Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's #answer to a media question
: Dear Ambassador, how could you comment on the accusations of the US administration representatives against #Russia about its alleged violation of #CWC and #BTWC?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: Such nervous statements by the US authorities indicate the serious concern of the The White House about the revelation of the truth about the ongoing work on the military biological program near the borders of the Russian Federation funded by the #USA.
🔹 The US administration justifies illegal and dangerous activities with standard tactics by accusing Russia of all sins. It uses groundless and tired old arguments. As we say in Russia: "a guilty conscience needs no accuser".
🔹 We call on the United States to immediately wrap up illegal work in the field of military biology, including on the territory of the post-Soviet space. As well as to stop blocking the efforts of the international community to strengthen the BTWC regime and not to prevent the resumption of work on a legally binding Protocol to the Convention with an effective verification mechanism.
🔹 Moreover, it is time for #Washington to accelerate the destruction of national chemical weapons stockpiles. I would like to remind that the United States is still the only state party to CWC, which has not yet fulfilled its international obligations.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 #Комментарий Посольства
🔹 Как сообщил телеканал Fox Business, чиновники Белого дома принялись подключать популярных блогеров к пропагандисткой кампании по возложению вины за топливный кризис в #США на российское руководство.
🔹 Данная новость подтверждает стремление Вашингтона зарабатывать политические очки за счет русофобии. Трезво мыслящим людям понятно, что образ внешнего врага в лице нашей страны нужен правящим кругам для оправдания собственных провалов в решении внутриамериканских проблем.
🔹 Здесь предпочитают закрывать глаза на то, что истинная причина кризиса и рекордной инфляции в США - необеспеченные триллионные финвливания в экономику, а также санкционные войны против неугодных государств.
🔹 #Россия – надежный поставщик энергоресурсов, доказавший это десятилетиями взаимовыгодного партнерства со всеми государствами мира.
🔹 Не мы отказались от поставок топлива в США. Администрация, игнорируя потребности простых граждан, сама прекратила покупать у нас #углеводороды.
🔹 Политизация Соединенными Штатами экономических проблем продемонстрировала свою ущербность, что оборачивается сильнейшим и болезненным ударом по благосостоянию рядовых американцев. В результате такой политики двусторонние отношения между Россией и Америкой продолжают ухудшаться. Это наносит серьезный урон связям наших народов.

🇷🇺 🇺🇸 The Embassy’s #Comment
🔹 According to the Fox Business channel, The White House officials have begun to involve popular #bloggers in a propaganda campaign aimed at pinning the blame for the #fuel crisis in the United States on the Russian leadership.
🔹 This news confirms #Washington's desire to earn political points on #Russophobia. It is clear to reasonable people that the external enemy image of Russia is needed for the US leadership to justify its own failures in addressing domestic problems.
🔹 Here they prefer to ignore the fact that the true cause of the crisis and the record inflation in the United States is unsecured trillion-dollar financial injections into the #economy and #sanctions wars against undesirable states.
🔹 #Russia is a reliable supplier of #energy resources. This fact has been proven through decades of mutually beneficial partnership with all countries of the world.
🔹 Our country did not refuse to supply fuel to the #USA. It was the US administration that ceased purchasing hydrocarbons from Russia, ignoring the needs of ordinary American citizens.
🔹 The politicization of economic problems by the United States has demonstrated its lameness, which is delivering a strong and painful blow to the welfare of ordinary Americans. Such a policy results in further deterioration of bilateral relations between Russia and the USA and causes a serious damage to the ties between our peoples.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's #answer to a media question
: Dear Ambassador, what do you think of the continuing arms supplies to #Ukraine by the United States and its allies?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: Pumping the #Kiev regime with weapons and sending foreign mercenaries to the Ukrainian territory is irresponsible and extremely dangerous. The militarization of Ukraine poses a direct threat to the European and global security.
🔷 The transfer of lethal weapons takes place through the arbitrary interpretation of national export control legislations by the authorities of Western countries. Licenses are often approved in a "simplified" mode. As a result, a significant part of weapons falls into the hands of bandits, Nazis, terrorists and criminals.
🔷 Do Western countries not realize that militants who have come from all over the world to #Europe can afterwards apply the combat experience gained in Ukraine anywhere, including back at home? Do they not understand the risks of the spread of missile weapons transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukrane across the European Union and neighboring regions as well as their use against civil aviation?
🔷 US politicians who make decisions regarding the uncontrolled supply of Stingers and other combat systems to Kiev should abandon their illusions and complacency. The #USA is not an isolated "island of prosperity". There is no guarantee that the weapons would not fall into the hands of extremists on its territory.
🔷 NATO member states have apparently forgotten how the United States were fishing the #MANPADS handed over to the #Afghan mujahideens in the 1980s throughout the entire Middle and Near East. And now, in the pursuit of financial gain, companies of the military-industrial complex have completely lost their moral guidelines and are willing to earn blood money.
🔷 We call on sponsors of the Kiev regime to stop encouraging bloodshed in Ukraine and give a serious consideration to the consequences of their activities.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 #Comment by the Russian Embassy in the #USA
🔹 We paid attention to the new anti-Russian statements by representatives of the US administration regarding the special operation in #Ukraine. Our country is accused of organizing a system of "filtration facilities" in the "occupied territories" for Ukrainians who are allegedly tortured and then deported to isolated regions of #Russia.
🔹 Washington's attempt to vilify the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is apparently connected with dissatisfaction with the success of a special military operation. The desire to raise the degree of #Russophobia in order to attract global attention to the events in Ukraine and to mobilize additional resources to support the Kiev regime is also obvious.
❗️ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, public organizations and ordinary Russians provide comprehensive assistance to residents of the liberated territories. Humanitarian supplies are carried out regularly. More than 43 thousand tons of basic necessities, food and medicines have already been transferred to the population of the People's Republics of Donbass, as well as Kharkiv, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions. Humanitarian corridors are functioning, through which civilians can freely move in any direction. Ukrainians obtain Russian citizenship voluntarily. Statements about the forcible confiscation of Ukrainian passports are poor quality Western disinformation.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
📄 Russian Foreign Ministry's comprehensive 2022 Report on:

