В одном из живописных районов Калининграда. Памятный знак установлен по инициативе и за счёт местных жителей. Деньги на проект были собраны за 1️⃣ день.
There is #Donbass defenders memorial sign in a picturesque area of central #Kaliningrad. It was designed by the locals at their own expense. It took just a day to raise the money.
#фотодня #Калининград #инициатива #памятныйзнак
There is #Donbass defenders memorial sign in a picturesque area of central #Kaliningrad. It was designed by the locals at their own expense. It took just a day to raise the money.
#фотодня #Калининград #инициатива #памятныйзнак