Китай строит крупнейший в мире карантинный лагерь в Гуанчжоу с 90 000 изоляционных капсул — это «ролевая модель» Всемирного экономического форума для мирового сообщества
#пlандемия #germtheoryisahoax
#WEF #дивныйновыймир
#пlандемия #germtheoryisahoax
#WEF #дивныйновыймир
The Gateway Pundit
China Is Building The World's Largest Quarantine Camp In Guangzhou with 90,000 Isolation Pods -- This Is The World Economic Forum's…
The Chinese city of Guangzhou is building makeshift hospitals and concentration camps to house 250,000 people amid an alleged uptick in Covid-19 cases across the country.
#ВЭФ называет Китай образцом «систематической трансформации мира»; CCP строит огромные лагеря COVID
#germtheoryisahoax #пlандемия #WEF #дивныйновыймир
#germtheoryisahoax #пlандемия #WEF #дивныйновыймир
WEF Says China a Model in ‘Systematic Transformation of the World’; CCP Builds Massive COVID Camps
Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, recently spoke on Chinese state media where he proclaimed that the Chinese regime is a role model in the “s...
Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (BoSS HawG PurE_bLOOD™️)
Media is too big
The AI robot changing farming & ChatGPT used for scientific research #WEF
Forwarded from Art With Aim (Airika Dollner)
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"In this video you will learn how to make horrible things sound normal!"
#WEF #TrainingVideo
#WEF #TrainingVideo
Forwarded from Dr David Martin
Media is too big
"If you control the food, you control the people. That's ultimately the end goal."
All around the world, unelected globalist bodies like the UN and WEF are waging war against farmers, in an attempt to seize control of the global food supply, under the banner of UN Agenda 2030—as detailed in a must-watch new documentary titled 'No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?' [SGNN]
#Bill #Gates #UN #WEF #Agenda2030
All around the world, unelected globalist bodies like the UN and WEF are waging war against farmers, in an attempt to seize control of the global food supply, under the banner of UN Agenda 2030—as detailed in a must-watch new documentary titled 'No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?' [SGNN]
#Bill #Gates #UN #WEF #Agenda2030
Forwarded from Art With Aim (Airika Dollner)
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Yuval Harari, a Israeli Professor, author and advisor to Klaus Schwab of WEF speaks about AI making all future decisions worldwide... not humans. He goes on to explain that there is nothing special about human creativity.
These people need to be condemned and locked up for being psychopathically anti-human. They are justifying enslavement and mass murder as if it's merely philosophical.
These people need to be condemned and locked up for being psychopathically anti-human. They are justifying enslavement and mass murder as if it's merely philosophical.
Forwarded from Art With Aim
The sign says "no swimming." Seems well respected by the locals.
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Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars- Augmenting human potential in the 6G era.
"To Connect The Physical World & Biological World With Digital Twin Models In The Digital World" - NOKIA BELL
"To Connect The Physical World & Biological World With Digital Twin Models In The Digital World" - NOKIA BELL
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Israel leads the world in BIOCONVERGENCE.
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The convergence with machines will be GREAT!!!! Totally spitting in the face of natural law is evolution!!! Let psychopaths become God!
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The desperation in the energy of every sales pitch for BioConvergence is so apparent in the voices they select. They need for everyone to WANT it.
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Automated energy weapons have been admitted to in recorded sessions, and they have been deployed in every major city around the world- most during lockdowns.
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Do you think there is a connection?
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This was after event 201... yet even with access to the best AI, surveillance, and endless resources- Mr. 5D chess didn't know that the scamdemic was planned... and when asked over a year later, Abbott didn't know who Schwab was! They are all liars. -Airika
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A really good explanation of why the real goal is to get everyone behind the digital ID, Digital Passport, cashless society control grid... worldwide. Putin is doing it, China is doing it, India is doing it, Trump has fervently said he would be doing it..... the concern that taps at me as I watch this, is that even RFK Jr., who owns the network this is being presented on, is pushing tokenized economies too. -Airika
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Media is too big
Continuing on the faked spectacles theme... this is not new, and it has been substantiated as being true myriad times. Therefore making it well BEYOND a "theory" of conspiracy.
In October 1990, US intelligence agencies fabricated the “baby incubator” story, which incited anger among US citizens and eventually led to the aggravation of the Gulf War.
“While I was there, I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the babies on the cold floor to die,” a tearful 15-year-old girl who claimed to be a Kuwaiti volunteer testified against Iraqi soldiers before a US congressional hearing.
The testimony was later intensively reported in the US, which sparked anger towards Iraq among the American public. US politicians also repeatedly talked about the “tragedy” in the Middle Eastern country. According to a report by the BBC, the then US President George H. W. Bush had publicly cited the testimony at least six times to help justify American engagement in the Gulf War.
In 1991, the US Congress authorized the use of force against Iraq, initiating the Gulf War. But after the Gulf War ended, some US media outlets revealed that the “baby incubator” story had been fabricated by the US and that Kuwaiti medical workers had long denied the existence of the “Kuwaiti volunteer.”
Clearly, the “baby incubator” story was nothing but a farcical show staged by US politicians and US mainstream media. The real intention and machinations of the powers that be in the US were to take aim at achieving their own political ends by stirring up public sentiment through the direct manipulation of public opinion.
