Russia in OSCE/Россия в ОБСЕ
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ОБСЕ/ Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the OSCE

🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's #answer to a media question
: Dear Ambassador, what do you think of the continuing arms supplies to #Ukraine by the United States and its allies?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: Pumping the #Kiev regime with weapons and sending foreign mercenaries to the Ukrainian territory is irresponsible and extremely dangerous. The militarization of Ukraine poses a direct threat to the European and global security.
🔷 The transfer of lethal weapons takes place through the arbitrary interpretation of national export control legislations by the authorities of Western countries. Licenses are often approved in a "simplified" mode. As a result, a significant part of weapons falls into the hands of bandits, Nazis, terrorists and criminals.
🔷 Do Western countries not realize that militants who have come from all over the world to #Europe can afterwards apply the combat experience gained in Ukraine anywhere, including back at home? Do they not understand the risks of the spread of missile weapons transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukrane across the European Union and neighboring regions as well as their use against civil aviation?
🔷 US politicians who make decisions regarding the uncontrolled supply of Stingers and other combat systems to Kiev should abandon their illusions and complacency. The #USA is not an isolated "island of prosperity". There is no guarantee that the weapons would not fall into the hands of extremists on its territory.
🔷 NATO member states have apparently forgotten how the United States were fishing the #MANPADS handed over to the #Afghan mujahideens in the 1980s throughout the entire Middle and Near East. And now, in the pursuit of financial gain, companies of the military-industrial complex have completely lost their moral guidelines and are willing to earn blood money.
🔷 We call on sponsors of the Kiev regime to stop encouraging bloodshed in Ukraine and give a serious consideration to the consequences of their activities.
📌Read the extracts from the statement of Russian Permanent Representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich “On ongoing crimes by Ukraine against civilian population with the support of Western alliance of OSCE participating States”, (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 19 may 2022):

🔘❗️ Bringing political consultations to a standstill, and military pumping of 🇺🇦Ukraine is conducted so as to protract the crisis in this country, to prevent its inhabitants from returning to peaceful life as long as possible

🔘🇺🇦Ukraine is expendable in total hybrid war of West against 🇷🇺Russia. Ukraine has been deliberately turned over years into hotbed of Russophobia & source of military and biological threats to its inhabitants and neighboring states’ population

🔘During special mil operation in Ukraine new evidence is discovered that 🇺🇸 Pentagon has been creating components of ☣️ biological weapons for several years in immediate vicinity of Russian borders in violation of relevant intl convention

🔘New details about Pentagon's ☣️experiments on Ukrainian citizens are being discovered - there’s reason to believe that such experiments have become part of conscious policy of 🇺🇸Washington and 🇺🇦Kiev.

🔘It seems that in recent years #USA and #Ukraine have not observed ☣️ Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
📍Read extracts from the statement of Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE Maxim Buyakevich “On ongoing crimes by Ukraine against civilian population with the support of Western alliance of OSCE participating States”, (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 26 may 2022):

▫️▪️Delusional myth about “centuries-old opposition to Russian 🇷🇺imperialism” is being imposed on Ukraine society, but behind these words lies simple desire to fight for interests of US hegemony in Europe “till last Ukrainian”.

▫️▪️After “evacuation” of Nazi fighters from Azovstal straight to DPR pre-trial detention centers, Ukrainian armed formations increased targeted attacks on civilians in other areas to accuse 🇷🇺 Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate shelling

▫️▪️Western rhetoric about “global food crisis” looks strange - grain from Ukraine, seems to be used by Western countries to replenish their own stocks - not to help countries in Asia and Africa that need food and are on verge of starvation

▫️▪️Instead of helping to end armed violence, USA & its satellites continue to invest in destabilization of Ukraine - they sponsor Kiev regime and send weapons 💣 that fall into hands of Ukrainian neo-Nazis

▫️▪️Continued large-scale militarization of Ukraine by NATO led by #USA demonstrates that West needs endlessly simmering conflict in this territory adjacent to Russia. At the same time inhabitants of the country 🇺🇦 are considered as consumables

▫️▪️With regard to Ukraine West has long built its policy on lies: February 2014 coup d'état is called "revolution of dignity", punitive operation to suppress dissent in Donbass is "anti-terrorist operation", armed neo-Nazis are "freedom fighters"
⭕️Read the extracts from the statement of Russian Permanent Representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich “On ongoing crimes by Ukraine against civilian population with the support of Western alliance of OSCE participating States”, (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 9 June 2022):

🔺While talking about readiness to contribute to the diplomatic resolution of the situation, in reality 🇺🇸USA, 🇬🇧UK and their NATO allies are trying to prolong the armed confrontation.