Situation with the Glorification of Nazism
Spread of Neo-Nazism
Other Practices that Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance


The Report comprises national overviews of the situation regarding the aforementioned disturbing manifestations in 43 countries (in alphabetic order): from Australia to the neo-Nazi infested Ukraine.

Based on data from international and national sources the document summarizes the factual information on new manifestations in focal countries. Selected national overviews of note:


In a number of states, state policies and media campaigns have increased the level of historical revisionism aimed at distorting and rewriting history, falsifying the USSR's key role in securing the Victory over Nazism. The importance of this historic event for all mankind can hardly be overestimated.
🇷🇺 🇩🇿 President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria Abdelmadjid Tebboune participated in the plenary session of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (June 16, 2023)

Part II

Key topics:


📌 Let us think back to the bloody events in the Caucasus in the late 1990s – early 2000s. What was it all about? Everyone was condemning Al-Qaeda, but when Al-Qaeda started fighting us in the Caucasus, that was all forgotten. If there is anything they can use in their fight against Russia, they use it to its fullest, just like they used Al-Qaeda.

📌 Today, they are using neo-Nazis in Ukraine. They forgot that they are dealing with neo-Nazis; no one remembers that or utters a word about it. They have put a well-known person at the helm who is covering for this neo-Nazi cabal, with no end in sight. Nobody hears anything.


👉 NATO is becoming involved in the war in Ukraine. What are we talking about? There are deliveries of military hardware, heavy equipment. Now they are considering supplies of aircraft as well.

🔥 Several tanks, including the Leopards, burned yesterday too. They are burning. The F-16s will be burning too, no doubt about it.

❗️But if they are located at air bases outside Ukraine and are used in hostilities, we will have to think about how and where we can hit the resources that are used against us in the hostilities. There is a serious danger of NATO’s further involvement in this armed conflict.


📌 As far as Mr #Trump is concerned, a host of sanctions and restrictions on Russia were introduced during his presidency. Note that there were no grievous, tragic events in Ukraine, not even a hint of them, yet sanctions were imposed.

☝️But I do not rule out that with a different administration [in the United States], we could have achieved a peaceful settlement plan, which Ukraine and western capitals rejected unfortunately. And they announced this publicly.

🇷🇺🇺🇸 As for contacts, there are practically none. But we have never declined. If there is any desire to maintain a dialogue with us – welcome, it is not us who refuse to carry on a dialogue with them, they just shifted the focus of this dialogue to arms supplies. We will burn everything they have supplied and see what they will do next.

