Russian Embassy in the Philippines
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Официальный канал Посольства Российской Федерации в Республике Филиппины

Official channel of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of the Philippines
On June 12, 2023 🇷🇺Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, sent a congratulatory telegram to 🇵🇭 Ferdinand Marcos, President of the Republic of the Philippines, on occasion of the 125th anniversary of proclamation of Independence.

"The Russia-Philippines relations are traditionally of friendly character. I'm confident that further development of constructive bilateral dialogue and cooperation in different fields serve the fundamental interests of the two peoples and go in line with ensuring security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region", the Russian leader noted in the text.

President Putin wished strong health and every success to President Marcos, and to the citizens of the Philippines - happiness and well-being.
🇷🇺 🤝🇵🇭 Russian Embassy in Manila congratulates the Philippines on the 125th anniversary of proclamation of its Independence and wish to the Filipino people prosperity and welfare.
🗓 Сегодня Республика #Филиппины отмечает День Независимости!

12 июня 1898 года Филиппины освободились от бремени длившегося несколько сотен лет испанского колониального господства. Однако уже в декабре новое независимое государство столкнулось с фактическим предательством своего союзника – США. Американцы, проигнорировав чаяния филиппинцев, «выкупили» Филиппины у Испании и долгие годы сохраняли власть над территорией архипелага.

Лишь в 1946 году Филиппины формально вышли из-под управления Вашингтона, издевательски провозгласившего 4 июля днём празднования независимости Республики. При этом США де-факто продолжили держать страну в политической и экономической зависимости.

Подъём национально-освободительных настроений привёл к постепенному снижению в стране американского влияния, и в 1962 году Филиппины официально начали отмечать главный государственный праздник 12 июня.

В 1992 году Филиппины стали участником Движения неприсоединения, подтвердив тем самым среди прочего своё неприятие империализма, колониализма и неоколониализма.

🇷🇺🇵🇭 Дипломатические отношения между нашей страной и Филиппинами были установлены 2 июня 1976 года. Российско-филиппинские отношения носят дружеский характер. Филиппины являются одним из ключевых партнёров России в АТР. Подходы наших стран к целому ряду ключевых вопросов глобальной и региональной повестки дня близки или совпадают, базируется на принципах суверенного равенства государств и невмешательства во внутренние дела.

👉 Подробнее о российско-филиппинских отношениях

🎉 Поздравляем филиппинских коллег и друзей с национальным праздником! Желаем мира, процветания и благополучия!
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Media is too big
🇷🇺 Russian youth joins the #RussiaDay celebrations!

Kids from all over the nation and even abroad participated in the “Tell the world about your Motherland” event, highlighting their regions of origin and hometowns.

Thanks to the passionate youngsters, Russians themselves together with foreigners can learn more about our vast and gorgeous Motherland — from Kaliningrad to the Kuril Islands, from its southernmost borders to the Far North.

Throughout the years over 10,000 kids and teens have submitted their creative videoblogs.

👦👧 Take heed to the traditions, culture and history of every corner of our immense country through the eyes of the younger generation!

#KidsSpeak #DiverseRussia
Forwarded from Kremlin. News
Vladimir Putin had a meeting with war correspondents. Key points:

🔹The goals of the special military operation change according to the current situation but remain fundamental for Russia.

🔹Ukraine has had no success in any area of the counteroffensive, yet it has lost up to 25-30% of the hardware supplied by the West.

🔹The Kakhovskaya power plant flood victims will receive help under Russian law and standards.

🔹If Ukraine continues to attack Russia, we’ll have to consider creating a cordon sanitaire wide enough to prevent strikes on our territory.

🔹There’s no need to introduce martial law or carry out another wave of mobilisation today.

🔹Russia is considering withdrawing from the grain deal. However, Moscow is ready to supply food to friendly countries in Africa and Latin America free of charge; the issue will be discussed with African leaders.

🔹The US is getting directly involved in the Ukrainian conflict and is provoking a grave international security crisis.

🔹The key to resolving the crisis is on the West’s side. It’s enough to stop supplying weapons and hardware to Kiev.
Forwarded from Russian Mission to ASEAN
🗓On June 14, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Andrey Rudenko 🇷🇺 participated in the ASEAN Regional Forum Senior Officials' Meeting (#ARF SOM) held online under Indonesian Chairmanship 🇮🇩.

🔹Senior officials discussed the progress achieved so far and issues related to preparation for the upcoming ARF Foreign Ministers' Meeting in July in Jakarta, Indonesia 🇮🇩.

🇷🇺 As part of the exchange of views on topical issues in the Asia-Pacific, Russian delegation voiced its approach towards the military-political risks associated with building up a network of minilateral blocs in the region and bringing NATO potential to the East Asia.

