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Hotel Casa 400 in Amsterdam
Caltrans District 7 headquarters building at 100 South Main Street in Los Angeles, 2004
iPAM marketing school in Oporto, Portugal. Built in 2014.
Clock on Town Hall in Remchingen (Germany). Built in 2020
Mostorg department store in Moscow. Built in 1920s
Vita student dormitory in Barcelona. Built in 2023.
Broadway Plaza motel in Denver (USA). Built in 1950s
Samaritaine grocery shop in Paris. Built in 1907
Rathausplatz tram stop in Kehn (Germany). Built in 2018
Die Kunst dem Volke (Art to the people) teatre in Berlin. The original building was built in 1914
Volksbühne (People's Theatre) in Berlin. Relettered in 1950s
Rammstein in a front of People's theatre
Osnova skola Maršal Tito elementary school on island Vis (Yugoslavia). Built in late 1970s
Biennale Gwangju transit kiosk in Gwangju (South Korea). Built in 2022
Jack’s market in Shields (USA). Built in 1989
Prehrana samopostrezna supermarket in Ljubljana (Yugoslavia). Built in 1961