#People’s #Assembly #Speaker #announces that the People’s #Assembly has #received a #notice from the #Supreme #Constitutional #Court that #Ahmad #Yousef #Abdul-Ghani #submitted an #application to run for #President, which is the #seventh #application for #candidacy in the #presidential #elections.
April 22, 2021
#People’s #Assembly #Speaker announces that the People’s #Assembly has #received a #notice from the #Supreme #Constitutional #Court that #Nahed #Mohammad #Anwar #al-Ayyoun #al-Dabbagh submitted an #application to run for #President, which is the #eighth #application for #candidacy in the #presidential# elections.
April 22, 2021
#People’s #Assembly #Speaker announces that the People’s #Assembly has #received a #notice from the #Supreme #Constitutional #Court that #Mohammad #Saleh #Asaad #al-Haj #Abdullah #submitted an #application to run for #President, which is the #ninth application for #candidacy in the #presidential #elections.
April 22, 2021
#People’s #Assembly #Speaker announces that the People’s #Assembly has# received a#notice from the #Supreme #Constitutional #Court that #Abdul-Hannan #Khalaf #al-Badawi #submitted an #application to #run for #President, which is the #tenth #application for #candidacy in the #presidential #elections.
April 22, 2021
#People’s #Assembly #Speaker announces that the People’s #Assembly has #received a #notice from the #Supreme #Constitutional #Court that #Mahmoud #Ahmad #Mar’ai #submitted an #application to# run for #President, which is the #eleventh #application for #candidacy in the #presidential #elections.
April 22, 2021
#People’s #Assembly #Speaker announces that the Assembly has #received a notice from #Supreme #Constitutional #Court that #Sinan #Ahmad #al-Qassab submitted an application to run for #President, which is the #thirteenth application for #candidacy in the #presidential #elections.
April 23, 2021
#People’s #Assembly #Speaker announces that the Assembly has received a notice from #Supreme #Constitutional #Court that #Mohamnad #Yousef #Ramadan submitted an application to run for #President, which is the #fourteenth application for #candidacy in the #presidential #elections.
April 23, 2021
#Head of the #Supreme #Constitutional #Court: #Three candidacy #applications to run for president are #accepted, the #rest are #rejected for #not meeting the #constitutional and #legal #conditions
May 3, 2021
May 10, 2021
#Supreme #Investment #Council: Completing procedural guides, executive instructions for new investment law
Syrian Arab News Agency
Supreme Investment Council: Completing procedural guides, executive instructions for new investment law
Damascus, SANA- Damascus, SANA- The Supreme Investment Council during its meeting on Monday, headed by Eng. Hussein Arnous who is tasked with forming the cabinet, decided to speed up the necessary measures to complete the procedural guides and the executive…
August 2, 2021