TDLib options

TDLib has many options that affect the behavior of the library. Each option has a name and a value. Value may be of one of the following types:

Type of value Default value Value range
Integer 0 64-bit integer
Boolean false True or false
String Any Unicode string

List of options supported by TDLib

Options not mentioned in this list may be safely ignored.

Name Type Writable Description
always_parse_markdown Boolean Yes If true, text entities will be automatically parsed in all inputMessageText objects
disable_animated_emoji Boolean Yes If true, animated emoji will be disabled and shown as plain emoji
disable_contact_registered_notifications Boolean Yes If true, notifications about the user's contacts who have joined Telegram will be disabled. User will still receive the corresponding message in the private chat. getOption needs to be called explicitly to fetch the latest value of the option, changed from another device
disable_network_statistics Boolean Yes Since TDLib 1.8.24. If true, then network statistics will be completely disabled
disable_persistent_network_statistics Boolean Yes If true, persistent network statistics will be disabled, which significantly reduces disk usage
disable_sent_scheduled_message_notifications Boolean Yes If true, notifications about outgoing scheduled messages that were sent will be disabled
disable_time_adjustment_protection Boolean Yes If true, protection from external time adjustment will be disabled, which significantly reduces disk usage
disable_top_chats Boolean Yes If true, support for top chats and statistics collection is disabled
ignore_background_updates Boolean Yes If true, allows to skip all updates received while the TDLib instance was not running. The option does nothing if the database or secret chats are used
ignore_default_disable_notification Boolean Yes If true, the disable_notification value specified in the request will be always used instead of the default value
ignore_file_names Boolean Yes Since TDLib 1.8.24. If true, document file names will be ignored and numerical names will be used instead
ignore_inline_thumbnails Boolean Yes If true, prevents file thumbnails sent by the server along with messages from being saved on the disk
ignore_platform_restrictions Boolean Yes If true, chat and message restrictions specific to the currently used operating system will be ignored
ignore_sensitive_content_restrictions Boolean Yes If true, sensitive content will be shown on all user devices. getOption needs to be called explicitly to fetch the latest value of the option, changed from another device
is_location_visible Boolean Yes If true, other users will be allowed to see the current user's location. getOption needs to be called explicitly to fetch the latest value of the option, changed from another device
is_paid_reaction_anonymous Boolean Yes Since TDLib 1.8.36. If true, added paid reactions are anonymous by default. If false, they are non-anonymous.
language_pack_database_path String Yes Path to a database for storing language pack strings, so that this database can be shared between different accounts. By default, language pack strings are stored only in memory. Changes of value of this option will be applied only after TDLib restart, so it should be set before call to setTdlibParameters.
language_pack_id String Yes Identifier of the currently used language pack from the current localization target
localization_target String Yes Name for the current localization target (currently supported: “android”, “android_x”, “ios”, “macos” and “tdesktop”)
message_unload_delay Integer Yes The maximum time messages are stored in memory before they are unloaded, 60-86400; in seconds. Defaults to 60 for users and 1800 for bots
notification_group_count_max Integer Yes Maximum number of notification groups to be shown simultaneously, 0-25
notification_group_size_max Integer Yes Maximum number of simultaneously shown notifications in a group, 1-25. Defaults to 10
online Boolean Yes Online status of the current user
prefer_ipv6 Boolean Yes If true, IPv6 addresses will be preferred over IPv4 addresses
process_pinned_messages_as_mentions Boolean Yes Since TDLib 1.8.24. If true, then all pinned messages will be treated as mentions even posted without notification of chat members
use_pfs Boolean Yes If true, Perfect Forward Secrecy will be enabled for interaction with the Telegram servers for cloud chats
use_quick_ack Boolean Yes If true, quick acknowledgement will be enabled for outgoing messages
use_storage_optimizer Boolean Yes If true, the background storage optimizer will be enabled
utc_time_offset Integer Yes A UTC time offset used for splitting messages by days. The option is reset automatically on each TDLib instance launch, so it needs to be set manually only if the time offset is changed during execution.
active_story_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of active stories posted by the current user
added_shareable_chat_folder_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of added shareable chat folders for the current user
animation_search_bot_username String No Username of a bot which can be used in inline mode for animations search
anti_spam_bot_user_id Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. User identifier of the Telegram Anti-Spam bot
authentication_token String No An authentication token to be used on subsequent authorizations
authorization_date Integer No Point in time (Unix timestamp) when authorization was received
basic_group_size_max Integer No Maximum number of members in a basic group
