Russia in OSCE/Россия в ОБСЕ
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ОБСЕ/ Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the OSCE

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Media is too big

Dissecting Western and Ukrainian #FakeNews on the situation in Ukraine.

Part 1. The simple ones

These low-grade efforts to imprint a line of thought on mass audiences is designed to trigger emotions, hoping one would not pose any questions.

Always fact-check and #Think4Yourself
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺

The unprecedented stream of #fakenews on what is happening in #Ukraine is designed to stir emotions & shut down one's rational thinking.

A group of experts & journalists have joined forces and are using expertise & common sense to debunk the most egregious ones.

Make sure to check their website (available in English, Spanish, French and Chinese) for a different viewpoint, an alternative to the mainstream media narrative.

Fighting fakes with facts.
Forwarded from Russian Mission Vienna
🛑 #FakeNews

⚠️ Fake: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba: «There is a danger of radiation leakage at the Chernobyl/Chornobyl nuclear power plant»

❗️Fact: The IAEA sees no critical impact on safety at the Chernobyl/Chornobyl nuclear power plant


⚠️ Фейк: На Чернобыльской АЭС создана опасность утечки радиации, заявил глава МИД Украины Дмитрий Кулеба

❗️Правда: МАГАТЭ в ответ сделало заявление о том, что «не видит критических нарушений безопасности на Чернобыльской АЭС»

Попытка раздуть скандал вокруг якобы уничтоженного Россией роддома в Мариуполе - верх цинизма и апогей кампании по продвижению фейковых новостей о нашей спецоперации на Украине.

О том, что этот бывший роддом - это давно уже огневая точка боевиков, было известно с самого начала операции. 7 марта в нашем выступлении в СБ мы специально проинформировали об этом коллег. Однако, никто нас не услышал. К сожалению, к кампании по продвижению этого фейка подключился Генсек ООН…прискорбная неосмотрительность!

Помимо твита на эту тему 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 мы распространили в качестве официального документа СБ письмо Постпреда В. А. Небензи с призывом не поддаваться на уловки украинской пропаганды
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Media is too big

#FakeNews: Russia indiscriminately bombs civilian infrastructure, including shopping malls

Mainstream media outlets "fiercely" report on Russian Forces bombing civilian infrastructure, including shopping malls... which is, yet again, an easily debunked piece of #FakeNews 👇

In reality: The Retroville mall in Kiev was shut down and used as a shelter and resupply depot for Ukrainian artillery and multiple launch rocket systems
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Media is too big

The anti-Russian #fakenews factory is not slowing down. No matter how ridiculous or unfounded, all fakes are picked up & legitimized by the MSM. The newest low is passing off harmless military flares as phosphorus bombs 🤦‍♂️

Forwarded from MoD Russia
The Russian military withdrew from Bucha, having previously left civilian casualties.

Stories about Bucha appeared in several foreign media outlets at once, which looks like a planned media campaign. Taking into account that the troops left the city on March 30, where was the footage for four days? Their absence only confirms the fake.

The video of the bodies is confusing: here at the 12th second the "corpse" on the right is moving his arm. At 30th second in the rear view mirror the "corpse" sits down. The bodies in the video seem to have been deliberately laid out to create a more dramatic picture. This is easily seen if you play the video at 0.25 of normal speed.

After Russian troops withdrew from Bucha, the AFU shelled the city. This may have also caused civilian casualties.

Mikhail Podolyak uses such staged footage as a pretext to request weapons from Western countries.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #FakeNews
Media is too big
⛔️🤚Debunking fakes and disclosing propaganda coming from #Ukraine and from the #West about Russia's #Specialmilitaryoperation #Bucha #Izyum #Kupyansk #Fake #FakeNews