Russia in OSCE/Россия в ОБСЕ
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ОБСЕ/ Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the OSCE

📌 Read the comment of Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE Alexander Volgarev «France on final report of the OSCE/ODIHR on the 2022 French presidential elections»(meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 15 September 2022)

💬 The format chosen by #ODIHR to monitor the presidential elections in #France 🇫🇷 this April, namely an EAM mission of 7 experts, was inadequate. Especially against the backdrop of ODIHR’s extensive criticism of the electoral system of the country
💬 Geographic imbalances and “double standards” persist in #ODIHR electoral monitoring activity. Office continues its subjective and unjustified division of #OSCE participating states into “mature and immature” democracies
💬 ODIHR's "gold standard" electoral methodology is seriously flawed. It is high time for the #OSCE to work together so as to develop collectively agreed rules for observation
🎙 Read excerpts from statement of Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE Alexander Volgarev «Report by the Special Representative of the Chairman-in-Office and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings»(meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 14 October 2022)

🔹 Trafficking in human beings is a global problem, which poses a serious threat to all countries & therefore requires a complex approach to the solution

🔹 Human trafficking is a gross violation of human rights and is one of the main components of organized crime with a strong financial motivation

🔹 The main causes of trafficking in "live goods" are poverty and social exclusion, marginalization of some segments of the population, legalized sex industry, lack of support for mother- and childhood

🔹 Some #OSCE participating States, instead of solving long-standing and systemic problems "on the ground" in the field of human trafficking, are engaged in drafting propaganda reports that are politically motivated

🔹 It is important to pay due attention to a more covert, but no less dangerous form of THB: trafficking for the removal of human tissues, organs, and cells

🔹 We urge Office of the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings not to go along with the Polish Chairmanship-in-Office, which is obsessed with the idea of total "Ukrainianization" of the #OSCE, and not to follow the guidelines of #ODIHR, which in favor of a small group of countries imposes concepts alien to the Organization
🎙 Read excerpts from statement of the representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE «On the report of the Director of ODIHR Mr. Matteo Mecacci» (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 20 October 2022)

🔸 #ODIHR's work is deeply disappointing - technically, organisationally or substantively it has been "featured" in virtually every anti-Russian initiative of Western countries, above all in the context of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine
🔸 Such behaviour is categorically unacceptable to the #OSCE executive structure, whose mandate was adopted not by a small group of countries, but by all OSCE participating States
🔸 ODIHR does not pay due attention to neo-Nazism, social and economic rights, violations of the rights of the Russian and Russian-speaking population, rights of the child , and non-discrimination against Christians, including in the context of the 2014 #OSCE MC Basel tasking
🔸 #ODIHR leadership seems to be inspired by the Polish #OSCE Chairmanship-in-Office, known for its gross violations of the Rules of Procedure and established practices, as well as for its virulently anti-Russian attitudes
🔸 A hallmark of official Warsaw is also the public replication of non-consensual, highly confrontational approaches in violation of the mandate of the "honest broker" and the need to take into account the views of all #OSCE participating States

🔸 #ODIHR's election monitoring is far from perfect: geographical imbalances persist, the division of #OSCE countries into "mature"/"immature" democracies and an inconsistent observation methodology that is unjustifiably sought to be presented as the mythical "gold standard"

🔸 The only way to rectify #ODIHR's unsatisfactory record on election monitoring is to develop rules for election observation agreed by all #OSCE participating States
🔴Member of the CEC of #Russia Pavel Andreev took part in  annual Seminar on Election Observation in Vienna, organized by #OSCE/#ODIHR he spoke on election observation and women's participation in elections in Russia.

👉 Read more in Russian language
🎙 Read excerpts from the statement of Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich «On ongoing democratic reforms in Kazakhstan and the results of the Presidential election» (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 8 December 2022)

👏 Congratulations to #Kazakhstan on excellent organization of Presidential elections. We note the positive assessments by the international community, including missions of CIS, CSTO PA, SCO, of their preparation and conduct

🇰🇿 The re-election of President K.-Zh.K.#Tokayev demonstrated that the program he put forward for the formation of a new Kazakhstan, aimed at the comprehensive transformation of the country, is supported by the overwhelming majority of the population

❗️ We agree with Kazakhstan's assessments of #ODIHR conclusions. They are biased, diverge with reality, and ignore the country’s progress in electoral sphere. Such an approach to the #OSCE participating States “East of Vienna” has become traditional for ODIHR