SANA reporter in #Aleppo: 3rd Meeting of Syrian #Tribes and #Clans and #National Elites starts in Aleppo City in #rejection of US and Turkish #occupation and their tools, and in affirmation of #national #unity and #support to the Syrian Arab #Army against #terrorism and #occupation.
August 20, 2020
#Closing #statement of #Arab #Clans and #Tribes #Forum in #Deir Ezzor affirms #adherence to #national #constants, #rejection of all #forms of #occupation and the #standing by the #Syrian Arab #Army in its #war against #terrorism.
March 22, 2021
The #closing #statement calls for #uniting #efforts of the #Syrian #tribes to #expel the #occupiers and #defeat the #aggression on #Syria.
March 22, 2021