Russia in OSCE/Россия в ОБСЕ
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ОБСЕ/ Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the OSCE

💥Following #Zelensky's calls for nuclear strikes against #Russia, a #terroristattack was carried out on the #Crimeanbridge today, killing at least 3 civilians. The bridge was opened in 2018 to overcome the Kyiv regime's inhumane blockade of Crimean inhabitants

❗️Now the leadership of #Ukraine is rejoicing at the terrorist attack, making statements admiring the blast. The State Post Office promises to issue a thematic stamp. The terrorist essence and toxicity of the Kyiv regime are obvious, but the West continues to make "heroes" out of them
🎙 Read excerpts from the statement of Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE Maxim Buyakevich “On terrorist attacks by the Kiev regime against critical infrastructure with the direct support from the Western alliance of the OSCE participating States” (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 13 October 2022)

❗️ The murders in #Kupyansk on October 9 and other facts confirm that there is an organized extermination of the local population from among those who are suspected of being disloyal to the #Kievregime. Where is the reaction of the leadership of the #OSCE and its specialized institutions?

#OSCE Secretary General H.Schmid and the Polish OSCE Chairmanship in a press release dated October 10 supported the actions of the #Kievregime. And this is two days after the terrorist attack on the #Crimeanbridge arranged by the regime, which claimed the lives of innocent civilians

🚫 Representatives of the #NATO countries in the #OSCE also did not condemn a series of terrorist attacks in #Russia, planned in October by the Ukrainian special services. This is very telling about who and what #Russia is actually fighting against, and who dirtyly uses the people of #Ukraine as expendable material and "cannon fodder"
At the 2022 #OSCE Mediterranean Conference in Jordan #Russia stands for promoting co-operation with the OSCE Mediterranean Partners on relevant work across the three dimensions of comprehensive security
#Russia calls for closer interaction among #OSCE pS and Med Partners in the field of climate change focusing on practical issues and taking relevant mitigation and adaptation measures
At the 2022 #OSCE Mediterranean conference in #Jordan #Russia suppors constructive and substantive dialogue on combating human trafficking through comprehensive approach that includes preventing, assisting the victims and ensuring protection
At the 2022 #OSCE Med Conference in #Jordan #Russia informed about national policy measures to support women's entrepreneurship and create conditions for them to combine family and professional life in an optimal manner

🔴Member of the CEC of #Russia Pavel Andreev took part in  annual Seminar on Election Observation in Vienna, organized by #OSCE/#ODIHR he spoke on election observation and women's participation in elections in Russia.

👉 Read more in Russian language
🎙 Read excerpts from the statement of Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE Maxim #Buyakevich “On dangerous provocations by the Kiev regime with the support of the Western alliance of OSCE participating States and on the ongoing crimes by it against the civilian population” (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 27 October 2022)

☢️ At today's meeting of the #OSCE Permanent Council, we shared the information of the Russian Defense Ministry about the preparation by the #Kievregime of a provocation with the use of a "dirty bomb"

☝️ The hysterical reaction of Ukrainian and Western opponents spoke for itself: For them, Zelensky’s nuclear ambitions are also a tool to destabilize regional security by creating new threats to #Ukraine's neighbors

❗️ The use of a "dirty bomb" in current events in #Ukraine can only be beneficial for foreign handlers of the #Kievregime. They are looking for a pretext to openly interfere militarily with #NATO forces

⚡️ Threats to use #NATO's military potential against #Russia have become noticeably more frequent - from EU top diplomat J.Borrell to American generals and others. This is a dangerous "playing with fire" which escalates tensions

🤚 At the meeting of the #OSCE Permanent Council on October 27, Russia called on the #Kievregime's handlers in the West to keep it from dangerous provocations and terrorist acts
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"Right after the celebration of the Independence Day of Latvia, residents of Sesava in the Jelgava region have discovered another act of vandalism committed on a fraternal military burial located in this settlement – the inscription "Glory to the Heroes" in Russian and Latvian has been torn off from the memorial wall.

The perpetrators of this heinous crime hardly deserve to be named people. It is obviously not worth appealing to their conscience as well as moral values - such acts bring about in the society nothing but hatred and anger.

Such cases of mockery of the memory of the fallen are the result of outright connivance on the part of the Latvian authorities, who themselves are fighting against the symbols of the memorial heritage, thus breeding a sense of impunity and permissiveness in some circles. Apparently, this is the key to successful building of a "united political nation", in the view of the authors of this idea."

#Sesava #Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy
🎙 Statement by the Head of the Delegation of the Russian Federation, Permanent Representative of Russia to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich at the closing session of the 29th OSCE Ministerial Council

📍 Lodz, 2 December 2022

Part 1

💬 Despite the current problems, we believe that #OSCE has a future. As a platform for equal and mutually respectful dialogue and cooperation, the Organization is still in demand. When the Russophobia passes, we will be ready to restore work together

🔸 Discriminatory attitude towards Russia and other states “to the East of Vienna” should be abandoned. There is no place for teaching and mentoring. We will revive the culture of mutually respectful professional dialogue

❗️ We believe we need to negotiate. This is an axiom of diplomacy. The #OSCE cannot be in an eternal "waiting mode" - as it is now. It can’t also justify its further existence by the task of “punishing and restraining” #Russia

🇷🇺🇱🇻 Комментарий Посольства России в Латвии:

"20 апреля 2023 г. Сейм Латвии в спешном порядке одобрил законодательную инициативу, которая запрещает проведение любых мероприятий по случаю празднования Дня Победы, фактически объявив 9 Мая «вне закона».

Решительно осуждаем эту безнравственную выходку латвийских парламентариев, деятельность которых давно вышла за рамки здравого смысла и норм поведения, принятых в цивилизованных странах.

Рассматриваем результат голосования местных депутатов как акт глумления над светлой памятью героев, отдавших жизнь в борьбе с фашистскими захватчиками, и очередную попытку предать забвению уроки Второй мировой войны, переписав её итоги.

Развёрнутая Ригой беспрецедентная кампания по массовому сносу памятников советским воинам, героизации легионеров «Ваффен-СС» вкупе с гонениями на не согласных с этой иезуитской политикой лиц нарушает все мыслимые международно-правовые обязательства республики.

Любые попытки очернить решающий вклад СССР в освобождение мира от «коричневой чумы» и вытравить из памяти жителей Латвии героический подвиг советского народа заведомо обречены на провал".

#ДеньПобеды #память #9мая #запрет #СеймЛатвии #националисты #русофобы #памятники #ВОВ #Россия #Krievija #Russia #Рига #Латвия #Riga #Latvia #Rīga #Latvija #ПосольствоРоссии #МИД #МИДРоссии