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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov exclusively for #Newsweek (September 27, 2023)

Key points:

📰 Recent trend in U.S. media: an increasing dissemination of speculations and fabrications about events in Ukraine.

🔹Local correspondents have rather poor grasp of the matter. Their perception seems shaped more by propaganda spread by unscrupulous politicians in Kiev and Washington than by facts.

❗️We stand ready to provide the names of all minors currently on Russian territory for their own safety. We maintain a comprehensive list of these children. Any child for whom we receive requests from their legal representatives – parents or guardians – will be promptly reunited with their families. We haven't kidnapped anyone; quite the opposite, we have rescued these children.

👉 In more recent article by The New York Times pointed to a Ukrainian missile being the most likely munition that caused the deaths of at least 15 people and wounded 30 others earlier this month at a market in the eastern Ukrainian city of Konstantinovka.

🔹Any insights from Russian official sources are promptly branded as Kremlin propaganda. The truth faces an exceedingly thorny path in reaching the U.S. audience.

🔹Professional correspondents, of whom there are many in the United States, seem to have the desire to delve deeper into various issues. We hope such reporting will inspire further investigations into the Ukrainian staging in Bucha, as well as the terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines, and will clear thing up with the West's narrative surrounding alleged poisonings of the Skripals and Navalny, purportedly orchestrated by Russia.

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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Посол России в США А.И.Антонов эксклюзивно для #Newsweek (14 февраля, 2024 г.)

Ключевые тезисы:

📰 Несмотря на упорные попытки некоторых государств добиться изоляции нашей страны или, по крайней мере, «раскрутить картинку» о якобы отгораживании ключевых столиц от Москвы, в реальности дела обстоят совершенно иначе.

🇪🇬🇮🇷🇦🇪🇸🇦🇪🇹 В этом году полноправными членами БРИКС стали Египет, Иран, ОАЭ, Саудовская Аравия, Эфиопия. Под девизом «Укрепление многосторонности для справедливого глобального развития и безопасности» Россия будет делать все возможное для дальнейшей «притирки» звеньев механизма.

Ситуация, когда одни страны считают себя вправе диктовать другим свою волю, угрожая отключением от глобальных экономпроцессов, конфискацией активов, разрушением благосостояния простых граждан, - в корне не соответствует текущему моменту.

❗️Магистральная цель председательства России - поддержать и усилить роль БРИКС в качестве авторитетного центра притяжения для стран, тянущихся к проведению самостоятельного внешнеполитического курса.

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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov exclusively for #Newsweek (February 14, 2024)

Key points:

Despite persistent attempts by a number of states to isolate our country or, at least, present such a picture that key foreign nations are fencing off from Moscow, de facto the situation is completely different.

🇪🇬🇪🇹🇮🇷🇸🇦🇦🇪 This year, as Russia took the helm of the bloc's rotating chairmanship under the banner of "Strengthening Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security," BRICS accepted five new members - Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - in line with last year's historic summit in Johannesburg.

A situation when a few countries feel entitled to dictate their will to others, threatening to cut off access to global economic processes, confiscate their assets, and ruin [the] well-being of ordinary citizens, is fundamentally wrong and inconsistent with prevailing tendencies.

❗️The main goal of Russia's chairmanship is to enhance and bolster BRICS' role and weight as a center of gravity for countries seeking to pursue an independent foreign policy course.

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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Посол России в США А.И.Антонов эксклюзивно для #Newsweek (20 февраля, 2024 г.)

Ключевые тезисы:

📌 Россия и сейчас не отказывается от диалога. Убеждены: рано или поздно мирные договоренности будут достигнуты. Вопреки стараниям покровителей киевского режима, которые продолжают вбрасывать миллиарды в затягивание кризиса, несущего страдания тысячам людей.

❗️Первые выстрелы весной 2014 года произвели киевские нацисты. Именно они погрузили в террор Одессу, бросили танки и самолеты против жителей Донецка и Луганска. То, что казалось кошмарным сном, стало явью.

🤝 Важно понимать: на протяжении десятилетий с момента распада Советского Союза Россия неизменно уважала независимость и суверенитет Украины. Последовательно выстраивала отношения с республикой на базе общепризнанных принципов сотрудничества и добрососедства.

