aurait quitté l'Ukraine pour la Pologne, selon le président de la chambre basse du parlement russe Volodine
Forwarded from Reese Report
Media is too big
Pentagon Funded Bio-Weapons Labs in the Ukraine
Forwarded from PLATONOVA | Z
И еще важный ресурс - антифейк на английском и не только!! Подписывайтесь, делитесь с коллегами и репостите. Нужное в наше время информационной войны https://yangx.top/identarist_en
UN arms expert considers Kiev's dragging into NATO orbit a catastrophic mistake

Scott Ritter does not hide his position and voices it in the media. He suggests that the West should listen more carefully to Putin... Scott Ritter, a UN weapons expert, believes that dragging Kiev into NATO's orbit is a catastrophic mistake. "The Ukrainian army has de facto already acted in the interests of NATO. They participated in operations in Iraq, in Afghanistan, they were trained according to NATO standards. From the Russian point of view, it was already acting as a member of NATO.

And Russia demanded: stop, stop right now, we will not tolerate this. Russia drew a red line. We are used to American presidents talking about "red lines" and then doing nothing. Putin drew a 'red line' and when they crossed it he went to action," he noted. After Desert Storm, Ritter worked on the Iraq demilitarization program and argued during Senate hearings with Biden, whom he accused of not understanding enough about the Iraqi army. The situation is similar now. "I don't want to vilify the entire Ukrainian Army. I am sure it is staffed with professionals - officers and soldiers who sincerely defend Ukraine. But they have allowed the entry into their ranks of far-right nationalists, admirers of the Ukrainian nationalist Bandera, who fought on the side of the Nazis in World War II. They tore down monuments to Soviet liberators and instead put up monuments to Ukrainians who fought in the 12th SS Tank Division. An SS tank division! What could be more Nazi than that!" - says UN weapons inspector in Iraq with Scott Ritter.
Forwarded from L'AntiDiplomatico

"sta accadendo.

Sberbank emetterà la sua carta di credito collegata alla cinese Union Pay"

“Vous entrez ou êtes déjà entré dans l'ère de la désanonymisation, la fin de l'anonymat. Les détails du passeport sont désormais attachés à chaque énoncé, remarque, et encore moins à un juron. Si vous voulez dire quelque chose, dites-le, mais ne soyez pas désolé. Vous devrez répondre de vos paroles. Une grande partie de la pourriture humaine ne sera donc pas prise en compte. Et se dissoudra tranquillement dans la non-existence. Et beaucoup de gens vont s'ennuyer dans les réseaux sociaux. Puisque tout y est clair, comme dans la vie. Et ils voudront revenir à la vie, revenir à quelque chose qui a presque disparu. La mise hors ligne est un élément très important du retour universel - déjà imparable - comme notre victoire - à la réalité. Et si nous créons notre propre réseau de civilisation, ses protocoles devraient être différents - russes. Pas formellement, mais en substance. Notre civilisation, notre culture, nos courants devraient pulser à travers le filet. C'est probablement possible, mais sans anonymat - voici une personne, et voici une autre. Et les deux sont des Russes.... Comme c'est bien... Ou pas les Russes, et c'est très bien. Et chacun est à sa place”