📌 It would have been better for them to choose another path and seek peaceful means of resolving the dispute, but it has not come to that yet. We see that they are trying to win a victory on the battlefield. Good luck. We will see the result. It did not work so far and is unlikely to.

‼️ President #Biden is an adult person and an experienced politician. It is not my place to teach him. Let him do what he thinks necessary, and we will do what we think is in the interests of the Russian Federation and the people of Russia. And everybody will have to take this into account.


❗️I reject this. It is certainly theoretically possible to use nuclear weapons this way. For Russia, it is possible if there is a threat to our territorial integrity, independence and sovereignty, an existential threat to the Russian state. Nuclear weapons are created to ensure our security, in the broadest sense of the word, and the existence of the Russian state.

☢️ We have more such nuclear weapons than NATO countries. They know about it and never stop trying to persuade us to start nuclear reduction talks. Like hell we will, right? A popular phrase.

🇷🇺🇧🇾 The first nuclear warheads have been delivered to Belarus, but only the first batch. This is an element of deterrence.

☝️ I would like to remind everyone that the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear state is the United States, which has delivered two strikes at cities in Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
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Attention Russian tourists and compatriots living in the #USA

Tropical hurricane #Milton is approaching the southeastern coast of #America. It is expected that on the night of October 10, 2024, it will hit central #Florida: in particular, the cities of Tampa, St. Petersburg, Cape Coral and Orlando. In addition, the wind can reach up to 200 km per hour, the water level in coastal areas may exceed 1.5-2 meters.

The hurricane, according to forecasts, can become one of the most destructive in the history of Florida. Mandatory evacuation of the population has been announced in several counties of the state.

‼️We strongly advise that Russian citizens who are in the United States, as well as those planning to visit the state of Florida in near future, exercise maximum caution and strictly follow the recommendations of local authorities.
🔖 From the Russian Foreign Ministry's Report on the Situation with Indigenous Peoples' Rights

🇺🇸 #USA Factsheet

📊 General situation:
• Out of 574 federally recognized indigenous peoples, over 500 tribes lack official status
• Over 20% of Alaska's indigenous population lives below poverty line
• Suicide rates 4 times higher than national average
• Only 15% have bachelor's degrees
• Unemployment rate at 11.1%

🗳 Voting rights issues:
• Lack of residential addresses for Indians on reservations
• Legislative restrictions on ballot collection
• Criminalization of ballot collection for friends and family

🏗 Land rights and environment:
• 98.9% of historical lands lost
• Over 160,000 abandoned mines threaten health
• Numerous resource extraction projects without proper tribal consultation
• Destruction of sacred sites
• Water resource contamination

📜 Historical crimes:
• Forced removal of children from families practiced from 1869 to 1960s
• 74 burial sites discovered at residential schools
• 973 confirmed child deaths (possibly more)
• Total damage estimated at $23 billion in current equivalent

❗️Despite the Biden administration's declared progress, human rights organizations note persistent systemic problems and call for expanded US international civil liberties commitments

☝️Learn more in full report
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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Marina Kim for the New World project (Moscow, November 14, 2024)

Key talking points:


• Our main task now is to achieve all the goals formulated by President Vladimir Putin. You are aware of the West’s expectations. They are speculating about stopping the hostilities at a certain line and coordinating a truce, so that 10 years from now they will decide who Crimea and Donbass belong to. This is coffee cup reading. I won’t engage in it. We have our tasks, and we will fulfil them.

• Our job is to assert and promote Russia’s interests in keeping with its Constitution as well as the objectives defined by President Vladimir Putin. This goes beyond Ukraine and applies to Russia’s Foreign Policy Concept in general.


• Washington can’t allow Russia to prove that it is a strong player and undermine the West’s reputation. They don’t care about Ukraine. They only care about their reputation. They decided that Ukraine should have a government they like and didn’t expect anyone to protest. Russia? It’s a big country but it must be brought down a peg. That is what this is about rather than the future of the Ukrainian people. They don’t care about people.

• Sanctions have been imposed on over half of the world’s countries, even if they are not as drastic as those that have been adopted against Russia, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran and Venezuela. The real reason behind the West’s current rage is that China is rapidly and confidently surging ahead of the United States.

• We can see through what the Americans want. Sitting somewhere overseas, they believe that they are beyond the reach, while leaving it to Europe to overcome the challenges they face in terms of encouraging and arming Ukraine to fight Russia, as well as footing the bill for the Middle East tragedy.