🔺Weapons sent by the West to 🇺🇦Ukraine ❗️cannot influence decisiveness with which the Russian special military operation to defend #Donbass will continue

🔺Multidimensional involvement of 🇺🇸 #USA and its allies in the situation in 🇺🇦Ukraine results in killing of citizens of 🇷🇺Russia, DPR, LPR and Ukraine - this is "playing with fire"

🔺Only 🇺🇦 Ukrainian armed formations have a motive to use chemicals in Ukraine - criminal plans of Kiev regime will continue to be made public in order to exclude possibility for it to mislead the international community

🔺Accusing 🇷🇺Russia of obstructing 🌾 grain export from 🇺🇦Ukrainian storages & trying to make our country responsible for what is happening in food markets is an attempt to to lay the blame on smb.'s else

🔺The West is making every effort to prevent their citizens from learning truth about events in 🇺🇦 #Ukraine - domestic media, editorial policy of which doesn’t correspond to Russophobic political mainstream, are under pressure
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
📄 Russian Foreign Ministry's comprehensive 2022 Report on:

Situation with the Glorification of Nazism
Spread of Neo-Nazism
Other Practices that Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance


The Report comprises national overviews of the situation regarding the aforementioned disturbing manifestations in 43 countries (in alphabetic order): from Australia to the neo-Nazi infested Ukraine.

Based on data from international and national sources the document summarizes the factual information on new manifestations in focal countries. Selected national overviews of note:


In a number of states, state policies and media campaigns have increased the level of historical revisionism aimed at distorting and rewriting history, falsifying the USSR's key role in securing the Victory over Nazism. The importance of this historic event for all mankind can hardly be overestimated.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" (October 21, 2024)

Key Points:


• BRICS epitomises the shifts that have long been underway in the global economy. New centres of economic growth are emerging, and alongside them comes financial influence, which in turn brings political influence.

• BRICS is a consortium where no single nation leads or is led, devoid of the bureaucratic machinery akin to that observed in Brussels, where EU officials impose decisions that contravene the will and interests of several member states, failing to align with the aspirations of voters across many countries.

BRICS does not stand in opposition to any entity, nor does it orchestrate operations or initiate projects. BRICS is committed to enhancing the combined potential of its nations and devising collaborative strategies for harnessing these potentials for mutual benefit.

• What makes BRICS and other World Majority or Global East associations that do not include Western countries stand out, is that they are not created for the purpose of struggling or fighting with anyone. They are established to collectively benefit from their competitive advantages such as geographical location, shared history, cultural and humanitarian proximity <...>.


• The US is unwilling to relinquish the reins of power that they have held since World War II through the Bretton Woods institutions and through the role assigned to the US dollar in the international monetary system, even after free exchange of US dollars for gold had been cancelled.

• The key goal of the US ruling class is to make sure no one can undermine their dominance. This goal is illusory. The historical process is objectively heading in a different direction, and this has to be reckoned with.

• We are ready to interact with any administration voted in by the American people, but only if such a dialogue is mutually respectful, and both parties listen and hear what the other party has to say.


• On multiple occasions, European leaders from Brussels have repeatedly made it clear that they must support Ukraine for as long as it takes, because Ukraine is fighting for the European values.

• It turns out that European leaders are still willing to uphold Nazi values, which is why denazification is not just a motto, but an objective of utmost importance.


