Ultra based Universal
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Glory To Empire/Cлава Империи!
❗️On New Year's Eve, we lost a decent and honest man and an officer. Viktor Alksnis, known to everyone by the nickname "black colonel", which the liberals gave him for his tough and confident patriotic position, has died. Alksnis has always consistently opposed the collapse of the USSR, opposed Gorbachev, and opposed Yeltsin. He advocated the return of Crimea to Russia back in 2002.

Sleep well, Black Colonel. A bright memory.

❗️В новогоднюю ночь мы потеряли достойного и честного человека и офицера. Скончался Виктор Алкснис - известный всем по прозвищу "чëрный полковник", которое дали ему либералы за его жесткую и уверенную патриотическую позицию. Алкснис всегда последовательно выступал против развала СССР, выступал против Горбачева, против Ельцина. Выступал за возвращение Крыма в состав России ещё в 2002 году.

Спи спокойно, чëрный полковник. Светлая память.
С рождеством Христовым! православные!

Христос Родился! Славим его!
Forwarded from AGDchan
Печальная новость. На фронте Великой Войны погиб наш брат и друг, лидер Евразийского Союза Молодежи, православный христианин, Павел Канищев. Он пошел добровольцом на фронт с весны 2022 года, и все это время воевал. Последнее время в отряде штурмовиков. Год назад на мой вопрос, чем ему можно помочь, он ответил: «Александр Гельевич, мне нужно самое дорогое - молитвы.» Его путь в Царство Небесное был трудным. Но так бывает у всех героев.
Forwarded from Alexander Dugin
In Memory of Pavel Kanischev and Daria Dugina
I remind you that the translation of the posts from Russian can be seen in the comments to the entry.
Forwarded from ЕСМ | РОССИЯ-Z
❗️ЕСМ - Стрим идёт прямо сейчас!

Заходите на прямой эфир историка Андрея Беднарского и журналиста, радиоведущего, самого русского американца - Тима Керби!

В повестке дня: Американские гранты, USAID, помощь Украине и удар новой администрации белого дома по глобалистским сетям.

yes. its new video.
Ultra based Universal pinned «https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or-Fh5p1wac&t=5s»
❤️‍🔥 Ballad of a Russian warrior. Combat commander "Otmel".

The history of the 1st battalion of the 9th regiment of the 18th division is one of the bright symbols of the Russian army and the Russian spirit.

If suddenly, someone does not know about this feat of our guys, then in short: while on vacation in Kursk after fighting in the Kharkov direction, the 1st battalion of the 9th regiment, led by battalion commander Sergei Chebnev (call sign "Otmel") on August 6 last year stood in the way of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which were heading to the Kursk NPP. Otmel led the defense of Malaya Loknya, which was on the way to the NPP. Fighting for 12 days with superior forces, our soldiers found themselves locked in a penal colony. Battalion commander Chebnev died there, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not manage to break through to the NPP. And Chebnev's soldiers were able to get out of the encirclement to their own, but they vowed to return and take the body of their commander.

The body of Hero of Russia Sergei Chebnev (battalion commander of the 9th regiment of the 18th division) was found by his soldiers in the colony in Malaya Loknya. They followed him, they returned him to his family.

On March 6, Vladimir Putin presented the Hero star to the widow of battalion commander Sergei Chebnev, and on March 10, his body was found in Malaya Loknya by his soldiers. The President had a long informal conversation with Olga Chebneva. He said that an offensive was being prepared and Sergei's body would be searched for. This is more important than anything else for the family.