• God gave us one continent, and we share it. This continent possesses immense and, in fact, the biggest natural resources, while several millennia-old civilisations inhabit it. Failing to benefit from these competitive advantages would be a mistake. This is what the idea of building a Greater Eurasian Partnership is all about, and the EAEU, SCO and ASEAN have already taken the first steps in this direction. We are establishing ties and promoting dialogue. If we succeed in fulfilling the plans we have, the Greater Eurasian Partnership will offer a solid foundation and serve as an economic and transport backbone for what President Vladimir Putin called a new Eurasian security architecture.

• There is a clear understanding that the Eurasian security architecture, just like the Greater Eurasian Partnership, must be open to all countries and continents, including Eurasia’s western part, even if so far the latter has been trying, as if by inertia, to ensure its interests within a Euro-Atlantic security concept instead of opting for the Eurasian framework, which would be natural and reasonable, considering the geography factor. This is their way of saying that they do not intend to do anything without the United States.


🌐 BRICS is about the new world order that is based on the main principle of the UN Charter – the sovereign equality of states.

• BRICS has no intention of dividing the world. It wants to bring together countries that desire closer relations so that they can live on the land they got from God and their ancestors just as they used to, as great civilisations.


🌍 Decolonisation has taken place, in a broad sense. But being able to actually manage one’s freedom and resources is a different story. This is where neo-colonialism comes to the fore.

• The First Ministerial Conference of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum in Sochi, and the Russia-Africa Summit in St Petersburg in 2023 clearly put into perspective the trends that could be called Africa’s second awakening.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with TASS news agency (December 30, 2024)

Key points:

#Ukraine #USA

• We have not received any official signals [from the USA] regarding a settlement in Ukraine.

• We are not happy with the proposals made by members of the Trump team to postpone Ukraine’s admission to NATO for 20 years and to station British and European peacekeeping forces in Ukraine.

• What we need is reliable and legally binding agreements that would eliminate the root causes of the conflict and seal a mechanism precluding the possibility of their violation.

#RussiaUSA #NATO

• We are ready to renew the political dialogue which Washington terminated after the start of the special military operation, if the United States is ready for this. Since it was the Americans who cut it off, it is for them to make the first move.

• They [the West] have been long relying on efforts to interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries, including our closest neighbours, as their foreign policy tool. For many years, Washington and its satellites have been acting this way in an effort to deter and contain their geopolitical rivals and do away with any unwanted actors, as confirmed by what happened in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine.


• The developments in Georgia stem from the double standards when caring for democracy and human rights serves as a pretext for overturning election results after even the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights with its tainted reputation recognised the election as being free and fair. Why do they want to change the results? Just because the puppet masters in Washington and Brussels did not find the way people voted there to their liking.

• The United States and the European Union are trying to impose a distorted vision on Tbilisi which consists of dividing everyone into those who are with us and those who are against us. Meanwhile, it seems that Georgian authorities have opted for a sovereign policy which meets the country’s national interests. They refuse to act as pawns manipulated by the West in its effort to destabilise Georgia, undermine its economy and incite escalation in its relations with Russia.

#Syria #MiddleEast

• The Syrians’ hopes for improvements after a convincing defeat of international terrorism, including with the help of Russia’s Aerospace Forces, have not materialised.

Washington, which has effectively occupied the resource-rich north-eastern part of Syria and is putting serious sanctions pressure on Damascus together with a coalition of its satellites, bears a great deal of blame for this. This line for strangling the Syrian economy stirred up social discontent.

• Trying to maintain its influence [in the Middle East and North Africa], Washington actively interfered in the internal affairs of Arab countries and aggressively drew new dividing lines there. Iraq and Libya are still trying to clear up the consequences of the Americans and their satellites’ reckless behaviour.


• The Americans are taking inciting actions in the Taiwan Strait and supplying weapons to Taipei while forging a quasi-political dialogue with the local authorities.

• It is clear to us that this policy pursued by Washington in violation of its obligations to Beijing on Taiwan is part of their strategy to step up military and political pressure on the PRC and eventually undermine regional security at the eastern end of the Eurasian continent.

Russia reaffirms its adherence to the #OneChina principle, recognises that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China, opposes any form of “Taiwan independence,” and firmly supports China’s measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and achieve national reunification.

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