• The United Nations is not a valiant knight expected to “charge in and extinguish the fire” upon witnessing injustice. The UN is an assembly of its member states, each with established rules, including the Security Council's veto rights. The United States has effectively exercised this right five times over the past year, blocking a resolution proposed by several countries, including Russia, demanding an immediate ceasefire. <...> Presently, the United States is taking every measure to avoid antagonising Israel.

• Nations such as India, Brazil, and African representatives should have long held permanent seats on the Security Council. This is essential to ensure representation of the World Majority.

#Finland #Sweden #NATO

• The zeal that the Finns and Swedes are showing in NATO, advocating for defeating Russia, is not only rooted in their historical instincts. They are also eager to show their Big Brothers in the North Atlantic Alliance that they have brought added value <...>.

• I am confident that reasonable people in Europe, who have learned the lessons taught by history, see this too, including in Finland and Sweden.


• To reiterate, the so-called right-wing conservatives are loyal to their countries and their people. We will engage with anyone who approaches us with a proposal to talk, to seek common ground, and to think about how we can jointly make the lives of our citizens better.


• We suggest discussing the Eurasian continent-wide security architecture, emphasising the fact that its doors will be open to everyone, including countries from the West of the Eurasian continent.

Read in full (Telegraph)
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" (October 21, 2024)

Key Points:


• BRICS epitomises the shifts that have long been underway in the global economy. New centres of economic growth are emerging, and alongside them comes financial influence, which in turn brings political influence.

• BRICS is a consortium where no single nation leads or is led, devoid of the bureaucratic machinery akin to that observed in Brussels, where EU officials impose decisions that contravene the will and interests of several member states, failing to align with the aspirations of voters across many countries.

BRICS does not stand in opposition to any entity, nor does it orchestrate operations or initiate projects. BRICS is committed to enhancing the combined potential of its nations and devising collaborative strategies for harnessing these potentials for mutual benefit.

• What makes BRICS and other World Majority or Global East associations that do not include Western countries stand out, is that they are not created for the purpose of struggling or fighting with anyone. They are established to collectively benefit from their competitive advantages such as geographical location, shared history, cultural and humanitarian proximity <...>.


• The US is unwilling to relinquish the reins of power that they have held since World War II through the Bretton Woods institutions and through the role assigned to the US dollar in the international monetary system, even after free exchange of US dollars for gold had been cancelled.

• The key goal of the US ruling class is to make sure no one can undermine their dominance. This goal is illusory. The historical process is objectively heading in a different direction, and this has to be reckoned with.

• We are ready to interact with any administration voted in by the American people, but only if such a dialogue is mutually respectful, and both parties listen and hear what the other party has to say.


• On multiple occasions, European leaders from Brussels have repeatedly made it clear that they must support Ukraine for as long as it takes, because Ukraine is fighting for the European values.

• It turns out that European leaders are still willing to uphold Nazi values, which is why denazification is not just a motto, but an objective of utmost importance.


• The United Nations is not a valiant knight expected to “charge in and extinguish the fire” upon witnessing injustice. The UN is an assembly of its member states, each with established rules, including the Security Council's veto rights. The United States has effectively exercised this right five times over the past year, blocking a resolution proposed by several countries, including Russia, demanding an immediate ceasefire. <...> Presently, the United States is taking every measure to avoid antagonising Israel.

• Nations such as India, Brazil, and African representatives should have long held permanent seats on the Security Council. This is essential to ensure representation of the World Majority.

#Finland #Sweden #NATO

• The zeal that the Finns and Swedes are showing in NATO, advocating for defeating Russia, is not only rooted in their historical instincts. They are also eager to show their Big Brothers in the North Atlantic Alliance that they have brought added value <...>.

• I am confident that reasonable people in Europe, who have learned the lessons taught by history, see this too, including in Finland and Sweden.


• To reiterate, the so-called right-wing conservatives are loyal to their countries and their people. We will engage with anyone who approaches us with a proposal to talk, to seek common ground, and to think about how we can jointly make the lives of our citizens better.


• We suggest discussing the Eurasian continent-wide security architecture, emphasising the fact that its doors will be open to everyone, including countries from the West of the Eurasian continent.

Read in full (Telegraph)