Собрал все озвученные сегодня #Zcrypto альты в одно сообщение, чтобы не засорять канал и удобнее было обращаться к этому списку в дальнейшем.
#SNT/ BTC (Bittrex/Binance)
➡️ BUY == between 450 to 490
➡️ SELL ==600—700—800—+
stoploss= 400
#Theta (Binance)
➡️ BUY == Buy between 1280 to 1380
➡️ SELL ==1500—1700—1900—2100—2300+
stoploss= 2.5% tight, 5% Normal and 10% wide SL
#LEND (Binance)
➡️ BUY == Buy between 190 to 221 satoshi
➡️ SELL ==240-- 280-- 320+ satoshi
stoploss= 5%
#POWR (Binance)
➡️ BUY == Buy between 2000 to 2200
➡️ SELL ==2500—3000—3500—4000—+
stoploss= 2.5% tight, 5% Normal and 10% wide SL
#Wings/ BTC (bittrex/Binance)
➡️ BUY == between2150 to2050
➡️ SELL ==3000—4000— 5000+
stoploss =2.5% tight, 5% normal , 10% wide stoploss
#DENT / BTC (Binance)
➡️ BUY == between 23 to 27 Satoshi
➡️ SELL ==50—75— 90—+
stoploss = 5% Normal, 2.5% tight and 10% wide !!!!!
#ncash (Binance)
➡️ BUY == Buy below 54
➡️ SELL == 75—95— 125+
stoploss = 5% Normal, 2.5% tight and 10% wide !!!!!
#KEY (binance)
➡️ BUY == buy between 70 to 77
➡️ SELL == 85—90—95—100+
stoploss= 5%
#SNT/ BTC (Bittrex/Binance)
➡️ BUY == between 450 to 490
➡️ SELL ==600—700—800—+
stoploss= 400
#Theta (Binance)
➡️ BUY == Buy between 1280 to 1380
➡️ SELL ==1500—1700—1900—2100—2300+
stoploss= 2.5% tight, 5% Normal and 10% wide SL
#LEND (Binance)
➡️ BUY == Buy between 190 to 221 satoshi
➡️ SELL ==240-- 280-- 320+ satoshi
stoploss= 5%
#POWR (Binance)
➡️ BUY == Buy between 2000 to 2200
➡️ SELL ==2500—3000—3500—4000—+
stoploss= 2.5% tight, 5% Normal and 10% wide SL
#Wings/ BTC (bittrex/Binance)
➡️ BUY == between2150 to2050
➡️ SELL ==3000—4000— 5000+
stoploss =2.5% tight, 5% normal , 10% wide stoploss
#DENT / BTC (Binance)
➡️ BUY == between 23 to 27 Satoshi
➡️ SELL ==50—75— 90—+
stoploss = 5% Normal, 2.5% tight and 10% wide !!!!!
#ncash (Binance)
➡️ BUY == Buy below 54
➡️ SELL == 75—95— 125+
stoploss = 5% Normal, 2.5% tight and 10% wide !!!!!
#KEY (binance)
➡️ BUY == buy between 70 to 77
➡️ SELL == 85—90—95—100+
stoploss= 5%