bio_length_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum allowed length of the current user's bio
bot_media_preview_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.34. The maximum number of media previews that can be added for a bot
business_chat_link_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.28. The maximum number of created short chat links by a Telegram Business account
business_start_page_message_length_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.28. The maximum allowed length of the start page message of a Telegram Business account
business_start_page_title_length_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.28. The maximum allowed length of the start page title of a Telegram Business account
call_connect_timeout_ms Integer No Maximum time to wait for call connection creation to be passed to libtgvoip
call_packet_timeout_ms Integer No Maximum time to wait for call packet delivery to be passed to libtgvoip
can_archive_and_mute_new_chats_from_unknown_users Boolean No If true, the option “archive_and_mute_new_chats_from_unknown_users” can be changed
can_gift_stars Boolean No Since TDLib 1.8.34. If true, Telegram Stars can be gifted to other users
can_ignore_sensitive_content_restrictions Boolean No If true, the option “ignore_sensitive_content_restrictions” can be changed
can_preload_weather Boolean No Since TDLib 1.8.34. If true, the current weather must be preloaded before adding the media area to the story. Otherwise, weather must be loaded only after the user has chosen weather media area.
can_set_new_chat_privacy_settings Boolean No Since TDLib 1.8.28. If true, then the current user can change privacy settings for new chats
can_use_text_entities_in_story_caption Boolean No Since TDLib 1.8.24. If true, then the current user can use text entities in story captions
can_withdraw_chat_revenue Boolean No Since TDLib 1.8.28. If true, then revenue from sponsored messages in chats can be withdrawn
channel_bot_user_id Integer No Identifier of the bot which is shown as the sender of messages sent on behalf of channels when viewed from an outdated client
chat_available_reaction_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of manually chosen reactions for a chat
chat_boost_level_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum boost level available to a chat
chat_folder_chosen_chat_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of always included or excluded chats in a chat folder for the current user
chat_folder_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of chat folders that the current user can have
chat_folder_invite_link_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of shareable chat folders with owned invite links
chat_folder_new_chats_update_period Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The minimum interval between calls to getChatFolderNewChats in shareable chat folders
commit_hash String No Since TDLib 1.8.24. If known, the hash of the source code commit that was used to build TDLib. Can be received synchronously.
enabled_proxy_id Integer No Identifier of the enabled proxy
expect_blocking Boolean No If true, access to Telegram is likely blocked for the user
fact_check_length_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.30. The maximum allowed length of a fact-check
favorite_stickers_limit Integer No Maximum number of favorite stickers
forwarded_message_count_max Integer No Maximum number of forwarded messages per one request
gift_premium_from_attachment_menu Boolean No Since TDLib 1.8.24. If true, then a suggestion to gift Telegram Premium needs to be shown in the attachment menu if appropriate
gift_premium_from_input_field Boolean No Since TDLib 1.8.24. If true, then a suggestion to gift Telegram Premium needs to be shown in the input field if appropriate
gift_text_length_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.37. The maximum length of a message added to a sent gift
giveaway_additional_chat_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of additional chats that can be added to a giveaway
giveaway_boost_count_per_premium Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The number of boosts that received by the channel for each giveaway prize
giveaway_country_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of countries that can be added to a giveaway
giveaway_duration_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of additional chats that can be added to a giveaway
group_anonymous_bot_user_id Integer No Identifier of the bot which is shown as the sender of anonymous messages in groups when viewed from an outdated client
is_premium Boolean No Since TDLib 1.8.24. If true, then the current user subscribed to Telegram Premium
is_premium_available Boolean No Since TDLib 1.8.24. If true, then the current user can subscribe to Telegram Premium. Otherwise, all premium-related features must be hidden
message_caption_length_max Integer No Maximum length of a message caption
message_reply_quote_length_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum length of quote from the replied message
message_text_length_max Integer No Maximum length of a message text
monthly_sent_story_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of stories that can be posted per month by the current user
my_id Integer No Identifier of the current user
notification_sound_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of saved notification sounds
notification_sound_duration_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum duration of an audio that can be used as a notification sound
