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#Afghanistan / #Pakistan 🇦🇫🇵🇰: #ISKP (#ISIS - #Khorasan Province) released photos militants who pledged Bay'ah to the new caliph of IS.

Militants seen with M16A2 & M16A4 rifles, Type 2 AK-47, AKM rifles, Chinese Type 56-1 rifles, Bulgarian AKKS rifle (with milled receiver) and SW9VE pistols.
Forwarded from War Noir
#Pakistan 🇵🇰/#Balochistan: #Baloch Liberation Army (#BLA) released a video of their leader and fighters.

Fighters appear to be well armed with Milkor M32A1 (Mk 14) MGL, M16A4 rifles, M4A1 carbines and a #Romanian PSL DMR.

Most of these are #USA/#NATO weapons smuggled from #Afghanistan.
Forwarded from War Noir
#Tajikistan 🇹🇯: Security Forces killed Jamaat Ansarullah (Tajikistani #Taliban) militants trying to cross the border from #Afghanistan in Gorno-Badakhshan.

Two M16A4 rifles with silencers and thermal scope, M4A1 carbine, four AKM rifles, Hungarian AMD-65 rifle, F-1 & M67 hand grenades, Beretta M9 pistol etc... were captured.

Militants were mostly armed with weapons supplied by #USA/#NATO to Afghan Army.
Forwarded from War Noir
#Tajikistan 🇹🇯: A new video released by a militant of Jamaat Ansarullah (Tajikistani #Taliban).

The militant in the video can be seen with a 5.56x45mm M4A1 carbine.
It was originally supplied by supplied by #USA/#NATO to #Afghanistan and later smuggled into Tajikistan.
Forwarded from War Noir
#Pakistan 🇵🇰 / #Balochistan: #Baloch Liberation Army (#BLA) carried out a large scale attack in #Mach city.

Fighters used M16A4 rifles with M203 GLs, Penn Arms P540-1 grenade launcher, M4A1 carbine, RPG-7, AKM rifle with GP-25 GL (mostly #USA/#NATO weapons from #Afghanistan).
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#Pakistan 🇵🇰: Tehrik-e #Taliban Pakistan (#TTP) released a photo of one of their militants during a military training.

The militant appears to be using a 7.62x51mm #NATO M24 SWS (Sniper Weapon System) which was originally supplied by #USA 🇺🇸 to #Afghanistan 🇦🇫.
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#Afghanistan 🇦🇫: Spec Police Unit of #Taliban (GCPSU) held a military training. The unit seems to be mostly armed with #USA 🇺🇸 / #NATO weapons.

A rare Daniel Defense DD5V4 sniper rifle, M4(A1) & M4 Commando carbines and Type 3 AK-47 rifle with GP-25 grenade launcher can be seen.
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#Iran (#Sistan & #Baluchestan) 🇮🇷: "Jaish al-Adl" militants carried an ambush on Iranian police officers near #Mehrestan.

Group were armed with AKM/Type 56 rifles and rare M16A4 assault rifle with Pulsar Apex XD50 thermal scope —former #USA / #NATO weapon from #Afghanistan 🇦🇫.

An AKM-pattern rifle with Egyptian Misr-style folding stock was captured by the militants as well.
Forwarded from War Noir
#Afghanistan 🇦🇫: #Taliban reportedly captured an #ISKP (#ISIS - #Khorasan Province) militant who was disguised as a woman in #Faryab.

The captured militant was seemingly armed with a quite common #Turkish 🇹🇷 Tisaş Zigana T pattern pistol.
Forwarded from War Noir
Media is too big
#Pakistan 🇵🇰 / #Balochistan: Balochistan Liberation Front (#BLF) conducted an ambush against Pakistani Army in the city of #Gwadar.

The group was armed with M16A4 rifle, M249 machine gun (#USA / #NATO weapons from #Afghanistan), SVD/Type 85 sniper rifles, Zastava M84 machine gun, Type 69 RPG Launcher and AKM(S)/Type 56-1 rifles.
Forwarded from War Noir
#Pakistan 🇵🇰 / #Balochistan: A new photo posted by #Baloch Liberation Army (#BLA) with Kurdish slogan "Jin, Jiyan, Azadî".

A BLA fighter in the photo can be seen with an M16A4 assault rifle which is a former #USA 🇺🇸 / #NATO weapon smuggled from #Afghanistan 🇦🇫.
Forwarded from War Noir
#Afghanistan 🇦🇫: Special Police Unit of #Taliban (GCPSU) held a military training in #Herat.

The group can be seen with various former #USA 🇺🇸 / #NATO weapons:

M24 sniper rifle, M4A1 carbines, M240 machine gun and RPG-7 Launcher with #Bulgaria-made 🇧🇬 OGi-7MA rocket.
Forwarded from War Noir
#Afghanistan 🇦🇫: #Taliban reportedly repaired a new batch of vehicles which were left by Afghan National Army and #USA / #NATO Forces.

At least one M1117 armored security vehicle, HMMWV vehicles / HMMWV ambulances and multiple trucks can be seen.