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Канал для Homo Universus - человека целостного, вселенского.
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
UK ‘bribes’ farmers to STOP FARMING
A government scheme to pay farmers up to £100,000 to help them retire is set to open for applications in April.

Long-awaited details have been published on Defra's Lump Sum Exit Scheme, part of a drive to encourage older farmers to leave the industry and pass on their land to a new generation.

To be eligible, farmers will need to surrender their BPS entitlements and dispose of almost all their agricultural land by sale or gift.

#uk #WarOnFarms

Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
Amish Farmer Faces $250K Fine, Jail Time And Losing His Sustainable Farm For Processing His Own Meat

A federal judge told Miller to cease and desist all meat sales, and sent armed U.S. marshals to search his property, farm store and freezers. They took an inventory of all his meat to make sure he doesn’t sell any or slaughter anymore animals.

Last summer, the judge also ordered Miller to pay $250,000 for “contempt of court,” and said he will also have to pay the salaries of the USDA investigators assigned to his case, $50,000 of which was due last week as a “good faith” payment to avoid jail.

#WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat #FoodWars

Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
UNBELIEVABLE: drought in Texas so severe, and hay is expensive/hard to come by, that huge numbers of ranchers are trying to liquidate their herds:

This is not something that can simply be "re-planted" next year — this is large number of people's livelihoods being sold away, and a lasting blow to food production:

#WarOnMeat #USA #WarOnFarms

Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer

This explosion of cardiac issues? It’s because people started gardening during the pandemic.

Gardening is DIRTY and DANGEROUS and can KILL YOU — you should ONLY eat fake meat and bugs. NEVER GARDEN. You will be SAFE inside away from DIRTY animals and DANGEROUS soil.

[These people will stop at nothing to control your food supply!]


Urgent warning to gardeners as soil ‘increases risk of killer heart disease’

Medics found that pollutants in the soil could have a 'detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system'. “Contaminated soil could lead to increasing oxidative stress in the blood vessels, which in turn leads to heart disease.”

Dirty soil can get into the blood stream, through inhalation.

#DirtyDangerous #WarOnFarms #Propaganda
