UNESCO Uzbekistan
Bandlik va mehnat munosabatlari vazirligida YuNESKO tashkiloti vakillari bilan uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi Unda Bandlik va mehnat munosabatlari vazirligi huzuridagi Respublika aholi bandligi va mehnatni muhofaza qilish ilmiy markazi direktori Murodullo Xolmuxamedov…
"Skills development for employability in rural areas of Uzbekistan" project team met with the Director of the Institute for Labor Market Research under the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations Mr. Kholmukhamedov at the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations.
The parties exchanged views on the current status of National Qualification Framework in Uzbekistan and Globally, and agreed that UNESCO project further supports development of professional standards in Agriculture and Irrigation sectors.
Команда проекта «Развитие навыков для трудоустройства в сельской регионах Узбекистана» встретилась с директором Института исследования рынка труда при Министерстве занятости и трудовых отношений г-ном Холмухамедовым в Министерстве занятости и трудовых отношений.
Стороны обменялись мнениями о текущем состоянии Национальной Рамки Квалификаций в Узбекистане и во всем мире и договорились о том, что проект ЮНЕСКО будет способствовать развитию профессиональных стандартов в секторах сельского хозяйства и ирригации.
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The parties exchanged views on the current status of National Qualification Framework in Uzbekistan and Globally, and agreed that UNESCO project further supports development of professional standards in Agriculture and Irrigation sectors.
Команда проекта «Развитие навыков для трудоустройства в сельской регионах Узбекистана» встретилась с директором Института исследования рынка труда при Министерстве занятости и трудовых отношений г-ном Холмухамедовым в Министерстве занятости и трудовых отношений.
Стороны обменялись мнениями о текущем состоянии Национальной Рамки Квалификаций в Узбекистане и во всем мире и договорились о том, что проект ЮНЕСКО будет способствовать развитию профессиональных стандартов в секторах сельского хозяйства и ирригации.
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Ayni paytda poytaxtimizdagi "WYNDHAM TASHKENT" mehmonxonasida "Raqobatbardosh kadrlar tayyorlashda ta'lim va mehnat bozori hamkorligi" mavzusida xalqaro seminar bo'lib o'tmoqda.
Unda 50 dan ortiq vazirlik va idoralar rahbarlari, mutaxassislari hamda mamlakatimizdagi ta'lim sohasi bo'yicha faoliyat yuritayotgan xalqaro tashkilotlarning ekspertlari qatnashmoqda.
📌 Tadbirni Ta’lim inspeksiyasining Facebook'dagi sahifasi orqali kuzatib borishingiz mumkin: https://www.facebook.com/uztdi/
Unda 50 dan ortiq vazirlik va idoralar rahbarlari, mutaxassislari hamda mamlakatimizdagi ta'lim sohasi bo'yicha faoliyat yuritayotgan xalqaro tashkilotlarning ekspertlari qatnashmoqda.
📌 Tadbirni Ta’lim inspeksiyasining Facebook'dagi sahifasi orqali kuzatib borishingiz mumkin: https://www.facebook.com/uztdi/
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"Raqobatbardosh kadrlar tayyorlashda ta'lim va mehnat bozori hamkorligi" mavzusidagi xalqaro seminar YuNESKOning O’zbekistondagi Vakolatxonasi bilan hamkorlikda tashkil etilgan.
Tadbirda "O’zbekistonning qishloq hududlarida ish bilan ta’minlash uchun ko’nikmalarni rivojlantirish” loyihasi eksperti Jean Marc Castejon Milliy Malakalar Ramkasini joriy etishda xalqaro tajriba xususida o'z ma'ruzasi bilan ishtirok etdi.
An international seminar on "Education and the labor market cooperation in training of competitive employees" was organized with support of UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan. Jean Marc Castejon, an expert of the "Skills Development for Employability in Rural Areas of Uzbekistan" project spoke about International experience in implementing the National Qualification Framework.
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Tadbirda "O’zbekistonning qishloq hududlarida ish bilan ta’minlash uchun ko’nikmalarni rivojlantirish” loyihasi eksperti Jean Marc Castejon Milliy Malakalar Ramkasini joriy etishda xalqaro tajriba xususida o'z ma'ruzasi bilan ishtirok etdi.
An international seminar on "Education and the labor market cooperation in training of competitive employees" was organized with support of UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan. Jean Marc Castejon, an expert of the "Skills Development for Employability in Rural Areas of Uzbekistan" project spoke about International experience in implementing the National Qualification Framework.
