🇷🇺Arms Control Delegation in Vienna
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✍️Welcome to the official Telegram channel of the 🇷🇺Russian Delegation in Vienna! Follow us for the latest news and updates from our work at the OSCE FSC and the Negotiations on CSBMs in Europe.
📖Read remarks by Member of the Delegation Andrey Vorobiev at the IWG Structured Dialogue Meeting on 19 February 2021:

🇷🇺shares the view that #StructuredDialogue is an important confidence-building measure aimed at ⬇️of tensions and search for ways to ⬆️ #EuropeanSecurity. It has proved to be a valuable platform for mil contacts, holding an open exchange on threat perception.

If we agree that the security situation is of concern, it would be logical to:
🔸⬇️ mil threat,
🔸deescalate the situation,
🔸⬇️ mil confrontation (status quo as of 2014) & mil activities along the 🇷🇺-#NATO border on a reciprocity basis,
🔸re-establish bilateral military contacts,
🔸restore trust and improve the mechanisms for preventing incidents and dangerous military activities.
These issues are also to be discussed at the Structured Dialogue platform.

The previous IWG meetings confirmed the importance of discussions between mil representatives on incident at sea and in the air, as well as dangerous mil activities. We see the value of sharing positive experience in implementing bilateral agreements in this field.

Nevertheless, since “hybrid threats” have been mentioned, let me repeat what we stated on many occasions, that this issue, because of its clear confrontational potential, neither is in line with the “Hamburg mandate”, nor is it beneficial to strengthening of the Structured Dialogue as it restrains the progress of this format.

🇷🇺Russia is ready to continue its participation in the Structured Dialogue but notes that the conversation will not go well along with the attempts to politicize the discussion and include confrontational issues in the agenda.

🔗For more please access our #Facebook page: https://inlnk.ru/WDLLv.
✈️ 🇦🇹 Российская делегация прибыла в Вену на новый переговорный раунд.

📑‼️ Работа начинается с восстановления нашего аккаунта в #Facebook, заблокированного «на волне» постов по #ГарантииБезопасности.

⭕️ #Фейсбук, как насчёт свободы слова и плюрализма мнений?
🔊 The Head of the Russian Delegation Konstantin #Gavrilov is LIVE on @RT_com:

⚡️⚡️⚡️ Our #Facebook account is reestablished. I am using this opportunity to thank @MFARussia, #Roskomnadzor, all our dear friends and colleagues for their huge support!
🇷🇺 Комментарий Посольства России в США в связи с экстремистской деятельностью корпорации #Meta

🔹 Обратили внимание на сообщение Reuters о разрешении корпорацией Meta размещать призывы к насилию в отношении руководства России и наших военнослужащих в Facebook и Instagram. Эту информацию подтвердил официальный представитель компании Э.Стоун, который в своем заявлении подчеркнул, что фраза "смерть российским захватчикам" теперь является нормой для соцсетей.

🔹 Вызывает возмущение агрессивная и преступная политика Meta, ведущая к разжиганию ненависти и вражды к россиянам. Действия компании - еще одно свидетельство объявленной нашей стране информационной войны без правил. Медиакорпорации стали солдатами пропагандистcкой машины западных правящих кругов.

🔹 Требуем от американских властей пресечь экстремистскую деятельность Meta и принять меры по привлечению виновных к ответственности. Пользователи #Facebook и #Instagram не наделяли руководителей этих интернет-платформ правом определять критерии истины и стравливать одни народы с другими.

🇷🇺 Russian Embassy comment on the extremist activities of

🔹 We paid attention to the Reuters message about the permission of the Meta corporation to post calls for violence against the Russian leadership and our military personnel on Facebook and Instagram. This information was confirmed by the spokesperson of the company Andy Stone with his statement stressing that the phrase "death to the Russian invaders" is now normal for social networks.

🔹 Meta's aggressive and criminal policy leading to incitement of hatred and hostility towards Russians is outrageous. The company's actions are yet another evidence of the information war without rules declared on our country. Media corporations have become soldiers of the propaganda machine of the Western establishment.

🔹 We demand that the US authorities stop the extremist activities of Meta and take measures to bring the perpetrators to justice. Users of Facebook and Instagram did not give the owners of these platforms the right to determine the criteria of truth and pit nations against each other.