Forwarded from Kaliningrad Region
🌅 #Curonianspit National Park started constructing another staircase across the foredune near Fringilla #bird station.
This serves both to save the sand ridge and make the way down to the sea easier.
🌐 The Curonian Spit is the @KaliningradReg landmark being on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
📸 @kursh_kosa
This serves both to save the sand ridge and make the way down to the sea easier.
🌐 The Curonian Spit is the @KaliningradReg landmark being on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
📸 @kursh_kosa
#Вэтотдень 17.10.1945 по итогам Потсдамской и Тегеранской конференций подтверждено решение о присоединении будущей Калининградской области к СССР. Ещё в 1944 У.Черчилль писал, что "земля этой части Восточной Пруссии обагрена 🇷🇺 кровью, пролитой за общее дело", имея в виду Гумбинненское сражение. "Мне кажется, что русские имеют историческую и хорошо обоснованную претензию на эту 🇩🇪 территорию".
Благодаря тем же решениям часть территорий: Гданьск, кусок Куршской косы и Клайпеда- отошла новым хозяевам.
On October 17, 1945, #Potsdam and Tehran conferences resulted in reaffirmation of the decision on the future #KaliningradRegion integration into the USSR. In 1944, Winston #Churchill wrote, "The soil of this part of East Prussia was dyed with 🇷🇺 blood expended freely in the common cause. It seemed to me that the Russians had a historic and well-founded claim to this 🇩🇪 territory."
Interestingly, due to Potsdam decisions some areas including Gdansk, a part of #CuronianSpit, and Klaipeda fell to their new owners.
Благодаря тем же решениям часть территорий: Гданьск, кусок Куршской косы и Клайпеда- отошла новым хозяевам.
On October 17, 1945, #Potsdam and Tehran conferences resulted in reaffirmation of the decision on the future #KaliningradRegion integration into the USSR. In 1944, Winston #Churchill wrote, "The soil of this part of East Prussia was dyed with 🇷🇺 blood expended freely in the common cause. It seemed to me that the Russians had a historic and well-founded claim to this 🇩🇪 territory."
Interestingly, due to Potsdam decisions some areas including Gdansk, a part of #CuronianSpit, and Klaipeda fell to their new owners.