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📅 #OnThisDay in 1943 - exactly 8️⃣0️⃣ years ago - one of the largest and fiercest battles in history, which radically changed the course of World War II, the Battle of Stalingrad was concluded.
This bitter battle lasted 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ days on the banks of the Don and Volga rivers, at the walls of Stalingrad, and finally in the city itself. Over 2.1 million people were part of the battle on both sides.
The Battle for Stalingrad surpassed all previous battles in world history in its scale and intensity.
It was the Third Reich's firm belief & strategic calculus that in order to defeat the USSR the Axis would need to accomplish the following:
1️⃣ Conquering the Caucasus with its vital oil reserves (some 90% of all Soviet oil was produced there);
2️⃣ Seizing fertile agricultural areas in the Don and Kuban regions, the North Caucasus and the low reaches of the Volga;
3️⃣ Establishing control over the Volga River - an important transport route.
☝️ However, their plans were not destined to come true.
The Battle of Stalingrad includes two periods:
Defensive: from July 17 to November 18, 1942
Offensive: from November 19, 1942 to February 2, 1943.
🎖 The Battle of Stalingrad ended with a historic victory by the Soviet armed forces, marking a radical turn not only in the course of the Great Patriotic War, but also in the entire World War II.
The fascist block lost a quarter of its forces on the Soviet-German front during this battle with the total losses, including the dead and wounded, prisoners of war and those who went missing, totalling around 1.5 million people. This led Germany to announce its first national day of mourning during the war.
❗️ The victory in Stalingrad created conditions enabling Soviet forces to mount a large-scale counteroffensive aimed at expelling the invaders from the Motherland.
Not only did this massive feat increase the international prestige of the USSR & the Red Army, but also helped strengthen the anti-Hitler coalition.
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This bitter battle lasted 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ days on the banks of the Don and Volga rivers, at the walls of Stalingrad, and finally in the city itself. Over 2.1 million people were part of the battle on both sides.
The Battle for Stalingrad surpassed all previous battles in world history in its scale and intensity.
It was the Third Reich's firm belief & strategic calculus that in order to defeat the USSR the Axis would need to accomplish the following:
1️⃣ Conquering the Caucasus with its vital oil reserves (some 90% of all Soviet oil was produced there);
2️⃣ Seizing fertile agricultural areas in the Don and Kuban regions, the North Caucasus and the low reaches of the Volga;
3️⃣ Establishing control over the Volga River - an important transport route.
☝️ However, their plans were not destined to come true.
The Battle of Stalingrad includes two periods:
Defensive: from July 17 to November 18, 1942
Offensive: from November 19, 1942 to February 2, 1943.
🎖 The Battle of Stalingrad ended with a historic victory by the Soviet armed forces, marking a radical turn not only in the course of the Great Patriotic War, but also in the entire World War II.
The fascist block lost a quarter of its forces on the Soviet-German front during this battle with the total losses, including the dead and wounded, prisoners of war and those who went missing, totalling around 1.5 million people. This led Germany to announce its first national day of mourning during the war.
❗️ The victory in Stalingrad created conditions enabling Soviet forces to mount a large-scale counteroffensive aimed at expelling the invaders from the Motherland.
Not only did this massive feat increase the international prestige of the USSR & the Red Army, but also helped strengthen the anti-Hitler coalition.
📖 Learn more
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🇷🇺🇧🇾 Today, Belarus, a state linked to Russia by centuries of fraternal friendship and bonds of mutual assistance, is marking Independence Day.
#OnThisDay in 1944, Minsk was liberated from Nazi German invaders and occupants as a result of well-coordinated Red Army operations. Fighting shoulder to shoulder, our nations made a decisive contribution to the Victory over Nazism.
Today, Russian-Belarusian relations are those of strategic partnership and alliance. Together, our countries continue to overcome serious difficulties and defend their interests on the international scene. They collaborate closely in the field of military and military-technical cooperation and in ensuring collective security.
Moscow and Minsk jointly streamline various institutions of the Union State and promote integration projects in the Eurasian region. Our countries voice common or similar positions on many international issues and cooperate closely in the #CSTO, the #EAEU, the #CIS, the #UN, the #OSCE and other international and regional organisations.
🤝 We congratulate the fraternal people of Belarus on the national holiday. We wish them well-being and prosperity.
#RussiaBelarus #UnionState
#OnThisDay in 1944, Minsk was liberated from Nazi German invaders and occupants as a result of well-coordinated Red Army operations. Fighting shoulder to shoulder, our nations made a decisive contribution to the Victory over Nazism.
