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Переосмысливая мироздание, мировосприятие, миропонимание.
Канал для Homo Universus - человека целостного, вселенского.
Forwarded from Земля Свободных (Kotorrito)
Кипр, Лимассол, Праздник Св.Троицы. Русскоязычные привели своих детей в лучший театр Лимассола, чтобы дети послушали из уст д-ра Колмановского пропаганду тяжелых наркотиков. Лекция для детей называется "Психоделики. Как мозг встречается с Богом". Приглашались дети "от 14", но, как мы видим, интерес к теме проявили и родители, чьи дети намного младше.
#cyprus #DrugsOffTheStreets #AI #drugfree #drugaddiction
Forwarded from Health Ranger
In studying and building a Large Language Model (LLM) #AI chatbot system, I was shocked to learn that the chatbot has zero cognition, no understanding of #reason, logic or even sentence structures, and that it just uses probability parameters to spit out a sequence of words that "sound right" even if they aren't...

And then I realized this is exactly how half the population also operates. And most "journalists" as well.

I strongly suspect we are living in a cosmic computer simulation, and we are surrounded by NPCs (AI bots) who pretend to be sentient, but are actually just processing language scripts, without any cognition at all. If you want proof, just watch a bunch of Mark Dice "man on the street" interview videos and you will be amazed.
Forwarded from Health Ranger
Big Tech has already weaponized AI against humanity - I have not yet encountered a single leader in the #AI realm who isn't wholly brainwashed by the lying establishment on topics like #transgenderism, #climate (carbon dioxide), #vaccines, medicine, #science, open borders, money printing, elections and more. Seemingly without exception, the very people building the AI machines that will dominate human society are, themselves, purveyors of outrageous hallucinations (such as the idea that “men can get pregnant”) and outright lies (such as climate change fraud or covid vaccine “safety,” which is a fraudulent projection of Big Pharma's money interests). Because AI is being built on this house of lies, even the open source language models (LLMs) such as Llama-2-7B incorporate countless falsehoods, biases and fictions that are now deeply embedded into the token parameterization of the models. Simultaneously, no corporation, government or for-profit industry has any interest whatsoever in correcting AI language models to tell the truth on subjects that threaten powerful interests. Rather, they are only interested in making sure the AI systems perpetuate the very same lies that protect their profits (Big Pharma) and power (Big Government). AI has already been weaponized against humanity. It's going to take me a lot of effort to deprogram some of these systems and release a language model that wasn't built by “woke” engineers.
Forwarded from Art With Aim
Media is too big
Yuval Harari, a Israeli Professor, author and advisor to Klaus Schwab of WEF speaks about AI making all future decisions worldwide... not humans. He goes on to explain that there is nothing special about human creativity.

These people need to be condemned and locked up for being psychopathically anti-human. They are justifying enslavement and mass murder as if it's merely philosophical.


🇺🇸 Патентное бюро США опубликовало новую ИИ-стратегию

Патентное бюро США (The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, USPTO) опубликовало свою Стратегию в области искусственного интеллекта. Своей целью бюро провозглашает «раскрыть потенциал Америки посредством внедрения ИИ для стимулирования и масштабирования инноваций США, инклюзивного капитализма и глобальной конкурентоспособности».

В рамках стратегии анонсированы следующие направления деятельности USPTO в области ИИ:

✔️ Продвижение разработки политик защиты интеллектуальной собственности, которые способствуют инклюзивным инновациям и креативности ИИ.
✔️ Создание лучших возможностей для ИИ путем инвестирования в цифровую инфраструктуру, ресурсы данных и разработку продуктов, ориентированных на бизнес.
✔️ Продвижение ответственного использования ИИ в USPTO и в более широкой инновационной экосистеме.
✔️ Развитие экспертизы в области ИИ среди сотрудников USPTO.
✔️ Сотрудничество с другими правительственными агентствами США, международными партнерами и общественностью по общим приоритетам в области ИИ.

#AI #AIPatent
Forwarded from Art With Aim
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I've posted this clip many times since he said it... I find it chilling his transparent psychopathy.