notification_sound_size_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum size of the audio file that can be used as a notification sound
paid_media_message_star_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.32. The maximum price of a paid post in Telegram Stars
paid_reaction_star_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.35. The maximum number of Telegram Stars that can be added as paid reaction to a message in one request
pinned_archived_chat_count_max Integer No Maximum number of pinned cloud chats in the Archive chat list for the current user. The same amount of secret chats can be pinned locally
pinned_chat_count_max Integer No Maximum number of pinned cloud chats in the Main chat list for the current user. The same amount of secret chats can be pinned locally
pinned_forum_topic_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of pinned forum topics
pinned_saved_messages_topic_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of pinned topics in Saved Messages for the current user
pinned_story_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.29. The maximum number of pinned stories on a chat page
photo_search_bot_username String No Username of a bot which can be used in inline mode for photos search
premium_download_speedup Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.28. Approximate number of times file download speed will increase if the user subscribes to Telegram Premium
premium_gift_boost_count Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The number of boosts that is obtained by gifting Telegram Premium to another user
premium_upload_speedup Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.28. Approximate number of times file upload speed will increase if the user subscribes to Telegram Premium
quick_reply_shortcut_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.28. The maximum number of quick reply shortcuts that can be created by a Telegram Business account
quick_reply_shortcut_message_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.28. The maximum number of messages that can be added to a quick reply shortcut by a Telegram Business account
replies_bot_chat_id Integer No Identifier of the @replies bot
star_withdrawal_count_min Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.31. The minimum number of Telegram Stars that can be withdrawn
story_caption_length_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum length of story caption for the current user
story_link_area_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.31. The maximum number of link areas that can be added to a story by Telegram Premium users
story_stealth_mode_cooldown_period Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The number of seconds that must pass between before Stealth Mode can be enabled again
story_stealth_mode_future_period Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The number of seconds in the future the Stealth Mode will last
story_stealth_mode_past_period Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The number of seconds in the past during which all views of stories from the current user will be hidden if Stealth Mode is enabled
story_suggested_reaction_area_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of suggested reaction areas that can be added to a story
story_viewers_expiration_delay Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The number of seconds after story expiration date for which story viewers still can be received
subscription_star_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.35. The maximum number of Telegram Stars that can be asked for monthly subscription to a chat
suggested_language_pack_id String No Identifier of the language pack, suggested for the user by the server
suggested_video_note_audio_bitrate Integer No Suggested bit rate for audio encoding in video notes, in kbit/s
suggested_video_note_length Integer No Suggested width and height of the video in video notes
suggested_video_note_video_bitrate Integer No Suggested bit rate for video encoding in video notes, in kbit/s
supergroup_size_max Integer No Maximum number of members in a supergroup
t_me_url String No Current value of URL, i.e.
telegram_service_notifications_chat_id Integer No Identifier of the Telegram Service Notifications chat
test_mode Boolean No If true, the test environment is being used instead of the production environment
thousand_star_to_usd_rate Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.35. The number of US dollars that can be received by withdrawing 1000 Telegram Stars
unix_time Integer No An estimation of the current Unix timestamp. The option will not be updated automatically unless the difference between the previous estimation and the locally available monotonic clocks changes significantly
usd_to_thousand_star_rate Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.35. The number of US dollars needed to buy 1000 Telegram Stars
venue_search_bot_username String No Username of a bot which can be used in inline mode for venues search
version String No TDLib version. This options is guaranteed to come before all other updates. Can be received synchronously.
web_app_allowed_protocols String No Since TDLib 1.8.32. A space-separated list of URL protocols that are allowed to be open by the call to web_app_open_link from Web Apps.
weekly_sent_story_count_max Integer No Since TDLib 1.8.24. The maximum number of stories that can be posted per week by the current user

Additionally any option beginning with 'x' or 'X' is writeable and can be safely used by the application to persistently store some small amount of data.