Today, Russian-Belarusian relations are those of strategic partnership and alliance. Together, our countries continue to overcome serious difficulties and defend their interests on the international scene. They collaborate closely in the field of military and military-technical cooperation and in ensuring collective security.
Moscow and Minsk jointly streamline various institutions of the Union State and promote integration projects in the Eurasian region. Our countries voice common or similar positions on many international issues and cooperate closely in the #CSTO, the #EAEU, the #CIS, the #UN, the #OSCE and other international and regional organisations.
🤝 We congratulate the fraternal people of Belarus on the national holiday. We wish them well-being and prosperity.
#RussiaBelarus #UnionState
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Media is too big
This battle raged for long 50 days and nights and became one of the biggest combat operations in history, involving over 4 million people, over 69,000 artillery guns and mortars, more than 13,000 tanks and self-propelled artillery units, and up to 12,000 planes on both sides.
Ahead of the battle, Soviet commanders Konstantin Rokosovsky and Nikolai Vatutin received intelligence reports and knew when the German offensive would begin. They ordered all the weapons at their disposal to target the enemy positions just 30 or 40 minutes before the operation began, just as the Wehrmacht soldiers were taking their positions.
⚔️ On July 12, a major tank battle took place near Prokhorovka with the legendary Soviet #T34 tanks engaging the German machines in close combat. The Soviet artillery also played its part by launching 200 train car loads of shells against the enemy every day.
With the victory in the Battle of Kursk, the USSR seized the strategic initiative and did not lose it until the end of the war. The victorious operation on the Kursk Bulge enabled the Soviet forces to liberate Kharkov on August 23, followed by combat operations to liberate Ukraine.
📹 The Russian Military Historical Society
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#Auschwitz was created by the Nazis in 1940 in a building that used to serve as military barracks near a small town called Oswiecim, whose history dates back to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Having occupied Poland in 1939, the Nazis changed the town's name of Oswiecim to German Auschwitz. Later, in 1941-1943, two more imprisonment facilities were established in the vicinity of Oswiecim. They were:
▪️Auschwitz II — best known to the wider public as #AuschwitzBirkenau, was three kilometres away from the main facility — Oswiecim and located near Brzezinka, a Polish village (Birkenau in German). Auschwitz-Birkenau was the largest "death factory". Equipped with crematoriums and gas chambers, it was created by the Nazis with only one aim — exterminate people.
▪️Auschwitz III (also known as Monowitz). Its prisoners were used by the Nazis for the Third Reich war industries.
Following the so-called Wannsee Conference in 1942, the Nazis approved what was called the “final solution to the Jewish question”. Since then, Auschwitz-Birkenau was turned into the main "death factory" for the annihilation of Jews in Europe.
❗️ Prisoners of Oswiecim were held by the Nazis in inhuman, barbaric conditions. They had to do hard, exhausting work until total exhaustion, to endure poor sanitation in the camp's facilities, malnutrition and constant tortures by the guards and SS-troops. It was in Oswiecim that the Germans first tested the "Zyklon-B" poisonous agent on human beings. Prisoners of Auschwitz were also subjected to cruel medical experiments, led by a Nazi criminal, infamous retired military doctor Josef Mengele.
In 1944, when the Red Army started the liberation of Europe, the Nazis, in an effort to cover the tracks of their crimes in Auschwitz, rushed to burn documents and destroy the camp's gas chambers, crematoriums, and deported as many prisoners as they could westward to other concentration camps deep in the Third Reich — over 58,000 prisoners were evacuated by the Nazis before Oswiecim and liberated by the Soviet forces in January, 1945.
In January 1945, the units of the 1st Ukrainian Front launched the Vistula-Oder offensive and, successfully expelling the Nazis from Poland, finally reached Auschwitz.
⚔️ In the late hours of January 27, following three days of fighting the retreating enemy, the Red Army took over Oswiecim and opened the gates of Auschwitz. The camp’s 7,000 prisoners were freed. Most of them were sick or suffering from extreme exhaustion and tortures.
Rescued prisoners burst into tears of joy when they greeted their liberators. Some facilities of the camp were instantly made a hospital. According to various historic estimates, in 1940-1945, from 1.5 to 4 million people perished in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Over the past years, we are witnessing a campaign in several European countries, including Poland, to rewrite and falsify the history of WWII and, in particular, to erase the memory of the feat performed by the Soviet soldiers-liberators who saved the Auschwitz prisoners.
