O‘zbekiston mahallalari uyushmasi rasmiy kanali
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O‘zbekiston mahallalari uyushmasining rasmiy kanali

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👍 Uyushma raisi AQSH elchisini qabul qildi

🔍Bugun O'zbekiston mahallalari uyushmasi raisi Qahramon Quronboyev AQShning O'zbekistondagi favqulodda va muxtor elchisi Jonatan Xenik va USAIDning O'zbekistondagi missiyasi direktori Devid Hofman bilan uchrashdi.

🔍Uchrashuv avvalida Qahramon Quronboyev O'zbekiston Prezidenti tashabbusi bilan tashkil etilgan "mahalla yettiligi" faoliyati, mahalla tizimidagi islohotlar haqida mehmonlarga batafsil ma'lumot berdi.

🔍O'z o'rnida AQSH elchisi Jonatan Xenik ko'rsatilgan yuksak ehtirom uchun o'zining samimiy minnatdorligini bildirdi.

🔍Elchi janoblari mahalla tizimida jamoatchilik bilan aloqalar, biznes-marketing va boshqa qator loyihalarda birga ishlashdan mamnun ekanini ta'kidladi.

🔍USAIDning O'zbekistondagi missiyasi direktori Devid Hofman tashkilotning mamlakatdagi loyihalari bevosita mahalla uyushmasi bilan bog'liq ekanini ta'kidlab, USAID bu borada hamkorlikka tаyyor ekanini qayd etdi.

🔍Uchrashuv so'ngida kelgusida hamkorlikda amalga oshiriladigan rejalar belgilab olindi.

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👍 Sabine Mahl O'zbekistondagi mahalla tizimini e'tirof etdi

🔍O'zbekiston mahallalari uyushmasi mutasaddilari BMTning O‘zbekistondagi doimiy koordinatori Sabine Mahl xonim bilan uchrashuv o'tkazdi.

🔍Uchrashuv avvalida BMT vakillariga O'zbekistondagi mahalla tizimi xususida ma'lumot berildi. Uyushmaning hududiy tuzilmalari, ishlash mexanizmlari tushuntirildi.

🔍Sabine Mahl xonim Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoyevning mahalla institutidagi islohotlarini e'tirof etib, ushbu noyob tuzilma ya'ni "mahalla yettiligi" faoliyati ayni kerak vaqtida tuzilganini qayd etdi. "O'zbekiston iqtisodiy islohotlarni eng quyi bo'g'indan ya'ni oddiy odamlarning hayotini yaxshilashdan boshladi", - dedi BMT vakili. Tuzilmamiz bunday islohotlarni olqishlaydi.

🔍Sabine Mahl xonim O'zbekiston mahallalari uyushmasi bilan kelgusida qator loyihalarda birgalikda ishlashdan mamnunligini bildirdi.

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👍 The Association Chair Received the U.S. Ambassador

🔍Today, the Chairman of the Association of Mahallas of Uzbekistan, Kahramon Kuranbayev, met with Jonathan Henick, the U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Uzbekistan, and David Hoffman, the USAID Mission Director in Uzbekistan.

🔍 At the beginning of the meeting, Kahramon Kuranbayev provided detailed information to the guests about the activities of the "Mahalla Seven," established on the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan, and the reforms in the mahalla system.

🔍In turn, U.S. Ambassador Jonathan Henick expressed his sincere gratitude for the warm reception.

🔍The Ambassador highlighted his pleasure in collaborating on various projects within the mahalla system, including public relations, business marketing, and other initiatives.

🔍David Hoffman, the USAID Mission Director in Uzbekistan, emphasized that the organization's projects in the country are directly linked to the Association of Mahallas and noted that USAID is ready to cooperate in this regard.

🔍At the end of the meeting, plans for future cooperation were outlined.

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👍 Sabine Mahl Recognized the Mahalla System in Uzbekistan

🔍The representatives of the Association of Mahallas of Uzbekistan held a meeting with Sabine Mahl, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Uzbekistan.

🔍At the beginning of the meeting, UN representatives were provided with information about the mahalla system in Uzbekistan. The structure and operational mechanisms of the Association were explained.

🔍Ms. Sabine Mahl acknowledged the reforms in the mahalla institution led by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, noting that the unique structure, namely the "Mahalla Seven," was established at the right time. "Uzbekistan has started its economic reforms from the grassroots level, that is, by improving the lives of ordinary people," said the UN representative. Our organization welcomes such reforms.

🔍Ms. Sabine Mahl expressed her pleasure in collaborating with the Association of Mahallas of Uzbekistan on various future projects.

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👍 O'zbekiston mahallalari uyushmasi mutasaddilari BMTning O‘zbekistondagi doimiy koordinatori Sabine Mahl xonim bilan uchrashuv o'tkazdi

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👍 O'zbekiston mahallalari uyushmasi raisi AQSh elchisi va USAIDning O'zbekistondagi missiyasi direktori bilan uchrashdi

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🥇🥉Oltin va bronza bizniki bo‘ldi!

🔍Hozirgina para yengil atletikaning erkaklar o‘rtasida F37 klassida yadro uloqtirish dasturida final bahslari yakunlandi. Biz uchun ahamiyatlisi, ushbu yo‘nalishda oltin va bronza medallarni ikki nafar sportchimiz – Qudratullaxon Ma’rufxo‘jayev hamda Tolibboy Yo‘ldoshev qo‘lga kiritdi.

🔍Qudratullaxon Ma’rufxo‘jayev 16.37 metr natija bilan chempionlikni tantana qilgan bo‘lsa, 15.24 metr natija qayd etgan Tolibboy Yo‘ldoshev bronza medalga sazovor bo‘ldi.

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