⚡️According to the VESTI TV-channel, Mr. Evgeny Poddubny VGTRK correspondent was wounded as a result of a targeted attack by a Ukrainian FPV-drone, while reporting in the Kursk region 🇷🇺
📍This is another Kiev's crime against the Russian media in order to hide the truth.
📍Ukraine has trampled all its international obligations in the field of safety of journalists, freedom of expression & access to information. The relevant international structures turn a blind eye to it.
☝️According to #UNESCO General Conference Resolution (1997) & Executive Board Decision (2023) the Director-General is tasked to condemn killings and any physical violence against journalists without distinction.
📢 We call on #AAzoulay to fulfill her mandate and condemn the attack against Mr.Poddubny.
📍This is another Kiev's crime against the Russian media in order to hide the truth.
📍Ukraine has trampled all its international obligations in the field of safety of journalists, freedom of expression & access to information. The relevant international structures turn a blind eye to it.
☝️According to #UNESCO General Conference Resolution (1997) & Executive Board Decision (2023) the Director-General is tasked to condemn killings and any physical violence against journalists without distinction.
📢 We call on #AAzoulay to fulfill her mandate and condemn the attack against Mr.Poddubny.
Media is too big
🎙Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the ambassadors' roundtable discussion on resolving the situation around Ukraine:
💬 #UNESCO Director-General #AAzoulay is a direct accomplice in the information war against the 🇷🇺 Russian Federation and against the truth at large.
👉 Watch video in full
💬 #UNESCO Director-General #AAzoulay is a direct accomplice in the information war against the 🇷🇺 Russian Federation and against the truth at large.
👉 Watch video in full