Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США
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On January 10, 1946, the first meeting of the UN General Assembly took place in London.

On January 12, 1946, the main body of the United Nations responsible for international peace and security - the Security Council (#UNSC) - was created.

The Security Council held its first meeting on January 17, 1946 at Church House, Westminster, London.

The Soviet delegation was headed by Andrei Gromyko, the first Soviet diplomat to hold the post of Permanent Representative of the Soviet Union to the United Nations.
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📆 #OTD in 1845, Fyodor Martens, a Russian diplomat and famous expert on the history and theory of international law, was born. In Russia he is known above all as the author of Contemporary International Law of Civilised Peoples, a fundamental work that became the first Russian manual on international law.

The future international lawyer was born in Pärnu, Livonia Governorate of the Russian Empire. Having lost his parents when he was a child, he ended up in a St Petersburg orphanage. When he grew up, he was accepted to the law faculty of St Petersburg University thanks to his brilliant academic success.

Later he taught at his alma mater, as well as a number of other leading educational institutions of the Russian Empire. In 1869, he joined the Russian Foreign Ministry, and in 1881 became a permanent member of the Ministry Board. He participated in the Brussels Conference on the Codification of Laws and Customs of War on Land and represented Russia at international conferences of the Red Cross, the Brussels Conference on African Affairs, and many other important international venues.

Holding the Hague Peace Conferences in 1899 and 1907 at Russia’s initiative was among Martens’ most important achievements. At the first conference, the Russian expert developed the principles for peaceful resolution of international disputes, and at the second, he led a commission on maritime law, which made a significant contribution to the development of this area of international law.

A provision formulated by Martens was first recorded in the preamble to the Hague Convention of 1899, under which the parties to an armed conflict must first of all be guided by the principles of humanity and the requirements of public conscience (the so-called Martens clause). The theoretical innovations of the Russian diplomat also laid the foundation of the Convention on the Laws and Customs of War on Land.
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📅 90 years ago, on November 16, 1933, the Soviet Union and the United States established diplomatic relations.

👉 Following the 1917 October revolution, the United States initially refused to recognise Soviet Russia as a state and took part in the armed intervention. The outcome of the Civil War showed that Washington would have to show consideration for the new Moscow government.

✍️ The interest of American businesses in trade with the Soviet Union, especially against the backdrop of a severe economic crisis, and a desire to restrict Japan’s expansion in the Far East forced Washington to recognise the young Soviet state. In October 1933, US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt sent a letter to Mikhail Kalinin, Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, in which he wrote about the United States’ desire to start negotiations on official recognition.

In November, Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs Maxim Litvinov arrived in Washington, where he held hours-long talks with President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull during which they ironed out their many differences.

Prominent diplomat Alexander Troyanovsky was appointed the first Soviet plenipotentiary representative to the United States. The first US Ambassador to the Soviet Union was special assistant to the US Secretary of State William Bullitt. His memoirs, in which he describes his stay in Moscow, are noteworthy.

💬 From the Foreign Ministry’s press release on the 90th anniversary of restoring diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States, November 15, 2023: This anniversary is an opportunity to review the positive historical experience of our countries, when our interaction was based on respect and a balance of mutual interests. These principles formed the backbone of the 1933 agreement on the resumption of bilateral diplomatic relations and remain fully relevant in today’s unprecedentedly complicated situation.

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📅 On February 4, 1945, the Yalta (Crimean) Conference commenced. It was the second meeting of all anti-Hitler coalition countries leaders: Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill & Franklin Roosevelt.

Yalta hosted the conference when successful strategic offensives by the Red Army had liberated the Soviet territories as well as several European nations from fascist occupation. Just on February 3, the Vistula-Oder Operation had concluded, while the Western Carpathian & East Prussian operations were in full swing, marking the final stages of the war against Nazi Germany.

📜 The leaders approved key international documents, including the Declaration of Liberated Europe & documents outlining the fundamental principles for the creation of the UN, which laid the foundation for post-war international relations & defined the contours of the post-war world order.

Certain issues regarding post-war Germany were also resolved. Conference participants expressed their unwavering determination to eliminate German militarism & Nazism. They agreed on France's participation in addressing the German issue, defining the borders of Poland, outlines of the future Polish government & the conditions for the USSR's entry into the war against Japan.

The tremendous growth in the international authority of the Soviet Union, bolstered by the outstanding achievements of the Red Army, had a significant influence on the course & outcomes of the negotiations.

🤝 The Yalta Conference of the leaders of the USSR, the USA, and the UK held immense historical significance, being one of the key summits of the Second World War. It demonstrated the readiness for cooperation & compromise among the three allied powers in their fight against the common enemy.

❗️ The decisions of the Yalta Conference strengthened the anti-fascist coalition in the final stages of the war & contributed to the victory over Germany. In the post-war years Soviet diplomacy largely focused on Implementing the conference's decisions.

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