In October 1990, US intelligence agencies fabricated the “baby incubator” story, which incited anger among US citizens and eventually led to the aggravation of the Gulf War.
“While I was there, I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the babies on the cold floor to die,” a tearful 15-year-old girl who claimed to be a Kuwaiti volunteer testified against Iraqi soldiers before a US congressional hearing.
The testimony was later intensively reported in the US, which sparked anger towards Iraq among the American public. US politicians also repeatedly talked about the “tragedy” in the Middle Eastern country. According to a report by the BBC, the then US President George H. W. Bush had publicly cited the testimony at least six times to help justify American engagement in the Gulf War.
In 1991, the US Congress authorized the use of force against Iraq, initiating the Gulf War. But after the Gulf War ended, some US media outlets revealed that the “baby incubator” story had been fabricated by the US and that Kuwaiti medical workers had long denied the existence of the “Kuwaiti volunteer.”
Clearly, the “baby incubator” story was nothing but a farcical show staged by US politicians and US mainstream media. The real intention and machinations of the powers that be in the US were to take aim at achieving their own political ends by stirring up public sentiment through the direct manipulation of public opinion.
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I spend a whole 10 minutes watching Russian TV, and they are normalizing eating insects as high end cuisine.
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Furthering my earlier post about what happened to progressives/liberals since Covid began, and my statement about how the cult uses the internet to harvest the views of people like me, who had significant success getting a following, organizing people, and educating large numbers about topics they want to control .... then erasing their platforms, preventing them from ever making another successful brand name, website, or social media profile.
But it definitely does NOT stop there! They ALSO harvest that data, and then create fake influencers, journalists, misdirectors and misleaders with it! That's right.... they harvest the hard work and creativity from people like me, destroy my ability to ever amass a following, or even make money, and then they use my data/talking points/content that was successful back when the internet was more organic.... to CREATE fake influencers, fake journalists, fake political figures that they heavily invest into making them visible..... and they use the harvested data from already disappeared, targeted individuals, to write their episodes, write their speeches, in order to make them look super amazing and awake..... this way, they can vacuum up your money, get you to trust them, divide people, peddle false leaders, inflate misdirection, chaos, etc. Don't forget, they can steal my merch designs/concepts (and they have) and quotes too. Just like Amazon stole the unique products from small inventors, who tried to sell their creations with Amazon... as soon as their sales triggered the algorithm, Bezos copied their product and sold a cheaply made version, from a Chinese vendor, while phasing out the visibility it the original creator, in favor of his replica.
Get it? -Airika
🇦🇺 This video is an original doc put together by an Aussie native... their IG is you_must_prep
But it definitely does NOT stop there! They ALSO harvest that data, and then create fake influencers, journalists, misdirectors and misleaders with it! That's right.... they harvest the hard work and creativity from people like me, destroy my ability to ever amass a following, or even make money, and then they use my data/talking points/content that was successful back when the internet was more organic.... to CREATE fake influencers, fake journalists, fake political figures that they heavily invest into making them visible..... and they use the harvested data from already disappeared, targeted individuals, to write their episodes, write their speeches, in order to make them look super amazing and awake..... this way, they can vacuum up your money, get you to trust them, divide people, peddle false leaders, inflate misdirection, chaos, etc. Don't forget, they can steal my merch designs/concepts (and they have) and quotes too. Just like Amazon stole the unique products from small inventors, who tried to sell their creations with Amazon... as soon as their sales triggered the algorithm, Bezos copied their product and sold a cheaply made version, from a Chinese vendor, while phasing out the visibility it the original creator, in favor of his replica.
Get it? -Airika
🇦🇺 This video is an original doc put together by an Aussie native... their IG is you_must_prep
Forwarded from Art With Aim
Media is too big
The United Nations, who's permanent founders are the United States, France, China, Russia (and former USSR states) and the United Kingdom, has been revealed to be funding both the illegal migrant invasions of Europe and also of N. America.
The illegal invasions of the US and European borders, are planned, funded and facilitated by the UN, WEF, Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF, the Red Cross, etc.
To learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk66WyMBjvQ
🇷🇺 Just like Trump's promise to force a digital ID track and trace system, back in 2016, for the immigration crisis the cult (UN) created..... Russia is already deploying this system for their lesser known immigration "crisis." -Air
LDPR candidate for governor of the Samara region Natalya Bisyarina proposed obliging labor migrants to do fingerprint registration and wear digital bracelets to identify and control their movements throughout the Russian Federation.
Read (in Russian): https://www.kommersant.ru/amp/6848500?isPreview=true
The illegal invasions of the US and European borders, are planned, funded and facilitated by the UN, WEF, Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF, the Red Cross, etc.
To learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk66WyMBjvQ
🇷🇺 Just like Trump's promise to force a digital ID track and trace system, back in 2016, for the immigration crisis the cult (UN) created..... Russia is already deploying this system for their lesser known immigration "crisis." -Air
LDPR candidate for governor of the Samara region Natalya Bisyarina proposed obliging labor migrants to do fingerprint registration and wear digital bracelets to identify and control their movements throughout the Russian Federation.
Read (in Russian): https://www.kommersant.ru/amp/6848500?isPreview=true