🎙 From a briefing by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on topical foreign policy issues (January 23, 2025):
💬 "This year, like all those years before, Russian representatives will not be invited to the commemoration ceremonies at Auschwitz-Birkenau on January 27. That is, there will be no one there to mention the Soviet liberator soldiers and express gratitude to them. In this regard, there is something that needs to be said to the organisers and all the Europeans who will be there:
Your lives, your work and leisure, the very existence of your nations, your children have been paid for by Soviet soldiers, their lives, their blood. It was them who crushed the Third Reich machine. You are forever in their debt."
🕯 #WeRemember
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🕯 On January 27, the world observes International Holocaust Remembrance Day. #OnThisDay, 8️⃣0️⃣ years ago, during the Vistula-Oder Offensive, the Red Army’s 1st Ukrainian Front led by USSR Marshal Ivan Konev liberated the prisoners of Auschwitz-Birkenau (Oswiecim), the largest Nazi concentration camp.
In memory of the Holocaust tragedy, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution in November 2005, co-authored by the Russian Federation, proclaiming January 27 as a day of remembrance for the millions of victims of the Nazi genocide — Jews, Roma, Slavs and members of other ethnic groups.
The Nazi regime’s systematic policy of exterminating peoples deemed undesirable by Hitler’s Germany resulted in the ruthless murder of over 6 million Jews, along with millions of others.
In January 1942, during the Wannsee Conference, the Third Reich’s senior officials approved the so-called “Final solution to the Jewish question”, which aimed to annihilate 11 million Jews. That same year, the Nazi leadership finalised the Generalplan Ost, which called for the “relocation” or extermination of over 30 million Slavs and the “Germanisation” of Eastern Europe.
📄 The full extent of the Holocaust’s horrors became known to the general public after the liberation of Nazi concentration camps in 1945. Irrefutable evidence of genocide, including documentary materials, survivor testimonies and confessions from the Nazis themselves, were presented during the Nuremberg Trials (1945-1946). Key Nazi leaders, including those directly involved in the Holocaust organisation and execution, were convicted and sentenced to death or life imprisonment.
Today we honour all victims of the Holocaust and the bravery of the Red Army soldiers who liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
Around the world, Jewish organisations lead commemorative events marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, emphasising the urgency of combating xenophobia, racism and other forms of intolerance. In Russia, the Holocaust Remembrance Week, organised by the Russian Jewish Congress, is being held for the 11th time this year, running from January 15 to 31.
🙏 These commemorative events help preserve the historical truth about the atrocities of World War II, remind of the Red Army’s liberation of Auschwitz, and honour the heroism of all peoples of the former USSR and their role saving Jews and other peoples across Europe. Representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry traditionally take part in these events.
#NoStatuteOfLimitations #NeverForget #Victory80
In memory of the Holocaust tragedy, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution in November 2005, co-authored by the Russian Federation, proclaiming January 27 as a day of remembrance for the millions of victims of the Nazi genocide — Jews, Roma, Slavs and members of other ethnic groups.
The Nazi regime’s systematic policy of exterminating peoples deemed undesirable by Hitler’s Germany resulted in the ruthless murder of over 6 million Jews, along with millions of others.
In January 1942, during the Wannsee Conference, the Third Reich’s senior officials approved the so-called “Final solution to the Jewish question”, which aimed to annihilate 11 million Jews. That same year, the Nazi leadership finalised the Generalplan Ost, which called for the “relocation” or extermination of over 30 million Slavs and the “Germanisation” of Eastern Europe.
📄 The full extent of the Holocaust’s horrors became known to the general public after the liberation of Nazi concentration camps in 1945. Irrefutable evidence of genocide, including documentary materials, survivor testimonies and confessions from the Nazis themselves, were presented during the Nuremberg Trials (1945-1946). Key Nazi leaders, including those directly involved in the Holocaust organisation and execution, were convicted and sentenced to death or life imprisonment.
Today we honour all victims of the Holocaust and the bravery of the Red Army soldiers who liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
Around the world, Jewish organisations lead commemorative events marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, emphasising the urgency of combating xenophobia, racism and other forms of intolerance. In Russia, the Holocaust Remembrance Week, organised by the Russian Jewish Congress, is being held for the 11th time this year, running from January 15 to 31.
🙏 These commemorative events help preserve the historical truth about the atrocities of World War II, remind of the Red Army’s liberation of Auschwitz, and honour the heroism of all peoples of the former USSR and their role saving Jews and other peoples across Europe. Representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry traditionally take part in these events.
#NoStatuteOfLimitations #NeverForget #Victory80