The AfCFTA Business Forum taking place from April 15 to 18, kicked off yesterday in Cape Town, South Africa, under the theme “Accelerating implementation of the AfCFTA.”
Along With Prof. Benedict Oramah, President of Afreximbank, the Opening Ceremony, which took place on April 16th, was attended by various African Dignitaries, including the Champion of the AFCFTA and former President of Niger H.E. Muhammadou Issoufou and the Minister of Trade, Industry and competition for South Africa, Hon. Ebrahim Patel, representing H.E. Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa.
The forum was hosted by the AfCFTA Secretariat under the leadership of its Secretary General, H.E. Wamkele Mene. #afcfta #afreximbank #Africa #trade #investment
Along With Prof. Benedict Oramah, President of Afreximbank, the Opening Ceremony, which took place on April 16th, was attended by various African Dignitaries, including the Champion of the AFCFTA and former President of Niger H.E. Muhammadou Issoufou and the Minister of Trade, Industry and competition for South Africa, Hon. Ebrahim Patel, representing H.E. Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa.
The forum was hosted by the AfCFTA Secretariat under the leadership of its Secretary General, H.E. Wamkele Mene. #afcfta #afreximbank #Africa #trade #investment
It’s official! The Afreximbank Caribbean Office is officially open in Bridgetown, Barbados. The opening ceremony began with a plaque and totem unveiling to commemorate this monumental day.
The plaque and ribbon cutting was done by Prof. Benedict Oramah, President and Chairman of the Board, Afreximbank, Hon. Mia Mottley, Prime Minister, Barbados, as well as Prime ministers of Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and executives of the bank. #Afreximbank #AfriCaribbeanTrade
Карибский офис Афрэксимбанка официально открыт в Бриджтауне, Барбадос. Церемония открытия началась с открытия мемориальной доски в ознаменование этого памятного дня. Открыли Мемориальную доску и перерезали ленту профессор Бенедикт Орама президент и председатель правления Афрэксимбанка, Миа Моттли премьер-министр Барбадоса, а также премьер-министры Гренады, Сент-Люсии, Сент-Винсента и Гренадин и руководители банка.
Когда же в России откроется офис Афрэксимбанка?
The plaque and ribbon cutting was done by Prof. Benedict Oramah, President and Chairman of the Board, Afreximbank, Hon. Mia Mottley, Prime Minister, Barbados, as well as Prime ministers of Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and executives of the bank. #Afreximbank #AfriCaribbeanTrade
Карибский офис Афрэксимбанка официально открыт в Бриджтауне, Барбадос. Церемония открытия началась с открытия мемориальной доски в ознаменование этого памятного дня. Открыли Мемориальную доску и перерезали ленту профессор Бенедикт Орама президент и председатель правления Афрэксимбанка, Миа Моттли премьер-министр Барбадоса, а также премьер-министры Гренады, Сент-Люсии, Сент-Винсента и Гренадин и руководители банка.
Когда же в России откроется офис Афрэксимбанка?
Yesterday in Cairo, the China Development Bank (CDB) signed a development-focused agreement to provide Afreximbank with a US$400-million term loan facility; to support the financing of SMEs involved in extra- and intra-African trade across Africa, and those engaged in the productive sectors in Afreximbank Member States.
“African SMEs continue to struggle to access adequate and affordable financing for growing their businesses; this facility would help increase the level of financing available to them. It will also enable our two institutions achieve our respective mandates and developmental outcomes, which include job creation, increased economic activity and increased extra-African trade with China.” said Prof. Benedict Oramah. #Afreximbank #CDB
“African SMEs continue to struggle to access adequate and affordable financing for growing their businesses; this facility would help increase the level of financing available to them. It will also enable our two institutions achieve our respective mandates and developmental outcomes, which include job creation, increased economic activity and increased extra-African trade with China.” said Prof. Benedict Oramah. #Afreximbank #CDB
Its official! Afreximbank has signed the agreement for the acquisition of land for its iconic African Trade Centre (NAC-ATC) in Egypt’s new administrative capital in Cairo. The planned complex will house the Bank’s corporate headquarters, and will include a conference centre, a hotel, an exhibition centre, an innovation hub and retail facilities.
