Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's #answer to a media question
: Dear Ambassador, how could you comment on the accusations of the US administration representatives against #Russia about its alleged violation of #CWC and #BTWC?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: Such nervous statements by the US authorities indicate the serious concern of the The White House about the revelation of the truth about the ongoing work on the military biological program near the borders of the Russian Federation funded by the #USA.
🔹 The US administration justifies illegal and dangerous activities with standard tactics by accusing Russia of all sins. It uses groundless and tired old arguments. As we say in Russia: "a guilty conscience needs no accuser".
🔹 We call on the United States to immediately wrap up illegal work in the field of military biology, including on the territory of the post-Soviet space. As well as to stop blocking the efforts of the international community to strengthen the BTWC regime and not to prevent the resumption of work on a legally binding Protocol to the Convention with an effective verification mechanism.
🔹 Moreover, it is time for #Washington to accelerate the destruction of national chemical weapons stockpiles. I would like to remind that the United States is still the only state party to CWC, which has not yet fulfilled its international obligations.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ответ Посла А.И.Антонова на вопрос СМИ
: Уважаемый Анатолий Иванович, как Вы могли бы прокомментировать заявления пресс-секретаря госдепартамента Н.Прайса в ходе брифинга 11 марта о том, что Россия может применить химоружие на Украине?
💬А.И.#Антонов: Грош цена подобным обвинениям. Американский чиновник, как всегда, не удосужился привести ни одного доказательства. Это очередная попытка демонизировать нашу страну.
В свою очередь, Россия 10 и 11 марта распространила документ о возможных химпровокациях на Украине в ОЗХО и Совете Безопасности ООН (https://mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/news/1803879/). Там детально изложены сценарии возможного использования токсичных химикатов украинскими радикалами, подготовленные под контролем представителей американских спецслужб.
Наша страна в отличие от США еще в 2017 г. ликвидировала все имеющиеся запасы боевых отравляющих веществ. Этот факт документально подтвержден ОЗХО. Спорить с этим бессмысленно.

🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's #answer to a media question
: Dear Ambassador, how could you comment on the statements by the Press Secretary of the U.S. Department of State, Ned Price, during a briefing on March 11 that Russia could use chemical weapons in Ukraine?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: Such claims are worth a penny. The US official, as always, did not bother to provide any evidence. This is another attempt to demonize our country.
In turn, on March 10 and 11, Russia circulated a document on potential chemical provocations in Ukraine in the OPCW and the UN Security Council (https://mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/news/1803879/?lang=en...). There are detailed scenarios of the potential use of toxic chemicals by Ukrainian radical groups, prepared under the control oof the representatives of American special services.
Our country, unlike the United States, eliminated all available stocks of chemical warfare agents in 2017. This fact has been documented by the OPCW. It is pointless to argue with this fact.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's #answer to a media question
: Dear Ambassador, what do you think of the continuing arms supplies to #Ukraine by the United States and its allies?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: Pumping the #Kiev regime with weapons and sending foreign mercenaries to the Ukrainian territory is irresponsible and extremely dangerous. The militarization of Ukraine poses a direct threat to the European and global security.
🔷 The transfer of lethal weapons takes place through the arbitrary interpretation of national export control legislations by the authorities of Western countries. Licenses are often approved in a "simplified" mode. As a result, a significant part of weapons falls into the hands of bandits, Nazis, terrorists and criminals.
🔷 Do Western countries not realize that militants who have come from all over the world to #Europe can afterwards apply the combat experience gained in Ukraine anywhere, including back at home? Do they not understand the risks of the spread of missile weapons transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukrane across the European Union and neighboring regions as well as their use against civil aviation?
🔷 US politicians who make decisions regarding the uncontrolled supply of Stingers and other combat systems to Kiev should abandon their illusions and complacency. The #USA is not an isolated "island of prosperity". There is no guarantee that the weapons would not fall into the hands of extremists on its territory.
🔷 NATO member states have apparently forgotten how the United States were fishing the #MANPADS handed over to the #Afghan mujahideens in the 1980s throughout the entire Middle and Near East. And now, in the pursuit of financial gain, companies of the military-industrial complex have completely lost their moral guidelines and are willing to earn blood money.
🔷 We call on sponsors of the Kiev regime to stop encouraging bloodshed in Ukraine and give a serious consideration to the consequences of their activities.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's #answer to a media question:
: Dear Ambassador, how could you comment on the new "package" of anti-Russian #sanctions on March 24?
💬Anatoly #Antonov: This is another example of obscuring the reality. The #US authorities are trying to punish members of the State Duma for expressing their own position that runs counter to #Washington's guidelines. Legislators defend the national interests of Russia. There is no other way.
🔷 It is obvious that the new "package" of anti-Russian sanctions aims to destroy the #economy and undermine the political situation in our country. Trampling on their own slogans about freedom of speech and democracy, the US authorities want to gag all dissenters.
🔷 Serial sanctions strikes will not achieve their goals. The untruth cannot bring the people of #Russia to its knees. No one can force us to sacrifice the good of the Motherland for pleasing the will of the United States and its allies.
🔷It would be good for the U.S. leadership to channel all their determination and uncompromising attitude to addressing the numerous problems of their own country and not assert themselves at the expense of the Russian Federation.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's #answer to a media question:
: Dear Ambassador, how could you comment on the accusations by Under Secretary of State Victoria #Nuland of the alleged responsibility of the leadership of #Russia for the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians and Russian soldiers?
💬Anatoly #Antonov: Such cynical rhetoric of the U.S. Department of State representative is unacceptable.
🔷 #Washington should bring charges against itself for destroying cities and killing tens of thousands of people in #Yugoslavia, #Afghanistan, #Iraq, #Libya and #Syria. The countless atrocities that marked the path of the US - NATO armed interventions are not limited to the recent history.
🔷 Just yesterday the world honored the memory of the victims of Yugoslavia. The US bombings, which lasted 78 days, took lives of more than 2 thousand innocent people, including children, women and the elderly. #America has wiped out numerous civilian infrastructure facilities. As a result, the country plunged into a humanitarian catastrophe.
🔷 The Russian special operation aims to put an end to the long-lasting genocide of civilians in #Donbass and disarm neo-Nazis in #Ukraine. It's time to understand that our country, unlike the United States, is doing everything to stop war crimes.