📚 On September 9, the Jawaharlal Nehru University (
#JNU) in New Delhi hosted a ceremonial opening of the Second Professional Education Programme in Russian Language, Literature and Culture.
🏫 The event was jointly organised by the
JNU Centre for Russian Studies (
#CRS) and the Minin University of Nizhny Novgorod.
🇷🇺 🤝 🇮🇳 It was attended by representatives from both universities, including Prof. Richa Sawant, Chairperson of the CRS, and Prof. Viktor Sdobnyakov, Rector of the Minin University, who welcomed the gathering online and introduced the Russian teachers of the programme to the
JNU students.
🟣 Special guests: Ulia Aryaeva, Counsellor of the Russian Embassy in India, and Elena Remizova, Head of the Russian House in New Delhi.
🟣The programme is designed for a fortnight and includes a series of classes on the following topics: "Travelling around Russia with Russian writers", "Such a different Russia", "Everything secret becomes obvious" (Russian language metaphor), "Politeness strategies in Russian-speaking culture".