#DA_News 📢 Article by professor Oleg P.Ivanov ✍🏻
📃 The article by Deputy Head of International and National Security Department, Professor Oleg P.Ivanov ✍🏻
📌 Title: BRICS a global pillar of stability for non-Western countries 🌍
📃During recent times the international community has been witnessing the increasing strategic rivalry between the collective West and a group of states including Russia and China as well as a split between Western and non-Western world.
📃The US and its allies imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia trying to isolate that country from the global community. However, this policy has backfired. Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi said that the West had isolated Russia but in doing so has been isolated from the rest of the world.
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#Dipacademy / #DA_Article / #DA_BRICS / #Дипакадемия / #ДА_СМИ / #ДА_БРИКС
📃 The article by Deputy Head of International and National Security Department, Professor Oleg P.Ivanov ✍🏻
📌 Title: BRICS a global pillar of stability for non-Western countries 🌍
📃During recent times the international community has been witnessing the increasing strategic rivalry between the collective West and a group of states including Russia and China as well as a split between Western and non-Western world.
📃The US and its allies imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia trying to isolate that country from the global community. However, this policy has backfired. Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi said that the West had isolated Russia but in doing so has been isolated from the rest of the world.
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#Dipacademy / #DA_Article / #DA_BRICS / #Дипакадемия / #ДА_СМИ / #ДА_БРИКС