⚡️ После начала СВО, весной 2022 года, был запущен переговорный процесс в Стамбуле, итогом которого могло стать политическое решение кризиса. Однако давление «третьих» столиц, не заинтересованных в дипломатической сделке, этому помешало. Западники сделали все, чтобы лишить Украину независимости и превратить в антироссийский плацдарм.

👉 Вместо того, чтобы услышать и понять ключевые требования России - о денацификации и демилитаризации украинских головорезов, отказе Киева от русофобии и планов вступления в НАТО - Вашингтон и его сателлиты лишь усугубляют ситуацию.

Разговор с нашей страной с позиции силы и санкционного давления перспектив не имеет. Однако упорное стремление к доминированию приводит лишь к обратному эффекту.

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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov exclusively for #Newsweek (February 20, 2024)

Key points:

📌 We are adamant: sooner or later peaceful agreements will be achieved against the efforts of the Kiev regime patrons, who continue pumping billions of dollars in order to drag out the conflict, bringing misery to thousands of people.

❗️The first shots were fired by Kiev Nazis in the spring of 2014. It was them who plunged Odessa into terror and sent tanks and planes against the residents of Donetsk and Lugansk. What seemed like a nightmare became a reality.

🤝 It is important to understand: for decades since the collapse of the Soviet Union Russia consistently respected the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine. It consistently built relations with the republic on the basis of generally recognized principles of cooperation and good-neighborliness.

⚡️ After the start of the special military operation, in the spring of 2022, a negotiation process was launched in Istanbul, that could have resulted in a political solution to the crisis. However, pressure from 'third' capitals that were not interested in a diplomatic deal prevented this from happening. The Westerners did everything to deprive Ukraine of its independence and turn it into an anti-Russian bridgehead.

👉 Instead of hearing and understanding Russia's key demands - the denazification and demilitarization of Ukrainian thugs as well as rejection of Russophobia and NATO plans of Kiev - Washington and its satellites are only making things worse.

There is no prospect of talking to our country from the position of strength and sanctions pressure. The persistent desire to dominate only leads to the opposite effect.

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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov exclusively for #Newsweek (March 19, 2024)

Key points:

🛡In Crimea we had no choice but to stand up in defense of the Russian-speaking population in its historical lands, to fight back against nazis and to stop NATO military machine from approaching our borders.

❗️ It became absolutely clear that people in Crimea, which is predominantly inhabited by Russians, were in serious danger. Crimeans turned to Russia for protection. Obviously, our country could not leave people in trouble and had to come forward.

It is time for ordinary Ukrainians to give up their illusions and realize that the creation of an "anti-Russia" with total dependence on the West doesn't lead to prosperity but to an inevitable downfall of the country.

👉 It is obvious that Western politicians and "professional human rights activists" are absolutely careless about the fate of ordinary Ukrainians caught between the millstones of armed conflict. Our opponents are doing everything possible to ensure the emergence of Ukraine as an anti-Russian State, continuing its suicidal slaughter.

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⚡️ Enjoy The Russian Embassy Weekly
# 3️⃣4️⃣6️⃣ ⚡️

Main topics:


🇷🇺🇧🇾 News conference following Russian-Belarusian talks
🇮🇷 Condolences over the death of President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi
🌍 Russia's President Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to heads of state and government of African countries on Africa Day
🇷🇺🇧🇭 Russian-Bahraini talks


🇮🇷 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s condolences to the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran
🤝 On May 20-21, Sergey Lavrov took part in the Foreign Ministers Council meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation member-countries
🇷🇺🇨🇳 On May 20, Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi on the sidelines of the SCO Council of Foreign Ministers meeting in Astana
🌍 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement at a reception on the occasion of Africa Day
🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to media questions


🇷🇺🇧🇾 Russian and Belarusian defence ministers hold talks in Minsk


📰 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov exclusively for #Newsweek
Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s answers to media questions
📽 Movie night


🏅 On May 20, 1942, the Red Army concluded the Kerch operation, the largest landing op on the Eastern Front


🖌 May 24 is the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture - tied to the Feast Day of St. Cyril and Methodius - the creators of the Slavonic script
🔔 255 years ago – on May 22, 1769, the iconic bell of Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin was cast
📆 500 years ago, on May 22, 1524, the Novodevichy Convent, most revered monastery in Moscow, was founded
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