☝️ Russia reiterated its position on the maintaining and strengthening the central role of #ASEAN in regional affairs based on ASEAN-led platforms of multilateral cooperation.
Forwarded from Росавиация
В Росавиации заместитель руководителя Росавиации Владимир Потешкин и   Чрезвычайный Полномочный Посл Республики Филиппины в РФ Игорь Байлен  обсудили перспективы развития сотрудничества в области гражданской авиации.

Коллеги из Посольства презентовали туристический потенциал провинции Себу и высказали заинтересованность начала полетов в данный регион российских перевозчиков из городов Приморья, Владивостока и Хабаровска.

Заместитель руководителя Росавиации сообщил, что у российских авиакомпаний имеется положительный опыт полетов в Филиппины. С целью создания дополнительных возможностей для российских туристов авиационные власти России готовы совместно с авиационными властями Филиппин принять необходимые меры для возобновления полетов из Москвы, Владивостока и Хабаровска в Манилу и Себу.

Договорились продолжить диалог по вопросу возобновления авиаперевозок между Россией и Филиппинами.

Также обсудили подготовку к подписанию Рабочего соглашения в области летной годности. Договоренность направлена на поддержку экспорта гражданской авиационной техники российского производства в Филиппинах и нацелена на применение согласованных подходов для одобрения типовой конструкции гражданской авиационной техники, модификаций, а также на укрепление сотрудничества между двумя авиационными ведомствами.

#Росавиация #ПосольствоФилиппин_Москва #международноесотрудничество #авиакомпанииРоссии #туризм
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answer to a question from NTV on the sidelines of the 26th St Petersburg International Economic Forum (June 16, 2023)

Question: You have said that the Ukrainian part of the “grain deal” has turned into a commercial project. What does Russia think about the possibility of its extension? Are there any signs that our position will be taken into account?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: Why should we extend an unviable deal? The part of the package regarding Russian fertilisers and foods, proposed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, is not being implemented. Only the Ukrainian part is being implemented, but only as a commercial deal rather than for the purpose mentioned by Guterres, which is to satisfy the needs of the poorest countries.

❗️ Less than 3 percent of the total volume dispatched by Ukraine under the grain part of the initiative were delivered to the poorest developing countries on the special list of the UN World Food Programme.

As for our part of the package deal, the explosion of the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline alone has shown that some people would like to destroy the package and everything else that created conditions for expanding our trade and the delivery of Russian products to developing countries.

Ukraine and the EU have established “solidarity lanes,” which are a combination of land and river routes. Many European countries are angry about cheap and low-quality Ukrainian grain that does not meet sanitary requirements. If they have more than they need, they can send the surplus to Africa and other countries that need it, including as fodder for their cattle.

☝️ For the past months when the Russian part of the “grain deal” was blocked, we continued to deliver grain to developing countries via other routes, which are not obstructed by Western barriers. We will continue to do this. There is no doubt about that.

Read in full
Forwarded from Kremlin. News
Vladimir Putin’s speech at the SPIEF 2023 plenary session

The President listed the major principles that ensure steady, long-term and sovereign development of the country’s economy:

🔹 Maintaining a balanced budget and monetary policy. This combination has resulted in record-low unemployment and inflation.

🔹 A policy of ensuring social justice, decreasing poverty and inequality.

🔹A focus on promoting private initiative and expanding freedom of business activity.

🔹Lifting digital restrictions and priority development of transport and logistics networks as well as other infrastructure.

🔹The openness of the economy and expanding relations with reliable and responsible partners who are today’s drivers of the global economy.

“We need a proactive economic policy which can be built up and implemented in close alignment with the business community, our businesspeople. In fact, this means transitioning to a qualitatively new development level – a sovereign economy that not only responds to market conditions and takes into account demand but also creates demand itself,” the President of Russia said.

The President also outlined the directions for developing “supply-side economics”:

🔹Improving employment resources: retraining people, universities and colleges to focus on successful job placement for their graduates.

🔹Expanding entrepreneurial activity: support for beginning businesspeople and a system for smoothing the transition from SME to a larger business.

🔹Ensuring investment growth: increasing investment in projects for manufacturing priority industrial products. The Project Finance Factory is already operating; it is now supporting 26 projects worth 1.8 trillion rubles; another seven projects have been endorsed, valued at 345 billion rubles.

🔹Introducing lean manufacturing: raising the effectiveness of the real economy and services industry, stepping up labour productivity.

🔹 Production automation and use of AI technologies: a new platform is being launched for this, the Future Technologies Forum, which will provide a platform to discuss advanced trends in technology progress each year.

“Expanding Russia’s economic capabilities and fulfilling its potential must be directly linked with the growing well-being of our citizens. This is the essence of economic growth,” the President concluded.