Это официально! Афрэксимбанк подписал соглашение о приобретении земли для своего знаменитого Африканского торгового центра (NAC-ATC) в новой административной столице Египта Каире. В запланированном комплексе разместится штаб-квартира Банка, а также конференц-центр, гостиница, выставочный центр, инновационный центр и торговые объекты.
#Afreximbank #AfCFTA
Это официально! Афрэксимбанк подписал соглашение о приобретении земли для своего знаменитого Африканского торгового центра (NAC-ATC) в новой административной столице Египта Каире. В запланированном комплексе разместится штаб-квартира Банка, а также конференц-центр, гостиница, выставочный центр, инновационный центр и торговые объекты.
#Afreximbank #AfCFTA
The Afreximbank Compliance Forum 2023 has officially kicked off and the day started off with welcome remarks from Dr. George Elombi, Executive Vice President – Governance, Legal and Corporate Services, Afreximbank.
Further remarks were also delivered by Mr. Samuel Kwame Yedu Aidoo, Executive Director, Wholesale & Investment Banking, GCB Bank Plc and Mr. Akef Elmaghraby, Vice Chairman, Banque Misr. #Afreximbank
Further remarks were also delivered by Mr. Samuel Kwame Yedu Aidoo, Executive Director, Wholesale & Investment Banking, GCB Bank Plc and Mr. Akef Elmaghraby, Vice Chairman, Banque Misr. #Afreximbank
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We are about two months away from the 3rd edition of the Intra-African Trade Fair, which will be held in Cairo, Egypt, this year. Are you wondering why you should attend #IATF2023? Watch the video to find out why. You don’t want to miss it! #Afreximbank
Президент Афрэксимбанка профессор Бенедикт Орама принял делегацию Республики Южный Судан во главе с министром финансов и планирования Др. Барнаба Бак Чол прибыл по поручению Президента Южного Судана.
Южный Судан продвигает свои амбиции в области развития, и Афрэксимбанк стремится поддерживать его проекты по развитию торговли, а также смягчать затяжные последствия пандемии COVID-19. Недавние меры включают в себя механизм амортизируемого срочного кредита, обеспеченного дебиторской задолженностью, на сумму 400 миллионов долларов США, механизм PATRADS на сумму 63 миллиона долларов США и механизм PATIMFA на сумму 250 миллионов долларов США для дальнейшей поддержки и дополнения финансовых ресурсов правительства.
Afreximbank President Prof. Benedict Oramah received a delegation from the Republic of South Sudan led by the Minister of Finance and Planning, Hon. Dr. Barnaba Bak Chol, who represented H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit and delivered his goodwill message. South Sudan is advancing its development ambitions and Afreximbank is committed to supporting its trade enabling projects as well as cushioning against the prolonged effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent interventions include a US$ 400M Receivables Backed Amortizing Term Loan Facility, a US$ 63M PATRADS Facility and US$250M PATIMFA Facility to further support and supplement the Government’s fiscal resources.
#Afreximbank #SouthSudan
Российско-Африканский Диалог
Южный Судан продвигает свои амбиции в области развития, и Афрэксимбанк стремится поддерживать его проекты по развитию торговли, а также смягчать затяжные последствия пандемии COVID-19. Недавние меры включают в себя механизм амортизируемого срочного кредита, обеспеченного дебиторской задолженностью, на сумму 400 миллионов долларов США, механизм PATRADS на сумму 63 миллиона долларов США и механизм PATIMFA на сумму 250 миллионов долларов США для дальнейшей поддержки и дополнения финансовых ресурсов правительства.
Afreximbank President Prof. Benedict Oramah received a delegation from the Republic of South Sudan led by the Minister of Finance and Planning, Hon. Dr. Barnaba Bak Chol, who represented H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit and delivered his goodwill message. South Sudan is advancing its development ambitions and Afreximbank is committed to supporting its trade enabling projects as well as cushioning against the prolonged effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent interventions include a US$ 400M Receivables Backed Amortizing Term Loan Facility, a US$ 63M PATRADS Facility and US$250M PATIMFA Facility to further support and supplement the Government’s fiscal resources.
#Afreximbank #SouthSudan
Российско-Африканский Диалог