Forwarded from David Babayan, diplomat, politician
Интересно, что негативные мнения некоторых #армянских СМИ и представляющих себя аналитиками людей о #российских #миротворцах на 100% совпадают с мнением #Азербайджан/а. #Арцах в тяжелом положении и Арцах не поле для экспериментов. Мы должны быть мудрыми, армянский народ должен быть мудрым. Если есть возможность поддерживать хорошие нормальные отношения со многими странами, но этим кое-кто не пользуется, он или идиот, или просто человек, ненавидящий свою страну. Что касается #двойных #стандартов, то в #геополитике они есть и всегда будут. Даже в самом нашем обществе наглядно видно сколько стандартов. Просто надо уметь этим пользоваться во благо нашим национальным интересам.
It is interesting that the negative opinions of some #Armenian media and people who present themselves as analysts about #Russian #peacekeepers coincide 100% with the opinion of #Azerbaijan. Artsakh is in a difficult situation and #Artsakh is not a field for experiments.
We must be wise; the Armenian people must be wise. If it is possible to maintain good and normal relations with many countries, but someone does not use this, he is either an idiot or just a person who hates his country. As for #double #standards, they exist in #geopolitics and will always exist. Even in our society itself, you can clearly see how many standards there are. We just need to be able to use it for the benefit of our national interests.
It is interesting that the negative opinions of some #Armenian media and people who present themselves as analysts about #Russian #peacekeepers coincide 100% with the opinion of #Azerbaijan. Artsakh is in a difficult situation and #Artsakh is not a field for experiments.
We must be wise; the Armenian people must be wise. If it is possible to maintain good and normal relations with many countries, but someone does not use this, he is either an idiot or just a person who hates his country. As for #double #standards, they exist in #geopolitics and will always exist. Even in our society itself, you can clearly see how many standards there are. We just need to be able to use it for the benefit of our national interests.