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Forwarded from O'zbekiston 24 ǀ Rasmiy kanal
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Forwarded from O'zbekiston 24 ǀ Rasmiy kanal
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🧑🏻🏫 Loyiha mutaxassislari Qoraqalpog'istondagi Kegeyli va Beruniy kollejlariga tashrif qildilar: https://uz.unesco.org/news/qoraqalpogistonga-ishchi-tashrif
👩🏻🏫 Experts of EU funded TVET project visited Kegeyli and Beruni colleges in Karakalpakstan: https://en.unesco.org/news/project-experts-visited-karakalpakstan
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👩🏻🏫 Experts of EU funded TVET project visited Kegeyli and Beruni colleges in Karakalpakstan: https://en.unesco.org/news/project-experts-visited-karakalpakstan
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🎓 Qadrli ustozlar, kasb bayramingiz muborak bo’lsin! Sizning fidoyiligingiz, donoligingiz va mas'uliyatingiz uchun doim minnatdormiz.
🎓 Happy Teachers’ Day! We can never thank you enough for your dedication, wisdom, and responsibility.
🎓 С Днём Учителя! Благодарим Вас за вашу самоотверженность, мудрость и ответственность.
🎓 Happy Teachers’ Day! We can never thank you enough for your dedication, wisdom, and responsibility.
🎓 С Днём Учителя! Благодарим Вас за вашу самоотверженность, мудрость и ответственность.
Loyiha mutaxassislari Xorazm viloyatida joylashgan 💧 Qoʼshkoʼpir suv xoʼjaligi va melioratsiya kolleji va ☘️Urganch Аgrotexnologiyalar texnikumiga tashrif buyurildilar: https://uz.unesco.org/news/xorazm-viloyatidagi-kollejlarga-tashrif
Project experts visited 💧Qoshkopir Water resources and Melioration college and ☘️Urgench Agrotechnology technical school in Khorezm region: https://en.unesco.org/news/project-experts-visited-colleges-khorezm
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#TVETUZ #EU4Skills #UNESCO #Qoshkopir #Urgench
Project experts visited 💧Qoshkopir Water resources and Melioration college and ☘️Urgench Agrotechnology technical school in Khorezm region: https://en.unesco.org/news/project-experts-visited-colleges-khorezm
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#TVETUZ #EU4Skills #UNESCO #Qoshkopir #Urgench
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📍Loyiha mutaxassislari Buxoro viloyatining Gʼijduvon agrotexnologiyalar texnikumiga tashrif buyurdilar. Batafsil 👉🏻 https://uz.unesco.org/news/buxoro-viloyatining-gijduvon-agrotexnologiyalar-texnikumiga-tashrif
📍 Project experts visited Gijduvan Agrotechnology College in Bukhara region. More info 👉🏻 https://en.unesco.org/news/project-experts-visited-gijduvan-agrotechnology-college-bukhara-region.
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📍 Project experts visited Gijduvan Agrotechnology College in Bukhara region. More info 👉🏻 https://en.unesco.org/news/project-experts-visited-gijduvan-agrotechnology-college-bukhara-region.
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📊 Mutaxassislar Buxoro viloyatida kasbiy ko’nikmalarga bo’lgan ehtiyojni tahlil qilishni boshladilar. To'plangan ma'lumotlar ish beruvchilar va kasblar o'rtasidagi munosabatlarni tavsiflash va mehnat bozoridagi malaka yetishmovchiligi va kadrlar tayyorlashga bo'lgan talablarni, mavjud professional ta'lim tizimining mosligini, hozirgi va kelajakdagi ustuvor ko’nikmalarni bashorat qilish uchun ishlatiladi. Loyiha Yevropa Ittifoqi tomonidan moliyalashtirilgan.
📊 The Skills Needs Analysis was launched in Bukhara region. The information collected will be used to describe the relationship between employers and occupations and to assess how well the labor market is functioning. Analysis of the existing and emerging skill shortages and training requirements, the appropriateness of the existing TVET system, and the prediction of current and future skills priorities. Project is funded by European Union.
📊 The Skills Needs Analysis was launched in Bukhara region. The information collected will be used to describe the relationship between employers and occupations and to assess how well the labor market is functioning. Analysis of the existing and emerging skill shortages and training requirements, the appropriateness of the existing TVET system, and the prediction of current and future skills priorities. Project is funded by European Union.