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Блог про архитектуру, дизайн, программирование и прочее.
Доктор Тим Мюллер на канале Компьютерфил (кстати, мощнейший канал!) показывает, как заставить ЧатЖПТ делать то, что он не хочет.
Будем по 10 слов учить. Вот первые выписал. Adhesive: клей, связующее. Adhesive is a substance that can stick to an object or stick objects together, including glue, resin and epoxy. Aggregate: заполнитель Aggregate is a construction material mix, including…

Jigsaw: электролобзик.
A jigsaw is a power tool that can cut irregular curves in materials. A jigsaw has a saw blade and a motor to cut at high speeds.

Mortar: строительный раствор.
Mortar is material, including clay or asphalt, that binds together materials in walls, such as bricks.

Pallet: паллета, поддон.
This is an inexpensive wooden platform used for moving or storing materials. Typically, pallets are moved with forklifts.

Particle board: ДСП — древесностружечная плита.
Similar to plywood, this is a type of board made of resin and sawdust.

Plywood is a type of wood manufacturers make by gluing thin layers of wood together.

PVC: ПВХ — поливинилхлорид, винил, пластик, из которого часто делают ПВХ трубы.
Short for polyvinyl chloride, this is a common form of plastic, especially in PVC pipes.

Rafter: стропило.
Rafters are the supporting pieces underneath roof frames. Wood and steel are both common rafter materials.

Table saw: настольная дисковая пила.
This type of saw mounts on a table. Table saws have motors and can make precise cuts.

Trim: отделка, обрамление.
Trim is another word for molding and baseboards in buildings. Construction specialists typically place trim along floors, around windows and around door frames.
One of the most distinctive details is the trim around the side air vents.

Veneer: шпон.
This is a thin sheet of wood that can be cover lower-quality wood to improve its appearance.
Wood and veneer: these are models that use wood for the interior of the door and then cover it with veneer to save costs.
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Продолжение. Jigsaw: электролобзик. A jigsaw is a power tool that can cut irregular curves in materials. A jigsaw has a saw blade and a motor to cut at high speeds. Mortar: строительный раствор. Mortar is material, including clay or asphalt, that binds together…
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Accessibility: доступность.
This term refers to the degree to which a building is usable by a variety of people, including people with disabilities or senior citizens.

Addendum: приложение, дополнительное соглашение.
An addendum is information that one adds to bidding documents to change or clarify the documents. Typically, a property owner issues an addendum to a contractor to include new information in the construction contract.

Bid: ставка, предложение, заявка, предлагать цену, торги, тендер.
A bid is a proposal of the price of a construction project. Typically, bids are based on design specifications and other criteria.

Bid package: пакет предложений.
This term represents all the important information that relates to a construction project bid, which the contractor compiles into a single package.
With these figures calculated, you can quickly put together your bid package with any required documentation.

Bid selection: отборочный тур, отборочный этап, конкурс.
This construction term refers to when a client chooses between different contractor bids. The bid selection process includes analyzing the price and specifications of different bids to choose the best option.
If we were we were awarded the project in the main bid selection, I was going to tell you then.

Bid solicitation: предложение об участии в торгах.
Bid solicitation gives potential bidders notice of a project that has bidding availability. Bid solicitation includes a request for proposals and quotes.
Under the previous invitation to bid solicitation methodology, an average of five bids with limited geographical diversity was typically received.
No acceptable software provider was identified as a result of the procurement process, however, and a new bid solicitation is under way in 2010, which will subsequently facilitate timely trend analysis to identify actionable performance improvement opportunities and reporting.

Building code: строительные нормы и правила, строительный кодекс.
Building codes are construction requirements that governing agencies enact into law and enforce.
There is a building code that includes provisions to meet earthquake and hurricane hazards and other public safety concerns.

Change order: распоряжение о внесении изменений, процедура внесения изменений.
Change order is a document that serves to change the construction project plan, including specifications, pricing or other details.
Decisions sometimes have to be taken quickly during construction and may require a contractual amendment or change order, with significant extra costs.
In the event of a change order during the course of work, a professional will readjust the completion date accordingly.

Construction estimate: строительная смета, оценка строительства.
This is an estimate of the costs of construction before the project begins. Construction estimates can help construction managers create budgets and determine if projects are feasible.
Reference concerning your intention to use the appraisal, for instance, construction estimate, rental contracts and other similar documents.

Construction management software: программное обеспечение для управления строительством.
Construction management software can help project managers and other construction professionals to manage different aspects of a construction project, including accounting.
Smart devices, wearable, sensors and on-site cameras can be tied into construction management software and give a much more in-depth picture of progress and real-time reporting.
В общем, с трудовым приветом за ночь собрал короткий словарь-справочник в InDesign на 110 страниц. Думал на 50 сначала остановиться, но что-то как-то пошла работа, и вот. Ушло часов 9 всего, наверное, так что могут быть всякие опечатки, ошибки, и проч. Пишите, если что.

Скачать pdf бесплатно можно тут. (Если вы уже зарегистрированы в школе, то сможете найти его в списке курсов тут.)
Архитектор Юрий Григорян (бюро Меганом) про Москву, начало частной архитектурной практики в России, школы и детские сады. Очень познавательное видео, полезно будет посмотреть и практикующим, и студентам. Отлично дополняет нашу встречу с Юрием Эдуардовичем.
Вебинар с архитектором Юрием Григоряном о принципах работы архитектора с пространством и коллекцией музея.

Некоторые вопросы, разбиравшиеся на вебинаре:
С чего стоит начинать проектирование музея?
Что первично для архитектуры музея — внешний облик и отношения здания с городом? внутреннее пространство? экспозиция?
Чем отличается работа с обликом, структурой и интерьером музея от проектирования других типов зданий?
Архитектура музея должна быть яркой и выразительной, контекстуальной и уместной, или архитектура никому ничего не должна?
Музей для посетителя это в первую очередь — коллекция экспонатов? образовательное учреждение? кунштюк? общественное пространство?
Наиболее интересные и значимые находки в работе над проектом Пушкинского музея
Что самое сложное в проектировании музея?
Какие проекты/авторов вы рекомендуете изучить для погружения в тему?
Три рекомендации по работе над проектом музея для студентов и начинающих архитекторов.
Фреска Воскресение, церковь Хора в Стамбуле.

Христос Воскресе!