📍 Olympiad is open for international citizens wishing to enroll for study in RUDN University in Bachelor, Specialist, Master's Degree and PhD Programs in 2024.
The winners of the Olympiad are given an opportunity to take the chosen course on a scholarship basis.
⚫️ The list of the subjects (Bachelor, Specialist and Master`s degree):
☑️Informatics (IT)
☑️Social Studies
☑️Ecology (only Master Degree Program)
⚫️ List of the PhD programs:
2.2. Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Frameworks,
group of specialties 1.2. Computer Science and Informatics
1.7. Theoretical Mechanics and Machine Dynamics
1. Mathematics and Mechanics, specialty 1.1.7. Mathematics of Computations
1. Mathematics and Mechanics, specialty 1.1.2. Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics
1. Mathematics and Mechanics, specialty 1.1.1. Real, Complex, and Functional Analysis
2.3. Theoretical Computer Science, Cybernetics, group of specialties 1.2. Computer Science and Informatics
5.15.Ecology, Specialty Group 1.5. Biological Sciences
ℹ️ For more information, please visit the following website:
We wish you success!
#RUDN #openolympiad #educationinrussia #RussianUniversities #scholarships
📍 Olympiad is open for international citizens wishing to enroll for study in RUDN University in Bachelor, Specialist, Master's Degree and PhD Programs in 2024.
The winners of the Olympiad are given an opportunity to take the chosen course on a scholarship basis.
⚫️ The list of the subjects (Bachelor, Specialist and Master`s degree):
☑️Informatics (IT)
☑️Social Studies
☑️Ecology (only Master Degree Program)
⚫️ List of the PhD programs:
2.2. Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Frameworks,
group of specialties 1.2. Computer Science and Informatics
1.7. Theoretical Mechanics and Machine Dynamics
1. Mathematics and Mechanics, specialty 1.1.7. Mathematics of Computations
1. Mathematics and Mechanics, specialty 1.1.2. Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics
1. Mathematics and Mechanics, specialty 1.1.1. Real, Complex, and Functional Analysis
2.3. Theoretical Computer Science, Cybernetics, group of specialties 1.2. Computer Science and Informatics
5.15.Ecology, Specialty Group 1.5. Biological Sciences
ℹ️ For more information, please visit the following website:
We wish you success!
#RUDN #openolympiad #educationinrussia #RussianUniversities #scholarships